Particle Physics Subject To be Rewritten. W Boson Debacle.


Life Long Researcher
L'problem is that white holes haven't been observed, while black holes were.

Another problem with black-whit hole polarity would be that if energy and space-time were flowing from black hole to white hole, then black holes would eventually shrink and disappear. Yet we see black holes as very stable over aeons and even growing. Very healthy monsters indeed.

Hawking radiation may reduce them over a long haul assuming material no longer goes into them.


Hawking radiation may reduce them over a long haul assuming material no longer goes into them.
The thing about Black holes and time is, with that increased gravity space-time has a greater curvature, therefore, slowing time localized to the area. It's not that Hawking radiation has this really slow function or anything it's simply all that curved space-time really really dilates it as compared to beyond its event horizon.
Keep in mind that Black holes also at times have a feeding cycle and cycles where they expel mass, Thousands of times more than they have consumed.

Universal Mechanism for Ejection of Matter by Black Holes Proposed.

Normally, nothing can escape a black hole, And Technically, Even this matter isn't escaping, It's just compressed matter that was just inside the event horizon the matter was not part of the singularity itself at that point it was being expelled.

Ultimately, There are a lot of outside factors that can interfere with the function of a black hole. Assuming they are perfect and shall live till the heat death of the universe. Well, that's a safe bet most of the time, Physically that's how it would play out almost every time. But there are those outside factors that can interrupt a black hole's life cycle.


Theoretically to me, It seems like there is possibly an unseen side to the cosmos If the universe we see has a vacuum of space. Or Gravity as we understand it, It seems there may be another side possibly polarized where gravity works opposed to the way we understand it here.

thinking of the cosmos as a large empty space with the only force being gravity. I can imagine those fields where there are black holes, At those points, Our reality touches another unseen side to this reality. A side where entropy flows contrary to what we understand here. Having these two layers to reality only interact via these incredible gravitational points.

Sure nothing living would be able to survive the trip across the gravity well. But that doesn't mean there is nothing on the other side either.

Anyway, This is just a theory. But,

If all the antimatter had to go somewhere, Why not a parallel copy of this universe, and why not separate the two with incredibly vast amounts of space-time. I mean, If Gravity effects space-time to the digress we understand that it does. Why wouldn't two charges push away from each other with great force, Just like magnets would? So, My theory is, Spacetime is being created by the interactions between this universe and another pushing at once another.

I don't know, This isn't a scientific fact at this point, It's just having fun with theories.

See, The thing is, For every positively charged particle, We know there had to be a negatively charged particle created alongside it. That's how energy conservation and thermodynamics work.
So for the longest time, The question was, Where did al the negatively charged particles go, Where did all the antimatter go.. So, I assume, A negatively charged space would have anti-gravity.. I don't know. At this point, I'm just riffing..


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