The Egyptian Sphinx


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This video contains images that shows the opening on the head of the sphinx. In the book 'The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Vol. II' Drunvalo wrote that one day the head of the sphinx would fall off revealing an orb in the neck. Thoth told him to stand at a certain distance from the sphinx and speak some Atlantean words. After doing that the sphinx leaned to one direction.
Sphinx - Wikipedia
Published on Sep 24, 2017
Confirmed – Tunnels, shafts and chambers are inside and below the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt. This video shows pictures which not only prove this, but confirm that the Egyptian authorities (including Zahi Hawass) have engaged in a cover-up that spans decades. Does this indicate that the infamous Hall of Records does indeed exist?

Zahi Hawass & Mark Lehner Under the Sphinx, and Opening Shaft Door at the Top of Sphinx’s Back:

Zahi Hawass Exploring “Tomb of Osiris” 95ft down under Giza Plateau:

Brien Foerster explaining the possible Chamber underneath the Sphinx’s paw, and analyzation of stone tiles/surrounding bedrock:


The videos showing Hawass and Lehner going down a couple shafts answers his questions.

As for Foersters claim the sphinx is 9,000 years of or older is something he has little evidence of.


Truth be known the entire Giza necropolis is honeycombed with tunnels ,fissures and hollows some are blocked when the passages close in on themselves and traversing is stopped . Zahi Hawass himself has often come to a grinding halt when exploring these tunnels ,the passage has become to thin to venture further. Some are natural some are man made. The Shaft/ Tomb of Osiris at Giza is a notable feature.


As long as governments control everything, we won't see a thing. Sneaking in gets you jailed or you get yourself killed. Sad thing is, people don't realize we have the numbers and the voice to demand anything we want. But apparently everyone's being busy with their little life/family whatevever. If 1 million people walked inside A51 or any of these sites, with equipment to even open blast doors, having thousands of livestreams going on, what are they gonna do? Shoot us? Arrest everyone? :D

1 million people is 0.0131% of the current population. So what will it be?


As Above So Below
As for Foersters claim the sphinx is 9,000 years of or older is something he has little evidence of.

What evidence is there to prove any date, even the commonly accepted date?...

