Are Alien visitors accessing the Internet?


As Above So Below
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What do you think, could alien visitors monitor or even access our internet to gain more information about our society?...Could they be interacting with people online?...There is a story I occasionally think about, one I read several years ago, posted below, could something like this be possible?...Do you think this story valid?...

The Strangest Strangers

Over the years of writing about the unknown there has been one story I kept putting off writing as it is by far one of the strangest things I have ever encountered. It is the story of the oddest being I have ever met. I would have continued to pass over this story due to its high strangeness if it were not for a conversation I had with a paranormal researcher I know who told me of a string of strange events he had with a similar odd being. I decided the time was right to write about both of our odd encounters with two very strange beings.

As the title states I think of the man I met as a very strange stranger. My fellow paranormal investigator friend described the person he told me about in the same way.

Let me start by telling you what my friend told me about his odd encounters with the man he felt was the strangest person he ever encountered

It was a few years ago and my friend was running a chat room for those interested in the UFO.s and space. He would often notice the name ID of Professor Star joining his chat group however the person did not join in with the others in the chat room.

One night when the chat room was empty this man entered the room. My friend engaged the man to see if he could draw him in to a conversation. The two of them started talking. . The man who called himself Professor Star was a soft spoken man who was extremely intelligent and well educated in the areas of science and space. My friend talked to him for a long time convincing him to return and join in with the others when the chat room was full of people

The man did return but only when the chat room had only one of two other people in it

The man would talk to the people explaining many things to them about the universe . His knowledge was vast and those who spoke with him were always impressed

Soon the man would visit my friends chat room specifically when only my friend and two other people he came to know were there. He would not show up when the chat room was full. Over a few weeks time the three people he choose to talk to decided to form a smaller chat room where they could use their web cams as to see and hear each other in a better environment allowing for a more personal conversation

These private sessions were the strangest conversations my friend and the other two chatters ever encountered with anyone on the internet

Not only were the conversations odd the group of people soon learned via web cam video the appearance of this man was also very strange.

He was a big man with broad shoulders . He did not seem to have much if any neck making his head look like it was sitting directly on his shoulders. He was bald with very small ears and extremely white. His eyes were very large and light colored. He was an extremely odd looking man.

He told the people he had chosen to talk to that he needed them to listen to him as he was going to tell them something hard to believe. He told them that he was one of the last star babies born who were developed in see if it were possible to create hybrid humans who would be better able to travel in space. He told them that he was an experiment as were the other children born to see if they would be better suited to deal with the physical trauma of space travel.

He talked to this group of people about worm holes being a mode of transport through space. He also told them that dimensional travel did happen however humans were not well suited for it

This strange man was very bright but mainly wanted to talk to them about being one of the last of his kind. This strange man was as white as an albino but was not one. He was very smart however also very strange. His voice could have passed for either male or female .His tone was always moderate and with little or no emotion.

He did not want to become involved in any conversation past what he wanted to discuss and would leave as soon as the group tried to question him about his odd appearance or odd message.

Shortly after telling them what he wanted to say he disappeared into the internet wilderness never to be heard or seen again

Of course this could have been an hoax on this group however the makeup and time to make this man appear as he did for only three people seems a bit extreme.

The fact he was extremely educated concerning our universe makes his being a fraud a bit of a strange thing to do for only three people to witness . Why would a highly educated man want to waste his time with only a handful of people ? Once he told the three UFO/space room people what he wanted to say this strange man was never seen or heard from again.

This is an odd story and one that could be passed over with a shrug with those involved or told about it left wondering what he was all about.

I would think it a questionable encounter however I too met someone very similar to the man described to me by my paranormal investigator friend

About 10 years ago chat rooms were far more civil bringing in people who actually wanted to use the chat room systems to discuss topics that interested them . I frequented a few different science topic chat rooms during that time

At the time voice chat and web cams were first being used in the chat rooms. The rooms would draw people who were interested in the subjects and topics of the room titles. If a room was listed as a science room that discussed space or physics that is what you would find the people talking about in the room.

I enjoyed the science rooms as at that time they were filled with intelligent people who understood what they were discussing and offered a great deal of knowledge to those who wanted to understand the newest topics in the field that the chat room represented.

You could sit and listen to scientists from all over the world talk about the newest theories or explain the complex workings of space , time and dimensions to list a few of the subjects that were covered

While visiting the science rooms you would get to know the people who frequented them. I enjoyed the rooms and told a few of my friends who work in science about them. We would all visit the rooms to listen to the debates or views of the interesting people who took part in them

During this time two of my friends and I noticed that a man using the ID Siriusbound would come in almost nightly and sit and listen without taking part in the conversation. Now and then he would text a remark in to the chat room that would always stump the other scientists in the room. This man would not use the voice option and for a very long time was very low key

Finally one night when only a few chatters were in the science room the topic of space travel came up. The man speaking on the voice option in the room was talking about his opinion of space travel discussing rather old views without much modern thinking or science involved

Siriusbound did not agree at all with the man speaking and tried in text to disagree with him. Since most people used the voice option his points written in the room were going unnoticed

For the first time Siriusbound used his voice option and talked to the small room of chatters. The man had a androgynous voice making it difficult to determine if he was a man or woman. He was extremely smart and could discuss every point the other scientists brought up often correcting their facts or thinking. He was impressive and by far one of the smartest if not the smartest participate in the science room

Both of my friends who were highly educated working scientists were very curious about this man and would try to engage him in conversation often .

It was soon realized that Siriusbound would only talk in the room when there were limited people there. As soon as the room filled with people he would simply sit in the background and listen

My friends wanted to talk to this man so I came up with the idea of forming a private chat room with invited speakers only. About 5 to 7 people including Siriusbound were invited to our private room and our trip to high strangeness began

Siriusbound became the most sort after speaker in the private room. The other scientists would wait in line to ask him questions and test his knowledge. Soon it became apparent they were not dealing with any ordinary person. No matter what question he was asked on any subject this man had an immediate factual sometimes incredible answer. That however was not the strangest part of this strange man

While in the small private room Siriusbound would use his webcam to communicate with the small group of people he now felt comfortable with. He would turn on his webcam and talk to the small group of people gathered so we could visually see him as well as talk to him.

We were all rather shocked when we got our first look at this man. Siriusbound was extremely odd in appearance. The only other people I have ever seen who were similar to this man were the unexplained tall albino family with large blue eyes I wrote about who once lived on the Atlantic Ocean coastal area of Long Island New York in the 1960's

Siriusbound was very thin and lanky. He appeared to be about 6 feet tall but could have been taller. He was completely hairless. He did not have a hair on his body. Not a eyelash or eyebrow much less hair on his head. He was completely utterly hairless

Sirusibound had overly large eyes that were brown. The most striking thing about this odd being was that he did not have any pigmentation at all leaving his body as white as fresh snow. At first we thought he was an albino but he quickly told us he was not.

We tried to keep him on the subject of his strange appearance however he would avoid it or give us a nonsense answer like being in a tragic accident that removed all his hair and skin pigment.

He was thin to the point of it being disturbing. He would appear nearly flat when standing sideways. His ears were close to his head and if you watched him long enough his neck would at times seem to sink into his shoulders making him look a human snake. The man was the strangest most alien looking person I had ever seen. This was the opinion of everyone who was able to view him in the private room. His appearance was upsetting

I asked two medical doctors I know to visit the room and look at this man on his web cam. Both doctors were annoyed that I wanted them to do this however both were fascinated by this man once they sat and carefully looked at him

Neither doctor knew of any disease or condition that would present itself with the strange appearance this man displayed

I understand that there may be explanations for this man's appearance however the scientists who were part of this private room , the doctors who viewed him nor I could find one

Siriusbound told us he was not able to go outside during the day as he could not tolerate the sun at all. He spent most of his life indoors

The strangest thing about this man occurred when the small private chat group discussed books or science journals. It did not matter what book was mentioned Siriusbound would quickly turn to the bookcase behind him or reach beyond the web cam view and return holding the book we were discussing up to the camera.

At first we all thought he simply had a extensive library of popular books but soon learned something far stranger was going on. No matter what title we would mention this man would display the book. Soon the scientists in the room would make great efforts in mentioning titles of journals or books that were extremely rare or unknown and still this man would step away returning with that journal or book in his hand

This strange man had a incredible science background and could talk about every subject brought up by the other scientists . During one of the private chat room gatherings one of the people brought up the subject of chimera's. At the time I did not know the meaning of this term but that did not last long. The moment it was mentioned Siriusbound jumped on the voice option and explained it fully

He did not hesitate or even blink an eye he simply went directly in to the subject explaining it in full as a mix of two different DNA's mixed to become one person or creature. It is why a handful of people in the world have one blue and one brown eye. They were to be two different people or twins when developing and one fetus absorbed the other instead forming one baby with two sets of DNA

Of course this is a simplistic description of the subject of chimera's but it gives you the idea. The fact is that at the time years ago this was not a known subject yet this man was fully versed about what it was and how it worked

It was like this all the time with Siriusbound. He was incredibly smart with what seemed to be the largest library of books owned by anyone we had ever known.

The book situation gave way to long discussions when Siriusbound was not around concerning how he was pulling off showing every book we mentioned on his web cam.

The scientists involved thought he may either be in an office in an actual library however that was decided against since he would show us immediately whatever title we talked about discounting the library theory. This idea was decided against as he was never gone off of the web cam view more than a few seconds which did not allow enough time to retrieve each book we discussed from a large library. This man would walk off from the web cam view and return immediately with the book we mentioned in his hand

A great deal of thought and discussion was given to the idea that he somehow was able to group hypnotize those in the chat room in to thinking they were seeing the books when in fact he did not actually have the books.

The small group of people who took part in this private chat room knew they were dealing with a very strange being . His actions, knowledge and appearance was unlike anything we had ever seen before

The encounters with this man ended abruptly one day when my friend and I were alone in the chat room with this man

He told us it would be the last time we would be seeing him as it was his time to leave. When we questioned him to where it was he was going he stunned us with his bizarre answer

He told us he was returning to his home far away as his mission was over here and it was time for him to return to his own kind , his family and his home. He told us it was his mission to live here and watch our culture but his mission, which had lasted many years ,was now over and he could finally go home.

While he talked to us at this last meeting we both were shocked as we watched this man on his web cam . His neck would seem to lose length and form and his head would slide down onto his shoulders giving him a very snake like appearance. Frankly this frightened me and I sent a private message to my friend who was also watching this man on the web cam at the same time

My friend is a scientist , a physicist, and told me not to panic or turn off my web cam connection. . He told me to keep watching in fact to not take my eyes off of him and to try to remember everything we were seeing.

I did what he said and listened with care as this strange stranger talked about how he was leaving and watched as his body melted into different forms and how he would become aware of it and pull himself back together again to only start to melt down again. It was the strangest most bizarre thing I have ever seen

This odd man said good bye to us , turned off his web cam and left the chat room. That was the last any of us who belonged to that private chat room ever saw of him

Of course we talked about the encounters we had with this stranger for a few weeks after his last appearance in the room.

Those who saw him and spoke with him all agreed he was the oddest being they had ever had contact with. His knowledge on all things was astounding. The oddity of his displaying every book or Journal we mentioned was incredulous

The appearance of this man will stay with me forever. He was so white, so hairless, with large dark eyes and a long thin body. I do not know how he was able to walk around in public without a great deal of attention. I assume he wore clothes that covered him along with hats and sunglasses. He would appear to be an albino if he covered his large dark eyes. The fact he was hairless including the absence of eye brows and eyelashes would only be noticed if he removed his hat and sunglasses.

I do think his time walking about out in the world was limited however the people who lived around him had to be curious about this odd mans appearance. . I discussed this with my friend the physicist . He thought it was possible we were somehow mind controlled or shown a hologram and never were seeing this man as he actually appeared in the first place. He also thought it was possible he was not a human and could have been some other type of life form. who simply wanted contact with a group of humans

I know all of this sounds really strange and hard to believe. All I can tell you is that this did happen and he did appear to us as I described and did do the things I have told you

I have no idea what or who this stranger was. I have no idea how or why he looked as he did or knew what he knew. For years after our encounter with this strange stranger we talked about him and the possibilities of what and who he could have been and how he did the things he did

He disappeared after that last visit. One of the members of the private chat room claimed he had the address of this strange man which was located in the southern part of the United States. The chatter claimed he sent him an article and that the strange man displayed via web cam that the mail did arrive by showing him the article he has sent him. This is where the strangeness of this man goes beyond strange to high strangeness

Once this man told us he was leaving the man who sent him the article sent him a note in the mail. The note was returned stamped no such address. The man then tried to locate the address he has sent the article to on Google Earth. What he found was a large open field with nothing around it. He tired reverse look ups with no luck at all. Finally he called the Post Office that belonged to the zip code to be told no such address existed. The man was truly confused as how the strange man could have received and shown him the article he mailed to an address that did not exist!

I admit this is a very strange story. I may not have believed it if it had not happened to me. I think many strange strangers are walking around with us daily all over this world. Maybe it is time we all pay close attention to who and what surrounds us so one day we will all understand who or what these strange strangers are

Be careful out there . You never know when you will be the next to find you are looking straight in to the eyes of the unknown! Know if there are two strange strangers out there - there must be many more of them seeking the attention of many more of us!


Double Nought Spy

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Haven't read the story yet, but I have long assumed there are lots of aliens on the internet. It just explains so, so much that otherwise makes no sense whatsoever.


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That's a very strange story and I would have passed on reading it because of its length and it's late. He mentioned how dimensional travel was very difficult for humans to handle. David Wilcock talked about that in a video I just posted in the stargate thread. The more ancient stargate system like the one depicted in the movie Contact makes humans schizophrenic. The Stargate SG-1 version doesn't have that issue. To navigate wormholes you need AI and/or a biological intelligence that can communicate with it. Captain Mark Richards mentioned such a ship called Minerva. I strongly suspect this was a contrived test to see how people would respond to his physical form and it was probably sanctioned by terrestrial PTB. It would have been his last task on earth before returning to his world. The fact Siriusbound had all the books that were discussed was intriguing. They must have used a technology that allowed them to see what would happen in the future then stocked the room with a copy of each work that would be discussed in web interaction. There was a guy who came on Alien-UFO who claimed to be the walking commander of Area 51, but I think he was just drunk.


As Above So Below
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Quite a yarn. Too bad nobody thought to get a screen grab or two... :Whistle:

That's what I've often wondered, why not a screen shot of this guy or alien, a picture at least, come on...

Besides that story, I do think aliens can and have accessed our internet, perhaps even interacted with humans online...Anyone who simply spouts off they are an alien online isn't going to be immediately believed by me, and there are certainly many of those types online, but I would hazard to say there are likely some aliens who access our cyberworld...



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In one abduction case, I can't quote it verbatim, But one person tried to have an implant removed and they still found the guy, They showed him a picture of a grasshopper on a screen and told him they could find that grasshopper anywhere on earth it went. I don't know If I quoted that verbatim, Yet, If they have the technology to carry out some of the tasks it's purported they have then surely they can decrypt our radio signals, The question isn't can they scan and see our internet, The question is are they on it.

In short, I believe they are, But consider this, I know nothing of their psychology, But, I do know that if they were accessing our communication networks, Why would their psychological interaction be vastly different than what we have seen? It makes sense to me that if extraterrestrials are using our internet, They would be as hard to "catch" on it as they are in our daily lives as we see their craft. In short, all I'm saying is, It makes almost no sense that suddenly because they are "online" that their attitudes and methods of interaction would change. My assumption is they would still be cryptic, and somewhat elusive, I base this on the psychological frame we have noticed about their limited interaction with us. They don't come down in swarms and just set up a camp to meet us, So then, Why would they be less elusive online. My thinking is, if they are online, they are simply using it to study us, And not interact with us.

Think about it, We all know some of the smartest people here almost never speak, It seems highly intelligent people, possibly aliens tend to do more listening than speaking.

That's just my thoughts on it though.
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In one abduction case, I can't quote it verbatim, But one person tried to have an implant removed and they still found the guy, They showed him a picture of a grasshopper on a screen and told him they could find that grasshopper anywhere on earth it went. I don't know If I quoted that verbatim, Yet, If they have the technology to carry out some of the tasks it's purported they have then surely they can decrypt our radio signals, The question isn't can they scan and see our internet, The question is are they on it.

In short, I believe they are, But consider this, I know nothing of their psychology, But, I do know that if they were accessing our communication networks, Why would their psychological interaction be vastly different than what we have seen? It makes sense to me that if extraterrestrials are using our internet, They would be as hard to "catch" on it as they are in our daily lives as we see their craft. In short, all I'm saying is, It makes almost no sense that suddenly because they are "online" that their attitudes and methods of interaction would change. My assumption is they would still be cryptic, and somewhat elusive, I base this on the psychological frame we have noticed about their limited interaction with us. They don't come down in swarms and just set up a camp to meet us, So then, Why would they be less elusive online. My thinking is, if they are online, they are simply using it to study us, And not interact with us.

Think about it, We all know some of the smartest people here almost never speak, It seems highly intelligent people, possibly aliens tend to do more listening than speaking.

That's just my thoughts on it though.
Maybe we're considered to primitive to be monitored on the net.


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Maybe we're considered to primitive to be monitored on the net.
It's possible but consider an archaeologist a professional who leaves no stone unturned, gathers every available clue,

I feel like if we could understand animals we wouldn't pass up such an opportunity it would allow us to know them better their habits their thoughts.. In this same way, I don't believe they would pass up the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of us.

But that's just an assumption I have, I mean, I really don't know anything about them or their methods or what kinds of psychology they would employ, I do know however they would employ psychology simply because it's so effective on us.


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It's possible but consider an archaeologist a professional who leaves no stone unturned, gathers every available clue,

I feel like if we could understand animals we wouldn't pass up such an opportunity it would allow us to know them better their habits their thoughts.. In this same way, I don't believe they would pass up the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of us.

But that's just an assumption I have, I mean, I really don't know anything about them or their methods or what kinds of psychology they would employ, I do know however they would employ psychology simply because it's so effective on us.
I can see them reading the total content of the internet like bots do. In the future we may see bots named Gray, Reptilian, Pleiadian & Mantis.


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I can see them reading the total content of the internet like bots do. In the future we may see bots named Gray, Reptilian, Pleiadian & Mantis.
If they are a Hive mind, And I realize that's completely speculative, Then their brains already function a lot like a kind of internet, My assumption is they probably have some sort of system a lot like bots work that scans or reads the net and, when a time comes that they need to know a thing, like a piece of information pertaining to some individual or group that it's all accessible to every one of them Via this hive mind. In short, I believe their machines do all the work, And via their hive mind, they can just access random bits as needed. But I stress by this point in my theory, it's getting way out there and almost into fan fiction territory.


Founding Member
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If they are a Hive mind, And I realize that's completely speculative, Then their brains already function a lot like a kind of internet, My assumption is they probably have some sort of system a lot like bots work that scans or reads the net and, when a time comes that they need to know a thing, like a piece of information pertaining to some individual or group that it's all accessible to every one of them Via this hive mind. In short, I believe their machines do all the work, And via their hive mind, they can just access random bits as needed. But I stress by this point in my theory, it's getting way out there and almost into fan fiction territory.
I heard maybe on C2C that the products produced by our entertainment industry stimulates the Gray collective. I wonder what kind of shows they like. They could have been big fans of Mork & Mindy & Alf.


As Above So Below
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Here's something a friend recently shared with me, I didn't know about this site:

Invitation to ETI

Our Mission

The mission of the Invitation to ETI is to establish communication with any form of extraterrestrial intelligence able to monitor our World Wide Web.


SETI science applies a rigorous approach to the search for credible, verifiable evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. This Invitation to ETI is a large-scale SETI project, involving approximately 100 people around the world in an unconventional, but equally rigorous, search modality.

SETI scientists generally agree that any alien civilization we detect will likely be much older than human civilization. Prof. Ray Norris calculates that it will likely be about a billion years older - certainly at least one million. (He estimates the odds that it will be younger than this at about 1000 to 1.) This means that the science, technology, philosophy, goals, values, and ethics of some extraterrestrial civilizations will have had a million years to develop, whereas ours have had only a few thousand. We hypothesize civilizations that, during this million-year period, will have developed smart small robotic probes (or some other means) for studying our civilization, including its global computer network, the World Wide Web.

Our Questions for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

On our Invitation to ETI page, we encourage you to share some of your knowledge with humankind. (We are the roughly 100 Signatories to this Invitation to ETI, and you are ETI or extraterrestrial intelligence.)

Chief Scientist Allen Tough asked various people what they would like to learn from ETI. He received over 1000 suggestions from 224 people in 12 countries. To make these results more useful, he organized the responses into ten clusters of questions.

If you are willing to teach humankind, these are some questions of particular interest to us. We hope they will be useful to you as you decide what knowledge to share with us and how the dialogue should proceed.

1. First, we hope you will tell us about yourself. We are interested in many details, including what star or planet you originally came from, how and when you (or your predecessors) traveled here, your mission or purposes, your individual history or background, your physical form, and your relationship to your home civilization.

2. We are also eager to learn about the culture or civilization from which you have come, or the group or species (or robotic generation) of which you are a member. Please tell us about its key characteristics. In addition, here are some particular aspects that we are naturally curious about (although we realize that our questions may contain incorrect assumptions because at this stage we know so little about you):

  • the grand sweep of your history and cultural evolution;
  • your greatest achievements, struggles, and mistakes;
  • how you achieved a successful flourishing society capable of maintaining things of beauty and worth;
  • your major current projects, challenges, dangers, fears, and hopes;
  • the next probable stages in your development;
  • your technological capacities;
  • how you communicate;
  • your core values and purposes, and what you consider most important of all;
  • your motivations and emotions;
  • sources of meaning, purpose, and deep happiness;
  • ethics, morality, spirituality;
  • ideas, thinking, creating knowledge, learning, teaching;
  • your philosophy and world view;
  • beauty, nature, art, music;
  • relationships, love, reproduction, death;
  • governance, social organization, conflict resolution;
  • freedom, responsibilities, work, rewards;
  • the extent of your diversity, and whether differences are treasured, tolerated, or rejected.

3. Who else lives in our galaxy and beyond? What sorts of interaction do they have with one another? What sorts of joint ventures are they engaged in? In what ways are we similar to others in our galaxy, and different from them? What is humanity's place in the galactic community and in the cosmos?

4. What else should we do to achieve contact with other forms of extraterrestrial intelligence? Have any other forms of ETI visited our solar system in recent years? Does any dangerous or hostile form of ETI pose any threat to us?

5. Toward what long-term future or ultimate destination is the universe heading? Why do life and the universe exist; what is the point of it all? How can we best find meaning and purpose in the universe? What is your understanding of any genuine religious, spiritual, transpersonal, and psychic aspects of reality? What still baffles or puzzles you about the universe?

6. What is your assessment of us? How well are we doing at day-to-day effectiveness, governance, fairness, truth-telling, caring, and harmony? At ensuring our long-term flourishing? At discovering and synthesizing knowledge that is deeply important?

7. If humans achieved their maximum positive potential, both individually and collectively, what could we become?

8. What path can lead human society to achieve its potential? In other words, how can human civilization move toward a positive long-term future? As part of this, how can we eliminate warfare, weapons, and violence?

9. What can individual human beings contribute to the universe? What is your advice on the purposes, passions, meaning, love, and learning that should be at the core of individual human lives?

10. What additional knowledge about us would you like? What baffles or puzzles you about us? What other sorts of things would you like from us? What can we contribute to you that would be of value to you?

If you respond to our questions, please note that we do not want you to give us information that will be used for destructive and harmful purposes -- to build more devastating weapons, for instance, or for one group or government to gain power and control and wealth. Instead, we need knowledge for positive and constructive purposes -- to increase our understanding of the universe, to build a better world for future generations, and to enhance our sense of meaning and purpose. Thank you very much.

Procedures for Vetting Claims of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

While I would very much hope that all responses to our humble Invitation will be ETI extending a tentacle in friendship, the truth is somewhat more mundane. Of the roughly sixty responses to this Invitation received as of late 2005, each claiming to be from representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence, all have very quickly proven to have been sent by human imposters. We understand that many humans reading these pages will enjoy playing a round or two of "fool the experts," and we are not above indulging them, to an extent. However, the Signatories to this Invitation (for whatever expertise they may possess) have lives, and responsibilities, and finite temporal resources, and would prefer to invest those limited resources in a productive scientific search. Thus, we will do little to encourage or engage a hoaxer once unmasked.

If you are a human wishing to explore (in either a humorous or a scholarly vein) the nature and format of an actual ETI contact, we have provided a Form for this purpose. As for communications ostensibly from ETI, we have established vetting procedures to permit us quickly and efficiently to evaluate all claims which this project may attract.

While I will not attempt herein to detail the exact means by which this vetting process occurs, lest we help those so inclined to craft ever more clever fraudulent claims, I am quick to point out that, collectively, the Signatories to this Invitation possess a diverse background of impressive experience in all the physical, biological, and social sciences. Thus, depending upon the specific kind of evidence that is offered for consideration, we are in a position quickly to assemble an appropriately expert team, schooled in conducting an objective (though appropriately skeptical) evaluation of the evidence at hand. In the few dozen occasions on which such teams have been assembled, claimants have rather quickly revealed themselves when faced with verification tasks that taxed their creativity.

These verification exercises have been instructional for the evaluators as well as the claimants. Although the specific vetting procedures will vary widely as a function of the specifics of the claim, what they all have in common is the assumption that true extraterrestrial intelligence will possess skills and knowledge not in humankind's possession, yet easy for humans to verify once proffered. We feel the burden of proof should fall appropriately upon ETI, to offer compelling evidence not easily explained away.

What form exactly such evidence may take is beyond my predictive powers. However, though I can't define extraterrestrial intelligence a priori, I feel confident I can echo US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's concurring decision in the 1964 Jacobellis vs. Ohio obscenity case: "I know it when I see it."

Invitation to ETI



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I heard maybe on C2C that the products produced by our entertainment industry stimulates the Gray collective. I wonder what kind of shows they like. They could have been big fans of Mork & Mindy & Alf.
In some ufology cases, I've heard things, in some cases, they claim there was an exchange, We got some of theirs and they got some of ours, I can't testify to the credibility of these rumors, But I had heard that in some cases Ebe's became addicted to smoking and even soap operas on TV. I mention these things because they were bits in some older cases I read and I'm fairly sure you guys may have heard those things as well?


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Here's something a friend recently shared with me, I didn't know about this site:

Invitation to ETI

Our Mission

The mission of the Invitation to ETI is to establish communication with any form of extraterrestrial intelligence able to monitor our World Wide Web.


SETI science applies a rigorous approach to the search for credible, verifiable evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. This Invitation to ETI is a large-scale SETI project, involving approximately 100 people around the world in an unconventional, but equally rigorous, search modality.

SETI scientists generally agree that any alien civilization we detect will likely be much older than human civilization. Prof. Ray Norris calculates that it will likely be about a billion years older - certainly at least one million. (He estimates the odds that it will be younger than this at about 1000 to 1.) This means that the science, technology, philosophy, goals, values, and ethics of some extraterrestrial civilizations will have had a million years to develop, whereas ours have had only a few thousand. We hypothesize civilizations that, during this million-year period, will have developed smart small robotic probes (or some other means) for studying our civilization, including its global computer network, the World Wide Web.

Our Questions for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

On our Invitation to ETI page, we encourage you to share some of your knowledge with humankind. (We are the roughly 100 Signatories to this Invitation to ETI, and you are ETI or extraterrestrial intelligence.)

Chief Scientist Allen Tough asked various people what they would like to learn from ETI. He received over 1000 suggestions from 224 people in 12 countries. To make these results more useful, he organized the responses into ten clusters of questions.

If you are willing to teach humankind, these are some questions of particular interest to us. We hope they will be useful to you as you decide what knowledge to share with us and how the dialogue should proceed.

1. First, we hope you will tell us about yourself. We are interested in many details, including what star or planet you originally came from, how and when you (or your predecessors) traveled here, your mission or purposes, your individual history or background, your physical form, and your relationship to your home civilization.

2. We are also eager to learn about the culture or civilization from which you have come, or the group or species (or robotic generation) of which you are a member. Please tell us about its key characteristics. In addition, here are some particular aspects that we are naturally curious about (although we realize that our questions may contain incorrect assumptions because at this stage we know so little about you):

  • the grand sweep of your history and cultural evolution;
  • your greatest achievements, struggles, and mistakes;
  • how you achieved a successful flourishing society capable of maintaining things of beauty and worth;
  • your major current projects, challenges, dangers, fears, and hopes;
  • the next probable stages in your development;
  • your technological capacities;
  • how you communicate;
  • your core values and purposes, and what you consider most important of all;
  • your motivations and emotions;
  • sources of meaning, purpose, and deep happiness;
  • ethics, morality, spirituality;
  • ideas, thinking, creating knowledge, learning, teaching;
  • your philosophy and world view;
  • beauty, nature, art, music;
  • relationships, love, reproduction, death;
  • governance, social organization, conflict resolution;
  • freedom, responsibilities, work, rewards;
  • the extent of your diversity, and whether differences are treasured, tolerated, or rejected.

3. Who else lives in our galaxy and beyond? What sorts of interaction do they have with one another? What sorts of joint ventures are they engaged in? In what ways are we similar to others in our galaxy, and different from them? What is humanity's place in the galactic community and in the cosmos?

4. What else should we do to achieve contact with other forms of extraterrestrial intelligence? Have any other forms of ETI visited our solar system in recent years? Does any dangerous or hostile form of ETI pose any threat to us?

5. Toward what long-term future or ultimate destination is the universe heading? Why do life and the universe exist; what is the point of it all? How can we best find meaning and purpose in the universe? What is your understanding of any genuine religious, spiritual, transpersonal, and psychic aspects of reality? What still baffles or puzzles you about the universe?

6. What is your assessment of us? How well are we doing at day-to-day effectiveness, governance, fairness, truth-telling, caring, and harmony? At ensuring our long-term flourishing? At discovering and synthesizing knowledge that is deeply important?

7. If humans achieved their maximum positive potential, both individually and collectively, what could we become?

8. What path can lead human society to achieve its potential? In other words, how can human civilization move toward a positive long-term future? As part of this, how can we eliminate warfare, weapons, and violence?

9. What can individual human beings contribute to the universe? What is your advice on the purposes, passions, meaning, love, and learning that should be at the core of individual human lives?

10. What additional knowledge about us would you like? What baffles or puzzles you about us? What other sorts of things would you like from us? What can we contribute to you that would be of value to you?

If you respond to our questions, please note that we do not want you to give us information that will be used for destructive and harmful purposes -- to build more devastating weapons, for instance, or for one group or government to gain power and control and wealth. Instead, we need knowledge for positive and constructive purposes -- to increase our understanding of the universe, to build a better world for future generations, and to enhance our sense of meaning and purpose. Thank you very much.

Procedures for Vetting Claims of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

While I would very much hope that all responses to our humble Invitation will be ETI extending a tentacle in friendship, the truth is somewhat more mundane. Of the roughly sixty responses to this Invitation received as of late 2005, each claiming to be from representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence, all have very quickly proven to have been sent by human imposters. We understand that many humans reading these pages will enjoy playing a round or two of "fool the experts," and we are not above indulging them, to an extent. However, the Signatories to this Invitation (for whatever expertise they may possess) have lives, and responsibilities, and finite temporal resources, and would prefer to invest those limited resources in a productive scientific search. Thus, we will do little to encourage or engage a hoaxer once unmasked.

If you are a human wishing to explore (in either a humorous or a scholarly vein) the nature and format of an actual ETI contact, we have provided a Form for this purpose. As for communications ostensibly from ETI, we have established vetting procedures to permit us quickly and efficiently to evaluate all claims which this project may attract.

While I will not attempt herein to detail the exact means by which this vetting process occurs, lest we help those so inclined to craft ever more clever fraudulent claims, I am quick to point out that, collectively, the Signatories to this Invitation possess a diverse background of impressive experience in all the physical, biological, and social sciences. Thus, depending upon the specific kind of evidence that is offered for consideration, we are in a position quickly to assemble an appropriately expert team, schooled in conducting an objective (though appropriately skeptical) evaluation of the evidence at hand. In the few dozen occasions on which such teams have been assembled, claimants have rather quickly revealed themselves when faced with verification tasks that taxed their creativity.

These verification exercises have been instructional for the evaluators as well as the claimants. Although the specific vetting procedures will vary widely as a function of the specifics of the claim, what they all have in common is the assumption that true extraterrestrial intelligence will possess skills and knowledge not in humankind's possession, yet easy for humans to verify once proffered. We feel the burden of proof should fall appropriately upon ETI, to offer compelling evidence not easily explained away.

What form exactly such evidence may take is beyond my predictive powers. However, though I can't define extraterrestrial intelligence a priori, I feel confident I can echo US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's concurring decision in the 1964 Jacobellis vs. Ohio obscenity case: "I know it when I see it."

Invitation to ETI

I like that, It's nice to see that there is some legitimate study into the extraterrestrial intelligence aspect. People could say, how can we gage an extraterrestrial species as intelligent. The thing about intelligence is, It tends to be binary.

Sure aliens are aliens, But in that same turn, Intelligence is intelligence, alien or not, I love that post man.


Reaction score
Sorry, I took so long to reply to these, I'm already doing my treadmilling for the day.


Founding Member
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In some ufology cases, I've heard things, in some cases, they claim there was an exchange, We got some of theirs and they got some of ours, I can't testify to the credibility of these rumors, But I had heard that in some cases Ebe's became addicted to smoking and even soap operas on TV. I mention these things because they were bits in some older cases I read and I'm fairly sure you guys may have heard those things as well?
It reminds me of a scene in MIB 1 where K is in a break room and those aliens are smoking and drinking coffee.


Reaction score
It reminds me of a scene in MIB 1 where K is in a break room and those aliens are smoking and drinking coffee.

Have you guys heard about the New MIB they are making? I don't know when it's coming out, But this one has Thor in it,

It's called MIB international, Some people are groning because will smith isn't in this one, To that I say, Heck Who isn't tired of will smith by this point?


tall, thin, irritable
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Here's something a friend recently shared with me, I didn't know about this site:

Invitation to ETI

Our Mission

The mission of the Invitation to ETI is to establish communication with any form of extraterrestrial intelligence able to monitor our World Wide Web.


SETI science applies a rigorous approach to the search for credible, verifiable evidence of extraterrestrial intelligence. This Invitation to ETI is a large-scale SETI project, involving approximately 100 people around the world in an unconventional, but equally rigorous, search modality.

SETI scientists generally agree that any alien civilization we detect will likely be much older than human civilization. Prof. Ray Norris calculates that it will likely be about a billion years older - certainly at least one million. (He estimates the odds that it will be younger than this at about 1000 to 1.) This means that the science, technology, philosophy, goals, values, and ethics of some extraterrestrial civilizations will have had a million years to develop, whereas ours have had only a few thousand. We hypothesize civilizations that, during this million-year period, will have developed smart small robotic probes (or some other means) for studying our civilization, including its global computer network, the World Wide Web.

Our Questions for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence

On our Invitation to ETI page, we encourage you to share some of your knowledge with humankind. (We are the roughly 100 Signatories to this Invitation to ETI, and you are ETI or extraterrestrial intelligence.)

Chief Scientist Allen Tough asked various people what they would like to learn from ETI. He received over 1000 suggestions from 224 people in 12 countries. To make these results more useful, he organized the responses into ten clusters of questions.

If you are willing to teach humankind, these are some questions of particular interest to us. We hope they will be useful to you as you decide what knowledge to share with us and how the dialogue should proceed.

1. First, we hope you will tell us about yourself. We are interested in many details, including what star or planet you originally came from, how and when you (or your predecessors) traveled here, your mission or purposes, your individual history or background, your physical form, and your relationship to your home civilization.

2. We are also eager to learn about the culture or civilization from which you have come, or the group or species (or robotic generation) of which you are a member. Please tell us about its key characteristics. In addition, here are some particular aspects that we are naturally curious about (although we realize that our questions may contain incorrect assumptions because at this stage we know so little about you):

  • the grand sweep of your history and cultural evolution;
  • your greatest achievements, struggles, and mistakes;
  • how you achieved a successful flourishing society capable of maintaining things of beauty and worth;
  • your major current projects, challenges, dangers, fears, and hopes;
  • the next probable stages in your development;
  • your technological capacities;
  • how you communicate;
  • your core values and purposes, and what you consider most important of all;
  • your motivations and emotions;
  • sources of meaning, purpose, and deep happiness;
  • ethics, morality, spirituality;
  • ideas, thinking, creating knowledge, learning, teaching;
  • your philosophy and world view;
  • beauty, nature, art, music;
  • relationships, love, reproduction, death;
  • governance, social organization, conflict resolution;
  • freedom, responsibilities, work, rewards;
  • the extent of your diversity, and whether differences are treasured, tolerated, or rejected.

3. Who else lives in our galaxy and beyond? What sorts of interaction do they have with one another? What sorts of joint ventures are they engaged in? In what ways are we similar to others in our galaxy, and different from them? What is humanity's place in the galactic community and in the cosmos?

4. What else should we do to achieve contact with other forms of extraterrestrial intelligence? Have any other forms of ETI visited our solar system in recent years? Does any dangerous or hostile form of ETI pose any threat to us?

5. Toward what long-term future or ultimate destination is the universe heading? Why do life and the universe exist; what is the point of it all? How can we best find meaning and purpose in the universe? What is your understanding of any genuine religious, spiritual, transpersonal, and psychic aspects of reality? What still baffles or puzzles you about the universe?

6. What is your assessment of us? How well are we doing at day-to-day effectiveness, governance, fairness, truth-telling, caring, and harmony? At ensuring our long-term flourishing? At discovering and synthesizing knowledge that is deeply important?

7. If humans achieved their maximum positive potential, both individually and collectively, what could we become?

8. What path can lead human society to achieve its potential? In other words, how can human civilization move toward a positive long-term future? As part of this, how can we eliminate warfare, weapons, and violence?

9. What can individual human beings contribute to the universe? What is your advice on the purposes, passions, meaning, love, and learning that should be at the core of individual human lives?

10. What additional knowledge about us would you like? What baffles or puzzles you about us? What other sorts of things would you like from us? What can we contribute to you that would be of value to you?

If you respond to our questions, please note that we do not want you to give us information that will be used for destructive and harmful purposes -- to build more devastating weapons, for instance, or for one group or government to gain power and control and wealth. Instead, we need knowledge for positive and constructive purposes -- to increase our understanding of the universe, to build a better world for future generations, and to enhance our sense of meaning and purpose. Thank you very much.

Procedures for Vetting Claims of Extraterrestrial Intelligence

While I would very much hope that all responses to our humble Invitation will be ETI extending a tentacle in friendship, the truth is somewhat more mundane. Of the roughly sixty responses to this Invitation received as of late 2005, each claiming to be from representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence, all have very quickly proven to have been sent by human imposters. We understand that many humans reading these pages will enjoy playing a round or two of "fool the experts," and we are not above indulging them, to an extent. However, the Signatories to this Invitation (for whatever expertise they may possess) have lives, and responsibilities, and finite temporal resources, and would prefer to invest those limited resources in a productive scientific search. Thus, we will do little to encourage or engage a hoaxer once unmasked.

If you are a human wishing to explore (in either a humorous or a scholarly vein) the nature and format of an actual ETI contact, we have provided a Form for this purpose. As for communications ostensibly from ETI, we have established vetting procedures to permit us quickly and efficiently to evaluate all claims which this project may attract.

While I will not attempt herein to detail the exact means by which this vetting process occurs, lest we help those so inclined to craft ever more clever fraudulent claims, I am quick to point out that, collectively, the Signatories to this Invitation possess a diverse background of impressive experience in all the physical, biological, and social sciences. Thus, depending upon the specific kind of evidence that is offered for consideration, we are in a position quickly to assemble an appropriately expert team, schooled in conducting an objective (though appropriately skeptical) evaluation of the evidence at hand. In the few dozen occasions on which such teams have been assembled, claimants have rather quickly revealed themselves when faced with verification tasks that taxed their creativity.

These verification exercises have been instructional for the evaluators as well as the claimants. Although the specific vetting procedures will vary widely as a function of the specifics of the claim, what they all have in common is the assumption that true extraterrestrial intelligence will possess skills and knowledge not in humankind's possession, yet easy for humans to verify once proffered. We feel the burden of proof should fall appropriately upon ETI, to offer compelling evidence not easily explained away.

What form exactly such evidence may take is beyond my predictive powers. However, though I can't define extraterrestrial intelligence a priori, I feel confident I can echo US Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart's concurring decision in the 1964 Jacobellis vs. Ohio obscenity case: "I know it when I see it."

Invitation to ETI


Flip on the porch light and see what shows up.

I'm with Stephen Hawking on this one:

"We don't know much about aliens, but we know about humans. If you look at history, contact between humans and less intelligent organisms have often been disastrous from their point of view, and encounters between civilizations with advanced versus primitive technologies have gone badly for the less advanced. A civilization reading one of our messages could be billions of years ahead of us. If so, they will be vastly more powerful, and may not see us as any more valuable than we see bacteria."


Founding Member
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Have you guys heard about the New MIB they are making? I don't know when it's coming out, But this one has Thor in it,

It's called MIB international, Some people are groning because will smith isn't in this one, To that I say, Heck Who isn't tired of will smith by this point?

They were both in Thor: Ragnarok.
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