Artificial Disinformation.


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You know, A thought occurred to me. The development and progress of artificial intelligence in many ways is a terribly world-changing and polarizing topic. if an incredible discovery or development was achieved in these fields, say true sentience or consciousness, wouldn't the governments of the world want to seize this and weaponize it before the rest of the world even knew it existed? Wouldn't the development and progression of true artificial intelligence be just as authentically important as extraterrestrial life?

So one would surmise that there should be a lot of disinformation surrounding the issue. This is just something that occurred to me. what do you guys think?



tall, thin, irritable
I'd argue the advent of ubiquitous broadband and the profusion of media devices in the past decade or so is what really amped Disinformation up to an entirely new level and AI is just the newest tool in the game. The term 'yellow journalism' means the same thing and that's over a hundred years old, but now it's possible to spread pure bullshit faster and better than ever before.