Egypt says 4,400-year-old tomb discovered outside Cairo


Egyptian archaeologists unearth 'very promising' 4400-year-old tomb outside Cairo


Any time they discover a tomb the professional grave robbers move in.

And after the archaeologists are done the amateur grave robbers move in.

These are graves. Why don't they leave these people to rest in peace???


Any time they discover a tomb the professional grave robbers move in.

And after the archaeologists are done the amateur grave robbers move in.

These are graves. Why don't they leave these people to rest in peace???

Yes good point I am sure the people looting these graves would not like the thought of someone digging them up from their graves looking for goodies. Grave goods and disturbing someone's eternal slumber is bad Ju Ju.


AN ANCIENT cemetery containing 40 mummies and a necklace inscribed with the message “Happy New Year” has been in found Egypt
One tomb includes more than 1000 statues and four well-preserved alabaster jars designed to hold the mummified internal organs of their owner.
The Egyptian New Year is interesting. People in the ancient world gave the New Year special importance, they were less confident than we are today of the regularity of the motions of the stars.
Seafaring cultures often adopted lunar calendars as they related to tides whereas solar calendars were necessary for agriculture.
The Eygyptians were the first Mediterranean people to use a solar calendar, with 12 months of 30 days and five festival days. They had noticed a coincidence, once a year the star Sirius rose straight up from the rising sun and this occurred just before the annual floods of the Nile.