Hubble Space Telescope : The Wonders Of The Universe - NASA {live!}


Supposedly they started streaming this on Feb 16, 2018 -- The YouTube video says live.

Hubble Space Telescope : The Wonders Of The Universe - NASA Hubble Telescope Astronomy Videos

Keep your eyes open for UFO craft and any anomalies that look alien!


Anyone who has watched, or is watching this - What are those strange formations that look like large oddly
shaped rocks or boulders?


Fratty and out of touch.
Interesting. Is it actually live or is it prerecorded footage?


Interesting. Is it actually live or is it prerecorded footage?
If you look at the bottom of the video screen it says live.

Watched it at all? - What are the odd looking, what appears to be rock formations?
Asteroids? meteors? space junk? - What am I looking at?
If you look at the bottom of the video screen it says live.

Watched it at all? - What are the odd looking, what appears to be rock formations?
Asteroids? meteors? space junk? - What am I looking at?
It's not live footage from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). That would be cool.

It's just somebody broadcasting pre-existing space videos comprised of various photos taken by the HST (animated with zooming and panning effects), with some computer animations mixed in once in awhile.

It's always awesome to see new shots taken by the HST - the vastness and the beauty and the diversity of the universe is astounding. I don't know how anyone can look at this stuff and still think that we're alone in the cosmos. There must be countless trillions of civilizations out there which are far more advanced than we are.


I have always thought that if you had to point to one science project that the government spent money on and the taxpayer got more than their moneys worth, it would be the Hubble Telescope. Twenty-eight years running and still sending back magnificent photos of the universe.