Mysterious People with Real Mutant Superpowers


As Above So Below
Jul 13, 2016
Mysterious People with Real Mutant Superpowers


Ben Underwood was diagnosed with retinal cancer at the age of 2, which necessitated the surgical removal of both eyes. As he grew up, he discovered a rather amazing ability. He found at the age of 5 that he was able to click his tongue and gather information on his surroundings based on the echo he heard, similar to the way dolphins use echolocation. In this way, he was able to assimilate a rough picture of his surroundings in his head and find his way around through hearing alone.

At first, Ben was only able to discern basic information in this manner, such as the location of walls or large stationary objects, but over the years he gradually honed his skills to quite frankly superhuman levels. By his teens, Ben was able to get around just as well as anyone with sight, even navigating moving objects such as cars or other people. He had an uncanny ability to reach out to pick up whatever he wanted and could even accurately discern the shape of objects without touching them.

With this unique ability, Ben could also do other activities such as climb trees, ride a bike, go skating, and even do martial arts, all with a competence comparable to someone with full sight. Sadly, Ben died in 2009 at the age of 16, yet he remains the only known human being to have ever used echolocation to “see.”


We have an instance of superhuman endurance on an unimaginable level with the runner Dean Karnazes, who is not in any way your usual long distance runner. The prolific marathon runner has performed several inhuman feats of running during his career, the most well-known perhaps being when he ran 50 marathons in 50 states in 50 consecutive days without taking any time off to rest. In another instance, the runner ran for 3 days straight without stopping or sleeping, eventually covering 350 miles, and he has also completed a 1,000 mile marathon from San Francisco to New York in just 75 days.

This seemingly superhuman ability to run constantly without tiring eventually caught the attention of scientists who were curious as to how he managed to do it. A medical study was performed on him that came up with surprising results. It was found that Dean had a unique physiology that allowed him to exhibit such astonishing feats of endurance. It was found that his muscles had the unusual ability to work far longer than an average person’s while simultaneously accruing far less damage from the work load.

The study also found that he has more blood in his circulatory system than the average person, allowing his muscles to stay hydrated longer and also delivering more oxygen. It was concluded that with such unique physiological gifts, Dean could theoretically run at a continuous 7 to 10 minute-mile pace practically indefinitely as long as he kept himself hydrated and fed.



As Above So Below
Jul 13, 2016

In 1994, an unidentified man only known as John was involved in a serious car accident, yet emerged relatively unscathed except for some bumps and bruises. When the man went to see a doctor to make sure he had no internal bleeding, x-rays showed that he was fine and had not suffered any broken bones whatsoever. In addition, doctors made the remarkable find that not only had the man not broken any bones, but also that his bones were of an abnormal density, a full 8 times denser than those of a normal person.



As Above So Below
Jul 13, 2016
Here's another that has eagle eyes for lack a better description...


One German woman has eyes that have thoroughly baffled the medical community with their incredible capabilities. Born in West Germany in 1951, Veronica Seider first came to the public consciousness when she was a student at the University of Stuttgart in 1972, when she began to claim that she could see details from up to a mile away.

This was met with much skepticism, since the normal 20/20 scale of human vision is based on seeing details just 20 feet away, but further investigation would prove that she was the real deal, and that her vision was more like 20/2.

It was found through vision tests that not only could she pick up details at such distances and distinguish people’s faces up to a mile away and pick out the most minute of details in images, but that she could also even make out the separate colors in the picture of a TV set, such was her visual acuity to break down images into their constituent primary colors.

Her vision is estimated as being around 20 times better than normal, and it is thought that this incredible super vision is caused by some unknown genetic mutation, although it must be exceedingly rare as there are no other known cases of this happening to this extreme extent.