Recurring dreams and new experiences


Hey guys,

I created a post a few months back about dreams I used to have starting years back, and how they calmed down to a pretty much complete stop. When they first started happening, about 6 or 7 years back at this point, I didn't know what to make of them, or connect them to anything. They scared me with how realistic they were sometimes, and when I would wake up, I'd find myself not wanting to go back to sleep no matter what wee hour of the morning it was, and would force myself to just stay up until I could distract myself and have it slip from my mind...

They stopped happening as frequently and just died down, however I did still get the headaches consistently. I did look back and realize that the headaches started around when the dreams started to drop in frequency. If you want more background and haven't read that novel by yours truly, it is in the same forum titled "My experience"... which looking back, could have had a better title...

Anyway, this post is about something else, but also about the same thing, kind of. A little over a week ago, I had a dream that involved one of my best friends who passed away a couple of years ago, and the most vivid part of the dream I can remember is him being at this spot we used to hang out, and I go up to him and he tells me "everything will fall into place, as long as the gears keep turning, and they've never stopped[...]" or something really close to this, I know there was more but I can't remember anything else. It creeps me out because it's just really cryptic, and coming from him, he was never that type of person. Of course, it could have been nothing, but a night or two later I had another dream, that related more closely with the ones I used to have...

Instead of being in a metallic room surrounded by beings, I was in a field with trees all around me and a tall tower with a really bright, blinding light at the top. I made it to the entrance and went inside, and started climbing the stairs (the spiral ones, like in a lighthouse), and it felt like I went on for a lot longer than I should have, and I got to a door that had no handles or locks, but was completely flat and looked to be made of a material I've never seen before. It was almost like rubber but when I touched it, it had a little shock to it, and rippled. Anyway, I don't know how long that went on for, but I was approached by one of the familiar beings from the dreams I used to have frequently, and I think I started to freak. It wasn't the one that would comfort me, or the one that was more aggressive than the others, I just recognized it as being in the crowd, from before.

I don't know if it was male or female, or if it had a gender at all, it's voice sounded genderless but not monotone or robotic. I also don't remember if it actually opened it's mouth, or communicated telepathically like the others did. All I remember vividly that it said to me, from what I could understand, was, "You are not ready to enter, it is a wonder to see you back again."

It was so different than the other dream experiences I've ever had, but felt so closely related to them at the same time, that I don't know what to think or make of it at all. I haven't been able to have a dream like it since then, and I've sort of been hoping for the past week that I would, but at the same time I was hoping it would have ended months ago.

I've looked it up before, what the dreams could mean, if it's all being made up in my head, implants, other people that have dreamt or witnessed the same things or something similar, but I still don't really know what to make of any of it.

Rick Hunter

Hmm, you may want to look at Astral Projection. It is possible that you have this ability and are just starting to use it. As I remember, someone here reports that his son has a real gift for it.


The Messenger Of All Gods old and new
Don't ever look up a dream and clutter your dream meaning with other peoples interpretation of what you dreamt.A million people can have the same dream and trust me there will be a million different reasons why they had that dream.

I was in a field with trees all around me and a tall tower with a really bright, blinding light at the top

"everything will fall into place, as long as the gears keep turning, and they've never stopped[...]" or something really close to this

Break down your messages that you received its something important, was your friend killed by chance?