Shadowprophet Quickie Movie Reviews: Joker.


As in the title, This is a quick spoiler-free review of the joker movie.


Damn, You gotta see it. They really captured real psychological trauma, This movie is going to be remembered for a very long time. Five stars.


I know I could have put more into this review, The problem is. A person could write a book praising this movie and it still wouldn't accurately portray how you are pulled into Author flecks Socially awkward Backstory. And while I don't want to spoil anything, That old trope the Joker has about all it takes for anyone to become like him is one bad day? It's Just an amazing piece of cinematography By mid-way through the movie You will both feel strong empathy with Author and a bubbling fear, But a surreal fear, A familiar feeling a feeling of, I know someone who has those personality traits, It will force you to reexamine the way you view your own friends and wonder Who among them are just one bad day away From becoming a monster. This is no exaggeration, Joker was written to be this way, I would go as far as to call it, A literal masterpiece.

There, The Review that such a movie deserves. :)


I watched it already, and enjoyed it. I hope they make a Joker 2, the ending was like the shit was just starting to get fun, left me wanting more.