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A few years after my sighting as a seven year-old boy, I realized that anecdotal testimony would be of little value in resolving my questions about what I, and five of the other neighborhood kids, had seen that day. So I turned my attention to science, and specifically physics, because the empirical method has consistently proven to be humankind’s most powerful tool for resolving the mysteries that we encounter with our physical sense perceptions.

Many people in this field bemoan the lack of progress in our understanding of the anomalous aerial vehicle (AAV) phenomenon. Some have even rejected the empirical method and analytical reasoning entirely, in favor of mystical explanations. I’m convinced that this is a hasty and ill-advised shift in thinking for two reasons:

1.) A proper scientific study of this phenomenon has never been undertaken in the public sector. So the problem is not that science has failed to explain this phenomenon; the problem is that science has never made an effort to do so.

2.) Scientific progress has made large strides in several independent fields of inquiry ranging from astrophysics to theoretical physics, which now provide substantial support for the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH).

And in recent months a third reason has come to our attention:

3.) Recent scientific analyses of trace evidence from AAV events have begun to provide legitimate scientific support for the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH), and more is on the way.

Let’s expand on these three points for additional clarity.

1.) Although we’ve recently learned of one official Pentagon program which was tasked with assessing the AAV phenomenon, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the findings of this and other related military research programs have never been released to the public before. So for all practical considerations, there has never been a proper public scientific effort to investigate and explain the AAV phenomenon.

Decades ago Ray Stanford conducted a private scientific investigation into the phenomenon, but like the government, he has refused to share his findings with the public, and therefore the scientific community at large. So for all practical considerations, it might as well have never happened.

Only very recently have we finally seen the first valid efforts to explore this phenomenon openly in the public sector, thanks to the heroic efforts of Christopher O’Brien and his engineer Ron Olch via the creation of the San Luis Valley UFO Data Acquisition Project, which will provide real-time data of AAV phenomena to the public for proper scientific analysis.

This first point is critical because it shows that the rejection of the scientific method in this field, in favor of supernatural explanations, is fundamentally illogical. One cannot declare science incapable of resolving this mystery without first conducting a legitimate scientific effort to do so…which we have never had. Finally, that’s beginning to change.

2.) Scientific progress is slow because it requires a careful and adversarial process.

The discovery of myriad exosolar planets and reliable statistical analyses regarding the prevalence, and the average age, of inhabitable worlds within our galaxy - and countless others, have barely registered on the radar of the average citizen. But in recent years we’ve learned that there are over 10 billion potentially inhabitable Earth-like worlds orbiting Sun-like stars within the Milky Way galaxy alone, and the average age of the most suitable candidate planets is approximately 1-3 billion years older that the Earth. In simple terms, that means that if any one of the billions of worlds in our galaxy that is likely to be suitable for life has evolved an intelligent sentient species like ourselves, then they’ve got a 1-3 billion-year head start on us technologically. No matter how difficult one may presume the problem of rapid interstellar spaceflight may be, it would be preposterous to assert that an intelligent species couldn’t solve that problem in 1-3 billion years of scientific progress.

In fact, in recent decades some of our brightest theoretical physicists have already discovered that Einstein’s general theory of relativity provides a promising solution to that very problem, in the form of an idea known as gravitational field propulsion. If we could engineer with the physics of general relativity, we could build a propulsion system with superluminal speed capability which exhibits no time dilation effects - in principle, such a device could arrive at the Earth from a distant star and return to its planet of origin in time for dinner, without violating the known laws of physics.

Furthermore, the signature performance characteristics of this theoretical mode of propulsion are perfectly reflected in AAV reports from all around the world, spanning at least 70 years. These signature performance characteristics are:

* Hovering and linear motion with no evidence of reaction mass in the form of propellant, emissions, or wind.

* Limitless accelerations with no internal g-forces. In other words, a craft employing a gravitational field propulsion mechanism could accelerate from a dead stop to half the speed of light in a nanosecond without experiencing any subjective sense of acceleration at all – there are no mechanical stresses upon craft or crew.

* Intramedium travel, from space to the atmosphere and even into the ocean. Such a device is not dependent upon nor impeded by the gaseous or liquid media through which it travels.

* No upper limit on transit speeds. According to the general theory of relativity, this propulsion principle can produce speeds far in excess of the speed of light with no time dilation effects.

Given the widespread conformity of these performance characteristics with seven decades of eyewitness and radar-visual reports, it seems obvious that otherworldly civilizations have figured out how to exploit this propulsion principle, and currently utilize it in a routine manner to travel interstellar distances.

It’s also notable that no other propulsion principle has been discovered which conforms to these signature performance characteristics.

So in the last twenty years we’ve learned that the conditions for life are abundant all across the universe, and we’ve discovered a propulsion principle which would allow alien civilizations to visit the Earth with the ease with which we go to the grocery store.

Science has provided a powerful case for the viability the ETH.

3.) Very recent developments in the analysis of physical trace evidence recovered from AAV events have begun to dramatically change the landscape of scientific ufology.

Two recent developments are leading the way. Jacques Vallée recently described a highly noteworthy analysis of trace evidence from an AAV incident in Argentina. Material scientists found a highly anomalous ratio of isotopes of a single element within the sample, where all three isotopes of that element appeared in a precise ratio of thirds. This isotopic distribution happens nowhere in nature, for any element. So this means that this element was separated into its individual stable isotopes, and then recombined in units of thirds, which is an extremely difficult and expensive process. There is also no known scientific application for creating a material in this manner, because human materials science knows of no practical purpose for engineering matter at the nuclear level. Evidently, a more advanced civilization has found an application for engineering matter at the nuclear level in this fashion, presumably for the purpose of exploiting quantum mechanical properties of matter to produce effects unknown to modern human physics.

Last year on the Joe Rogan show Tom DeLonge described an exotic photonic metamaterial which had been studied by the US government presumably under the auspices of the AATIP, which exhibited molecular-scale alignment of atoms in a sequence of thin layers, which produced a negative gravitational field under stimulation with terahertz (THz) frequency electromagnetic radiation. At least two other members of DeLonge’s new organization To The Stars Academy (TTSA) have confirmed key features of this anomalous material which is currently in the possession of the US government. Neither atomic-scale ordering nor negative gravitational field effects are currently within the domain of human technology. And a negative gravitational field is the elusive key component to building a gravitational field propulsion system.

And in recent weeks the newly founded To The Stars Academy (TTSA) has begun analyzing samples acquired from trace evidence cases through public channels. Evidently the photonic metamaterial that was studied by the AATIP remains classified, so TTSA has to work with materials that have been acquired in the public sector. It appears that at least one of the samples they’ve received has inspired significant interest within their organization.

In the months ahead, it appears that the physical science of ufology will be making a significant stride forward. Their analyses may even provide substantial insight into the gravitational field propulsion technology utilized by AAVs to transit interstellar distances.

If so, we may not only soon have irrefutable physical evidence of alien visitation to the Earth – we may even live to see the advent of a revolutionary gravitational field propulsion technology that will throw open the door to manned interstellar spaceflight.

That’s exactly what I’ve been hoping for since my AAV sighting as a seven year-old boy, and why I’m such a passionate advocate for the advancement of the physical science of ufology.


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A few years after my sighting as a seven year-old boy, I realized that anecdotal testimony would be of little value in resolving my questions about what I, and five of the other neighborhood kids, had seen that day. So I turned my attention to science, and specifically physics, because the empirical method has consistently proven to be humankind’s most powerful tool for resolving the mysteries that we encounter with our physical sense perceptions.

Many people in this field bemoan the lack of progress in our understanding of the anomalous aerial vehicle (AAV) phenomenon. Some have even rejected the empirical method and analytical reasoning entirely, in favor of mystical explanations. I’m convinced that this is a hasty and ill-advised shift in thinking for two reasons:

1.) A proper scientific study of this phenomenon has never been undertaken in the public sector. So the problem is not that science has failed to explain this phenomenon; the problem is that science has never made an effort to do so.

2.) Scientific progress has made large strides in several independent fields of inquiry ranging from astrophysics to theoretical physics, which now provide substantial support for the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH).

And in recent months a third reason has come to our attention:

3.) Recent scientific analyses of trace evidence from AAV events have begun to provide legitimate scientific support for the extraterrestrial hypothesis (ETH), and more is on the way.

Let’s expand on these three points for additional clarity.

1.) Although we’ve recently learned of one official Pentagon program which was tasked with assessing the AAV phenomenon, the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), the findings of this and other related military research programs have never been released to the public before. So for all practical considerations, there has never been a proper public scientific effort to investigate and explain the AAV phenomenon.

Decades ago Ray Stanford conducted a private scientific investigation into the phenomenon, but like the government, he has refused to share his findings with the public, and therefore the scientific community at large. So for all practical considerations, it might as well have never happened.

Only very recently have we finally seen the first valid efforts to explore this phenomenon openly in the public sector, thanks to the heroic efforts of Christopher O’Brien and his engineer Ron Olch via the creation of the San Luis Valley UFO Data Acquisition Project, which will provide real-time data of AAV phenomena to the public for proper scientific analysis.

This first point is critical because it shows that the rejection of the scientific method in this field, in favor of supernatural explanations, is fundamentally illogical. One cannot declare science incapable of resolving this mystery without first conducting a legitimate scientific effort to do so…which we have never had. Finally, that’s beginning to change.

2.) Scientific progress is slow because it requires a careful and adversarial process.

The discovery of myriad exosolar planets and reliable statistical analyses regarding the prevalence, and the average age, of inhabitable worlds within our galaxy - and countless others, have barely registered on the radar of the average citizen. But in recent years we’ve learned that there are over 10 billion potentially inhabitable Earth-like worlds orbiting Sun-like stars within the Milky Way galaxy alone, and the average age of the most suitable candidate planets is approximately 1-3 billion years older that the Earth. In simple terms, that means that if any one of the billions of worlds in our galaxy that is likely to be suitable for life has evolved an intelligent sentient species like ourselves, then they’ve got a 1-3 billion-year head start on us technologically. No matter how difficult one may presume the problem of rapid interstellar spaceflight may be, it would be preposterous to assert that an intelligent species couldn’t solve that problem in 1-3 billion years of scientific progress.

In fact, in recent decades some of our brightest theoretical physicists have already discovered that Einstein’s general theory of relativity provides a promising solution to that very problem, in the form of an idea known as gravitational field propulsion. If we could engineer with the physics of general relativity, we could build a propulsion system with superluminal speed capability which exhibits no time dilation effects - in principle, such a device could arrive at the Earth from a distant star and return to its planet of origin in time for dinner, without violating the known laws of physics.

Furthermore, the signature performance characteristics of this theoretical mode of propulsion are perfectly reflected in AAV reports from all around the world, spanning at least 70 years. These signature performance characteristics are:

* Hovering and linear motion with no evidence of reaction mass in the form of propellant, emissions, or wind.

* Limitless accelerations with no internal g-forces. In other words, a craft employing a gravitational field propulsion mechanism could accelerate from a dead stop to half the speed of light in a nanosecond without experiencing any subjective sense of acceleration at all – there are no mechanical stresses upon craft or crew.

* Intramedium travel, from space to the atmosphere and even into the ocean. Such a device is not dependent upon nor impeded by the gaseous or liquid media through which it travels.

* No upper limit on transit speeds. According to the general theory of relativity, this propulsion principle can produce speeds far in excess of the speed of light with no time dilation effects.

Given the widespread conformity of these performance characteristics with seven decades of eyewitness and radar-visual reports, it seems obvious that otherworldly civilizations have figured out how to exploit this propulsion principle, and currently utilize it in a routine manner to travel interstellar distances.

It’s also notable that no other propulsion principle has been discovered which conforms to these signature performance characteristics.

So in the last twenty years we’ve learned that the conditions for life are abundant all across the universe, and we’ve discovered a propulsion principle which would allow alien civilizations to visit the Earth with the ease with which we go to the grocery store.

Science has provided a powerful case for the viability the ETH.

3.) Very recent developments in the analysis of physical trace evidence recovered from AAV events have begun to dramatically change the landscape of scientific ufology.

Two recent developments are leading the way. Jacques Vallée recently described a highly noteworthy analysis of trace evidence from an AAV incident in Argentina. Material scientists found a highly anomalous ratio of isotopes of a single element within the sample, where all three isotopes of that element appeared in a precise ratio of thirds. This isotopic distribution happens nowhere in nature, for any element. So this means that this element was separated into its individual stable isotopes, and then recombined in units of thirds, which is an extremely difficult and expensive process. There is also no known scientific application for creating a material in this manner, because human materials science knows of no practical purpose for engineering matter at the nuclear level. Evidently, a more advanced civilization has found an application for engineering matter at the nuclear level in this fashion, presumably for the purpose of exploiting quantum mechanical properties of matter to produce effects unknown to modern human physics.

Last year on the Joe Rogan show Tom DeLonge described an exotic photonic metamaterial which had been studied by the US government presumably under the auspices of the AATIP, which exhibited molecular-scale alignment of atoms in a sequence of thin layers, which produced a negative gravitational field under stimulation with terahertz (THz) frequency electromagnetic radiation. At least two other members of DeLonge’s new organization To The Stars Academy (TTSA) have confirmed key features of this anomalous material which is currently in the possession of the US government. Neither atomic-scale ordering nor negative gravitational field effects are currently within the domain of human technology. And a negative gravitational field is the elusive key component to building a gravitational field propulsion system.

And in recent weeks the newly founded To The Stars Academy (TTSA) has begun analyzing samples acquired from trace evidence cases through public channels. Evidently the photonic metamaterial that was studied by the AATIP remains classified, so TTSA has to work with materials that have been acquired in the public sector. It appears that at least one of the samples they’ve received has inspired significant interest within their organization.

In the months ahead, it appears that the physical science of ufology will be making a significant stride forward. Their analyses may even provide substantial insight into the gravitational field propulsion technology utilized by AAVs to transit interstellar distances.

If so, we may not only soon have irrefutable physical evidence of alien visitation to the Earth – we may even live to see the advent of a revolutionary gravitational field propulsion technology that will throw open the door to manned interstellar spaceflight.

That’s exactly what I’ve been hoping for since my AAV sighting as a seven year-old boy, and why I’m such a passionate advocate for the advancement of the physical science of ufology.
Excellent Post, engaging, I was truly riveted in the detail, My thing is this, Knowledge like this, Like the government acknowledging the presence of otherworldly visitors comes bathed in political expectation, If the Government acknowledged an extraterrestrial presence then suddenly the government is responsible for them and their presence here regarding the public defense, If they are not, Then who is? some people will want to know if they and their families are safe from these new visitors from the stars. Are they? Can the government guarantee this? So then, Just acknowledging the presence of extraterrestrial life opens panic to the public, Sure some are ready, But there will never be a time when everyone is ready.

The second part to this is, Some Knowledge is just so valuable that there is literally no reason to ever reveal it to the public for fear that everyone will be able to take advantage of this great new thing.

Now, Think about that, That sounds counterproductive? If something is so great then why can't everyone take advantage of it? Well, Knowledge is behind a paywall, And the most valuable knowledge will always come at a cost. If everyone had money in their pockets, Then even the value of money would drop.

In my reasoning, Knowledge of something like Extraterrestrial life and possibly recovered technology would be the most valuable knowledge ever attained in the history of planet earth.
I highly suspect such knowledge will hit the auction block before it's simply made freely public.
I Mean if everyone could freely have something, Then truly that thing would have no value.

But that's just my reasoning.
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Excellent Post, engaging, I was truly riveted in the detail, My thing is this, Knowledge like this, Like the government acknowledging the presence of otherworldly visitors comes bathed in political expectation, If the Government acknowledged an extraterrestrial presence then suddenly the government is responsible for them and their presence here regarding the public defense, If they are not, Then who is? some people will want to know if they and their families are safe from these new visitors from the stars. Are they? Can the government guarantee this? So then, Just acknowledging the presence of extraterrestrial life opens panic to the public, Sure some are ready, But there will never be a time when everyone is ready.
I understand the politics of this argument, but I think it’s overplayed. We know about other uncontrollable potential threats to our lives from the cosmos at large, like asteroids and solar mass ejecta and stars going through supernova explosions. The government can’t protect us from all of those things, and we know they’re real, but people aren’t running through the streets screaming bloody murder. Life is full of risks, and many of them are beyond our control. People live with that every day. This phenomenon isn’t all that different – and the fact that “they” seem to avoid us, and rarely if ever display hostility, makes it pretty palatable imo.

The second part to this is, Some Knowledge is just so valuable that there is literally no reason to ever reveal it to the public for fear that everyone will be able to take advantage of this great new thing.

Now, Think about that, That sounds counterproductive? If something is so great then why can't everyone take advantage of it? Well, Knowledge is behind a paywall, And the most valuable knowledge will always come at a cost. If everyone had money in their pockets, Then even the value of money would drop.

In my reasoning, Knowledge of something like Extraterrestrial life and possibly recovered technology would be the most valuable knowledge ever attained in the history of planet earth.
I highly suspect such knowledge will hit the auction block before it's simply made freely public.
I Mean if everyone could freely have something, Then truly that thing would have no value.

But that's just my reasoning.
I think there are two different issues here.

The first pertains to national security. The last thing that anyone wants to see is a new kind of nuclear payload delivery system that’s hypersonic and virtually impervious to countermeasures. That’s what we’re looking at if we arrive at a gravitational field propulsion technology. I think we need an international treaty to ban military applications of field propulsion technology, but that’s not going to help us against non-state adversaries. It’s a thorny and deeply troubling problem.

The second issue is about elitism and access. I think that some people – probably a lot of people in power – think that way. They want to have more, and they want everyone else to have less, because they want to feel special and have an undue level of power and influence over others. I think that’s a psychological disorder, and one which tends to flourish among the very rich and powerful.

In reality, it doesn’t undermine anything when a lot of people have access to something new and exciting - or even money, for that matter. In fact we’ve seen the opposite to be true. The proliferation of smartphones has only stimulated the economy and provided all kinds of useful services that benefit the majority. And one of the biggest problems today is economic inequality - when the average citizen has plenty of spending money, the economy actually thrives because they buy goods and services with it; when the money is only in the hands of the few, economies stall and eventually collapse entirely, because money needs to circulate to keep an economy vibrant.

The advent of a gravitational field propulsion technology would be a transformative moment in human history rife with economic and social and industrial benefits. And the people who already own large pieces of the industrial and economic sectors stand to gain the most from that technological revolution.
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Okay, After my original thoughts on this subject, I have just ADHD skipped ahead to accept that someone somewhere will leak this information to the public Because there are a lot of people who think information should be freely available to everyone. I concede to that fact that Eventually, Someone would leak this information.

Now, What's it made of? Metamaterials seem to be all the rage right now. My thinking is, A huge technological gap between them and us would simply be communication, What we would call a metamaterial to them may be a fallowsflagiankorthanthiggle What we think of and conceptualize as electricity may be a concept they call CI
, their views on Electricity and Metamaterials may be such vastly different foreign concepts, Concepts that simply because we don't fully comprehend their way of thinking, that even our brightest engineers simply won't be able to operate their tech or recreate it. That is just linear thinking though, Let's assume we have had plenty of time to study their technology lets assume it's been decades.

Could there be such a Metamaterial that when it's charged it becomes denser? Here is what I am thinking.

Gravity could be used as a propulsion, We know that things like particle accelerators increase their gravity as mass increases its acceleration nearer to the speed of light, Could we not just use accelerated particles with increasing mass as a means of propulsion? For that matter, Could not a metamaterial be created that gains density when it's charged?

I feel like Mass density and finite control over metamaterial that can change densities is the Key to propulsion. One would think, Well you would need a lot of power, Not really, You wouldn't need that much power, You won't need enough power to pull a planet toward another. Just enough density to pull a craft with cargo. Think about it astrophysically, If an object in space suddenly has enough mass it's going to be pulling toward other objects, right? so, I think a metamaterial that could change its density when a charge is applied could be a great propulsion solution.
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I mean think about this from a buoyancy principal, in space, there would be small amounts of friction, You have to consider other gravitational forces like solar winds, but if we set off a large particle accelerator in space, That increased mass would without fail begin pulling us toward other objects of mass.

I'm just saying. Space isn't static, It's not standing still. It's a wild storm of fundamental forces all in motion. having something that can manipulate mass and density seems like in practicality it would work as a means of space travel.
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Okay, After my original thoughts on this subject, I have just ADHD skipped ahead to accept that someone somewhere will leak this information to the public Because there are a lot of people who think information should be freely available to everyone. I concede to that fact that Eventually, Someone would leak this information.
I doubt it. The penalties for leaking classified information are extreme, unless you’re a totally corrupt and influential warmonger like Hillary Clinton who’s shielded from prosecution by powerful corrupt allies in the military-intelligence-law-enforcement apparatus. People are routinely imprisoned, and in some cases like Chelsea Manning even tortured, for leaking classified intel. I can’t think of a single case where very highly classified intel, like Special Access Program intelligence, has ever been successfully leaked to the public. Can you?

Now, What's it made of? Metamaterials seem to be all the rage right now. My thinking is, A huge technological gap between them and us would simply be communication, What we would call a metamaterial to them may be a fallowsflagiankorthanthiggle What we think of and conceptualize as electricity may be a concept they call CI
, their views on Electricity and Metamaterials may be such vastly different foreign concepts, Concepts that simply because we don't fully comprehend their way of thinking, that even our brightest engineers simply won't be able to operate their tech or recreate it. That is just linear thinking though, Let's assume we have had plenty of time to study their technology lets assume it's been decades.

Could there be such a Metamaterial that when it's charged it becomes denser? Here is what I am thinking.

Gravity could be used as a propulsion, We know that things like particle accelerators increase their gravity as mass increases its acceleration nearer to the speed of light, Could we not just use accelerated particles with increasing mass as a means of propulsion? For that matter, Could not a metamaterial be created that gains density when it's charged?

I feel like Mass density and finite control over metamaterial that can change densities is the Key to propulsion. One would think, Well you would need a lot of power, Not really, You wouldn't need that much power, You won't need enough power to pull a planet toward another. Just enough density to pull a craft with cargo. Think about it astrophysically, If an object in space suddenly has enough mass it's going to be pulling toward other objects, right? so, I think a metamaterial that could change its density when a charge is applied could be a great propulsion solution.
This is a very interesting and complex subject.

It’s not as simple as controlling the density of matter. Yes, we can do that in a variety of ways, but in order to manifest any detectable change in the gravitational field that way, we’d have to be able to induce densities on the level of neutronium – neutron star matter. That’s way, way beyond any foreseeable technological capabilities. And even that wouldn’t produce motion. To make gravitational field propulsion work, you need both a positive gravitational field and a negative gravitational field, interacting with each other. Recently we’ve found that photonic metamaterials can be induced to produce both positive and negative changes in the stress-energy tensor of such materials under exposure to THz frequencies of light, but the effects we’ve discovered are far too small to measure directly; they have to be calculated.

It comes down to a very fundamental question: how does mass-energy curve spacetime? We know that it does, and we’ve quantified it, but we don’t understand how it works. So we’re missing the key piece of the puzzle.

I like to use the example of lodestone in Medieval science. We found that lodestone possessed a magnetic field, but that’s all we knew. We didn’t understand the nature of the magnetic field at all. So in order to make a stronger magnetic field, our only option was to gather together more lodestone. That wasn’t very effective, because the magnetic charge on lodestone is very small.

Then when we discovered that the magnetic field is electrical in nature, suddenly we discovered that we could create a much more powerful magnetic field by simply running an electrical current through a coil of insulated wire – no lodestone required. And with an iron rod placed inside that coil, we could produce extremely intense magnetic fields, on demand. That simple discovery spawned the entire modern technological revolution.

We’re in the same position now with regard to gravitational fields, as we were in a few centuries ago with regard to magnetism. We know that mass-energy produces a gravitational field. And we can make a stronger gravitational field by gathering together more mass-energy. But like gathering together more lodestone to make a stronger magnetic field, that’s a severely limited approach. We’re stuck at this level because we don’t understand how mass-energy produces a gravitational field; we only know that it does.

AAVs represent a true gravitational field technology that’s exploiting the underlying principle at the heart of the gravitational field, analogous to how we produce powerful magnetic fields today with a little bit of energy flowing around a coil with an iron core inside.

All we have right now are clues, but they’re very interesting clues. For one thing, we know that these craft represent a nuclear level of engineering technology, because we’re seeing precise and non-naturally occurring isotopic ratios in recovered samples. And we’re seeing atomic-scale ordering, in fine layers. So it appears that by arranging specific isotopes of specific elements with atomic precision, and activating that material in one or more ways, it’s possible to produce significantly powerful positive and negative gravitational fields, which in tandem induce dramatic acceleration capabilities.

There’s a relatively new field of materials science known as topological insulators, which involves precision ordering of specific materials in order to engineer the quantum wavefunction of matter to produce known effects in new ways, and even engineer new effects previously unseen in nature. AAV technology appears to consist of topological insulators that produce gravitational effects in a manner unknown to modern physics.

There are several forms of energy which may play a role in this kind of technology. In addition to electromagnetic energy, we’ve also been making progress with phonons and spintronics and excitons and lots of other types of energy and information transfer mechanisms.

Physics is a universal science, so once we understand how these devices work, we’ll be able to replicate the results.


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I doubt it. The penalties for leaking classified information are extreme, unless you’re a totally corrupt and influential warmonger like Hillary Clinton who’s shielded from prosecution by powerful corrupt allies in the military-intelligence-law-enforcement apparatus. People are routinely imprisoned, and in some cases like Chelsea Manning even tortured, for leaking classified intel. I can’t think of a single case where very highly classified intel, like Special Access Program intelligence, has ever been successfully leaked to the public. Can you?

This is a very interesting and complex subject.

It’s not as simple as controlling the density of matter. Yes, we can do that in a variety of ways, but in order to manifest any detectable change in the gravitational field that way, we’d have to be able to induce densities on the level of neutronium – neutron star matter. That’s way, way beyond any foreseeable technological capabilities. And even that wouldn’t produce motion. To make gravitational field propulsion work, you need both a positive gravitational field and a negative gravitational field, interacting with each other. Recently we’ve found that photonic metamaterials can be induced to produce both positive and negative changes in the stress-energy tensor of such materials under exposure to THz frequencies of light, but the effects we’ve discovered are far too small to measure directly; they have to be calculated.

It comes down to a very fundamental question: how does mass-energy curve spacetime? We know that it does, and we’ve quantified it, but we don’t understand how it works. So we’re missing the key piece of the puzzle.

I like to use the example of lodestone in Medieval science. We found that lodestone possessed a magnetic field, but that’s all we knew. We didn’t understand the nature of the magnetic field at all. So in order to make a stronger magnetic field, our only option was to gather together more lodestone. That wasn’t very effective, because the magnetic charge on lodestone is very small.

Then when we discovered that the magnetic field is electrical in nature, suddenly we discovered that we could create a much more powerful magnetic field by simply running an electrical current through a coil of insulated wire – no lodestone required. And with an iron rod placed inside that coil, we could produce extremely intense magnetic fields, on demand. That simple discovery spawned the entire modern technological revolution.

We’re in the same position now with regard to gravitational fields, as we were in a few centuries ago with regard to magnetism. We know that mass-energy produces a gravitational field. And we can make a stronger gravitational field by gathering together more mass-energy. But like gathering together more lodestone to make a stronger magnetic field, that’s a severely limited approach. We’re stuck at this level because we don’t understand how mass-energy produces a gravitational field; we only know that it does.

AAVs represent a true gravitational field technology that’s exploiting the underlying principle at the heart of the gravitational field, analogous to how we produce powerful magnetic fields today with a little bit of energy flowing around a coil with an iron core inside.

All we have right now are clues, but they’re very interesting clues. For one thing, we know that these craft represent a nuclear level of engineering technology, because we’re seeing precise and non-naturally occurring isotopic ratios in recovered samples. And we’re seeing atomic-scale ordering, in fine layers. So it appears that by arranging specific isotopes of specific elements with atomic precision, and activating that material in one or more ways, it’s possible to produce significantly powerful positive and negative gravitational fields, which in tandem induce dramatic acceleration capabilities.

There’s a relatively new field of materials science known as topological insulators, which involves precision ordering of specific materials in order to engineer the quantum wavefunction of matter to produce known effects in new ways, and even engineer new effects previously unseen in nature. AAV technology appears to consist of topological insulators that produce gravitational effects in a manner unknown to modern physics.

There are several forms of energy which may play a role in this kind of technology. In addition to electromagnetic energy, we’ve also been making progress with phonons and spintronics and excitons and lots of other types of energy and information transfer mechanisms.

Physics is a universal science, so once we understand how these devices work, we’ll be able to replicate the results.
How true, It all comes down to our imperfect understanding of Gravity and how it affects spacetime, It's not like I haven't thought about it. But I doubt no matter how much time and effort I put into this, That somehow I will be the guy that finds the answer. I wonder sometimes, Do you think we will discover why and how gravity and time are related in our lifetimes? Will, there come a day in our lifetimes When someone makes this vital realization and connects gravity as an electromagnetic force? or a strong or weak force? Will we ever fully understand gravity, in any lifetime?

And If Gravity was connected to the electromagnetic force would this hint toward a negative and positive for gravity, I've studied gravity a lot, As far as I know, gravity only attracts it's never been observed to repulse. But If it can cohesively be unified with electromagnetism, Then It would hypothetically possess a repulsive force? Maybe?
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How true, It all comes down to our imperfect understanding of Gravity and how it affects spacetime, It's not like I haven't thought about it. But I doubt no matter how much time and effort I put into this, That somehow I will be the guy that finds the answer. I wonder sometimes, Do you think we will discover why and how gravity and time are related in our lifetimes? Will, there come a day in our lifetimes When someone makes this vital realization and connects gravity as an electromagnetic force? or a strong or weak force? Will we ever fully understand gravity, in any lifetime?
We'll certainly figure it out. Unless the psychopaths in power allow their greed and bloodlust to start WWIII.

Just look at the astonishing scientific progress that we’ve made in the last century alone – the span of one long human lifetime. When Einstein derived gravitational waves from his equations of general relativity, he thought that we’d never be able to detect them, because they’re so subtle. One century later they’re all over the headlines – using laser interferometers that can detect changes in length that are only 1/10,000th the width of a proton, physicists are now studying collisions of black holes that occurred in distant galaxies over a billion years ago. The triumphs of modern science are mind-boggling. And by all indications, we’re just getting warmed up – progress builds upon itself.

General relativity describes the gravitational curvature of spacetime with sublime precision – to within the limits of our observational acuity…which is quite formidable at this point. Gravitation is the curvature of spacetime – there’s no doubt about that. I think a more interesting question is this: what is the nature of spacetime? In some key ways it appears to be a kind of field. I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out to be a specific kind of field which is fundamentally related to the other kinds of fields that we know about (and have some control over). And I suspect that once we understand that relationship, we’ll be able to use our control over the other fields of nature, to technologically produce any desired curvature of spacetime, aka gravitation, that we desire. In some elegant underlying fundamental manner, I think we’ll find that all fields are intimately related and codependent upon one another, and that’s how we’ll ultimately achieve complete mastery over the physical laws of the universe, including space and time and energy.

It’s impossible to predict when some innovative genius will fit all of the pieces together. But I think it could happen at any moment.

The AAV phenomenon might provide the crucial key that we need to make that leap forward. For one thing, they’re showing us that the technological control of gravitation is achievable. That alone is a huge advantage – just knowing that something is possible is very valuable. But we could also collect critical data through careful scientific observation of these objects traversing our skies - I assume that the DoD has reams of that kind of data already, tucked away in various silos and stovepipes. And if we actually have recovered samples of the technology, and I think we do, then we’ll have a real opportunity to leapfrog over decades or even centuries of R&D to achieve a physical understanding of how these devices work.

And that's all we need to actually start building AAVs ourselves.
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TTSA released an ADAM Project update today:

Material of Interest: Magnesium-Zinc-Bismuth

They're analyzing a sample (one of seven that they now have) which sounds a lot like the metamaterial we've heard a lot about lately - I assume that this particular sample came via Linda Moulton Howe as part of the Art's Parts samples:

"One artifact on loan to TTSA for analysis is a Magnesium-Zinc-Bismuth (MgZn/Bi) sample, which has been the source of discussion and speculation for years. The supplied documentation states that it is from a UAP crash recovery. While this source cannot be verified, this is a particularly interesting sample for several reasons:
  • The material is clearly engineered with distinct layers of MgZn and Bi at structured thicknesses only microns thick
  • There is no precedent for this structured combination of materials
  • It is unclear what fabrication processes allow this combination of materials to form an integrated structural component
  • Theoretical analysis shows that the material acts as a waveguide for terahertz (THz) frequencies
  • Those wavelengths normally would not propagate through this geometry
  • One side of the sample appears to be tooled, having a defined contour
  • There has been an extensive amount of testing on the material, the true purpose or function of the material remains unknown
The TTSA team has already started testing several material samples and will be reporting results as we complete the analyses."

That's intriguing. It'll be interesting to see what they find with the high-precision atomic-scale structural analysis tools of modern science. The isotopic analysis should be interesting too.

They also said: "there are two classes of samples: material that was released as the UAP was hovering and material that makes up parts of the structure or systems."

This could be a turning point for the physical science of ufology. Stay tuned.


High Priestess
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My husband speaks highly of you and your work. I hope this is the proper place to ask this.
If UFO's are from another world, then why are they here? Our planet is small. we are almost nothing to a race that can travel the stars. To an alien culture would we not be like ants? I have had experiences in the realm of the sprit. But if these are physical beings then why us? I would gather there are far greater wonders in this universe?
The craft My husband and I saw was real and physical. I deal in the realm of the sprit. A being from another world would be outside my experiences. I wonder if a real Alien found us would he just catalog us and move on? Why linger? We are hostile to our own world. And to ourselves.
I hope I have asked good questions.
Blessed Be
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Damn - according to George Knapp's new segment about AATIP and TTSA, we're not going to see the results of their materials analyses until after the first of the year:

I-Team: What's happened since major announcement to end UFO secrecy?

My husband speaks highly of you and your work. I hope this is the proper place to ask this.
If UFO's are from another world, then why are they here? Our planet is small. we are almost nothing to a race that can travel the stars. To an alien culture would we not be like ants? I have had experiences in the realm of the sprit. But if these are physical beings then why us? I would gather there are far greater wonders in this universe?
The craft My husband and I saw was real and physical. I deal in the realm of the sprit. A being from another world would be outside my experiences. I wonder if a real Alien found us would he just catalog us and move on? Why linger? We are hostile to our own world. And to ourselves.
I hope I have asked good questions.
Blessed Be
I replied to you over here a couple of weeks ago Rikki - I don't know if saw it:

Intelligent alien life: astronomy, astrobiology, and the age of inhabitable worlds
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Did Ted Phillips ever publish anything of value to scientific ufology?
He published a book:

But as far as I know there hasn't ever been a field of scientific ufology, just some independent efforts of individuals (Paul R. Hill comes to mind), so I don't know how to gauge its value - do you?

Without a scientific journal willing to peer-review and publish papers on the physical science of ufology, or professional scientists willing to conduct credible research on the topic, I don't think we can say that there's a field of scientific ufology.

Hopefully with continued releases from the government about the AATIP and similar programs, and the kinds of analyses being conducted right now on samples under the supervision of Steve Justice and Hal Puthoff, the cultural climate will shift enough to allow for the advent of a field of scientific ufology. Because that's what's been missing for the last 70 years, which is why we now have a field of ufology dominated by people like humanoidlord who believe that an invisible and omnipotent boogeyman is behind all of it.


Ignorance isn’t bliss!
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My husband speaks highly of you and your work. I hope this is the proper place to ask this.
If UFO's are from another world, then why are they here? Our planet is small. we are almost nothing to a race that can travel the stars. To an alien culture would we not be like ants? I have had experiences in the realm of the sprit. But if these are physical beings then why us? I would gather there are far greater wonders in this universe?
The craft My husband and I saw was real and physical. I deal in the realm of the sprit. A being from another world would be outside my experiences. I wonder if a real Alien found us would he just catalog us and move on? Why linger? We are hostile to our own world. And to ourselves.
I hope I have asked good questions.
Blessed Be
We went to the moon and are trying to get to Mars.We are interested in 2 places devoid of life that are rather bland to look at.If we had the capability I’m sure we would be interested in visiting a world teeming with millions if not billions of life forms.If a race is curious enough to develop technology to visit other worlds surely they would be curious about us.
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It looks like To The Stars Academy has found what they were looking for in the samples they collected to study under the ADAM Project. Here's the transcription of the relevant excerpt from the talk that Luis Elizondo gave in Italy yesterday, provided by Joe Murgia on his Twitter page:

"And our company, To The Stars Academy, is working very hard with many, many partners. Before I go to the next slide, I wanna make one quick announcement. What you are about to see has never been seen publicly. Our philosophy early on, was to cast a wide net. Like any wise fisherman, cast a wide net and catch as many fish as possible. And then throw back those fish you don't need. What you're about to see is that net and what is caught. Some of the fish in the net have very likely explanations but some of the fish defy any logical explanation.

(Luis Elizondo puts up a slide showing various materials.) These are actual photographs of materials in our possession. Through various sources, we've obtained this and some of this material we have the provenance and we have the analysis from very reputable organizations, including government facilities. Now some of this may turn out to be rather terrestrial and boring. But some of it remains exceedingly bizarre, unusual, and may not be from here.

So how do we know that? Forgive me but let me give you a small lesson in material science. Let's start from big to small. When you come across strange material, at the macro-level, you want to identify physical properties: size, weight, shape, texture...then you want to look at its electro-conductivity. Any type of material vitrification or heat ablation. Or anything else it can tell you, the physical environment in which it was formed. And if you find something interesting, you begin to look at the molecular level. Looking at the chemical bonds that unite or bind the material together. Are there materials that are not usually found together. Are there any unusual properties associated with those chemical bonds? For example, how the molecules are arranged. And if you find something interesting, you then go down to the nano level or in this case, the atomic level. And we begin looking at things such as isotopic ratios.

Everything on this planet has a footprint, it has a thumbprint, it has a fingerprint. And when you come across a material that has an unusual isotopic ratio, you have to pay attention to what created those conditions for that isotopic ratio. So the material that you're analyzing happens to have high levels of iridium or isotopic ratios that are not naturally present on this planet. One has to scratch their head and wonder why. In some cases, these materials are multi-layered materials that should not be together and are engineered precisely from an isotopic perspective.

Furthermore, some of this material, we are still unable to recreate technologically. (Last slide shows what TTSA is working on). But please allow me to make one point. An international partnership is vital. This is not an Italian phenomenon. This is not a US phenomenon. Nor is it a Russian phenomenon. It is in fact a global phenomenon. And as such, the decision on what we decide to do or not do, is up to you."

Video (from 1:07:19 to 2:30:22):
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Ah finally happened...I suppose it was inevitable. After months of simmering annoyance with Robert Sheaffer's relentlessly derisive blog posts (at Bad UFOs: Skepticism, UFOs, and The Universe) that blithely crap all over this topic and the TTSA/AATIP story especially, I finally got fed up with his smarmy needling at a private facebook UFO group, and called him out with regard to this recent story:

I-Team: Race is on to solve the mystery of unknown materials

So now we're gonna rumble. This could get ugly, folks. May the best man win :)


At Peace.
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Ah finally happened...I suppose it was inevitable. After months of simmering annoyance with Robert Sheaffer's relentlessly derisive blog posts (at Bad UFOs: Skepticism, UFOs, and The Universe) that blithely crap all over this topic and the TTSA/AATIP story especially, I finally got fed up with his smarmy needling at a private facebook UFO group, and called him out with regard to this recent story:

I-Team: Race is on to solve the mystery of unknown materials

So now we're gonna rumble. This could get ugly, folks. May the best man win :)

May the truth be with you.


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Ah finally happened...I suppose it was inevitable. After months of simmering annoyance with Robert Sheaffer's relentlessly derisive blog posts (at Bad UFOs: Skepticism, UFOs, and The Universe) that blithely crap all over this topic and the TTSA/AATIP story especially, I finally got fed up with his smarmy needling at a private facebook UFO group, and called him out with regard to this recent story:

I-Team: Race is on to solve the mystery of unknown materials

So now we're gonna rumble. This could get ugly, folks. May the best man win :)
Where are your comments?
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Where are your comments?
Ok so it turns out that it's actually a public group, not a closed group, so I don't think I'd be violating any kind of online etiquette by sharing our exchange here.

I'm disappointed though - I threw down the gauntlet before going to bed last night and I expected to wake up to a duel today - but no dice. He hasn't responded :/ Here's what we've got at this point:

It started with somebody posting the recent George Knapp story about the on-going analysis of physical samples, which I mentioned above. Here's the link to that thread at facebook (I don't know if you have to be a member of the public group to see it, but here it is):

Stig Agermose

Then our exchange went like this:

Robert Sheaffer According to Betty Hill, there should still be some sizable fragments of extraterrestrial material buried in the back yard of the house where she used to live in Portsmouth, NH. And not buried too deeply, since it was only buried by landscapers who covered them with sand. It would be trivial to excavate them. If TTSA does not already know where this house is, I can provide them the address.
Bad UFOs: Skepticism, UFOs, and The Universe: Betty Hill's UFO Crash Debris

  • Thomas Randolph Morrison You appear to be suggesting a false equivalence here, which is a logical fallacy. Just because Betty Hill’s claims about crash debris sound like BS – and they probably are, that doesn’t mean that all cases involving trace evidence or crash debris are BS. That would be like saying “my grandmother had a bowl of fake plastic fruit, so all fruit must be fake.” Statement B doesn’t follow from statement A.

  • Robert Sheaffer Thomas Randolph Morrison An argument that I never made!

  • Thomas Randolph Morrison Robert Sheaffer - But by posting it in this thread, that's what you seem to be implying, Sir. Let's just speak plainly, shall we? Is it your position that there are no trace evidence samples or debris from one of these alleged AAV incidents (presumably that would be one's position, if one's position is that no AAV cases involve nonterrestrial technology), or are you open to the possibility that such a thing exists? For my part, I don't rule out anything, but I don't believe anything either until I see credible scientific data to support it. I get the impression from your work, however, that you firmly believe that the entire subject of UFOs consists of nothing but misindentifications, hoaxes, and hokum. Am I right?

I thought that would prompt a response - it's a fair question to ask. But so far, no dice.

Honestly I'm kind of dying to get into it with him, because after reading this terrible blog post that he published on Sept. 8th of this year:
Bad UFOs: Skepticism, UFOs, and The Universe: Elizondo and the "Five Observables"

I found that it was incredibly easy to dismantle all of his arguments in this recent post here, which was quite fun to write:
U.S. Navy video that has been in the news - dismantled. What do you think?
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