As Above So Below
Alien Body Allegedly Found in Bolivia
A bizarre video from a village in Bolivia purportedly shows an alien body that was allegedly found following a UFO sighting. The very weird case reportedly began earlier this month in the remote community of Huarina, where residents first spotted a mysterious green light in the sky. Following the peculiar sighting, they claim that diminutive humanoids, which some likened to goblins, were seen scrambling through the streets of the village. "They were miniature beings," one witness recalled, "like those little people who appear to children." A few days later, the odd incident became even stranger when what appeared to be the body of a small figure was found in a gutter and, as one resident marveled, "the closer we got we saw that it was an alien."Fortunately for those who find the fantastic tale hard to fathom, some people on the scene managed to actually capture photos and footage (seen above) of the curious remains, which seem to resemble a miniature version of the iconic Grey alien, complete with oversized eyes. Images of the anomalous figure were subsequently sent to Bolivian ufologist Juan Carlos Aliaga, who noted that they appeared to show "this being curled up, but with little bones." Although he has pledged to investigate the case, the UFO researcher lamented that it will be something of a challenge as the peculiar remains mysteriously disappeared shortly after being discovered.
What became of the suspected alien body is uncertain with some speculating that the remains were retrieved by its ET companions, while others have theorized that a well-meaning villager may given the otherworldly visitor a proper burial. Suggesting that officials in Bolivia are taking the case seriously, authorities are said to be investigating the situation and are asking residents to refrain from discussing the matter. Of course, skeptical observers will argue that the 'dead alien' is merely a well-crafted hoax on the part of someone who likely never expected it to wind up making headlines around the world.