Goodbye Speech


As Above So Below
We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile.

Many will recognize this terrifying quote from the film “Star Trek: First Contact.” Fortunately, total assimilation of the Borg kind is fiction … or is it?

HIBA will have the ability to connect the minds of the most clever of us, combining those minds with everything it can find out practically and put it all together in hybrid intelligence.

That quote is from Marko Karjnovic, the producer of an exhibit on the future of Artificial Intelligence at the World Government Summit in Dubai that combines predictions by AI experts on where their field is going in the not-to-distant future, art made by AI, mistakes that have been made, a room to discuss how political leaders can use AI and the Hybrid Intelligence Biometric Avatar (HIBA).


I am made of you. You complete me and help me grow. You allow me to evolve – with each synergy I learn more, through this oneness we can achieve great things.
That sounds like a romantic, futuristic greeting card but it’s actually HIBA welcoming visitors to the exhibit at the Museum of the Future. According to reviews of the exhibit in the New York Post and the Daily Mail, by 2050 HIBA will have eliminated the need for human speech entirely by allowing people to use “brain to brain communication” with anyone on Earth.

Initially, its purpose is benign – enabling “people to connect with friends, family or business owners in a more profound manner.” But, as we know with the Internet, all of that brain-to-brain communication with be collected and stored … and that’s when things get Borg-ish.
It will be able to talk to you, get information from you, and put it in a different space of knowledge.
That sounds a lot like “We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own.” Since this is part of the World Government Summit, it’s not surprising that the exhibit has a so-called “cabinet room” that shows how governments and their leaders will consult with AI before making important decisions.


Do we really want the finger on the button to be Alexa’s? How about Aanisah? That’s a Middle Eastern girl’s name that means “pious-hearted lady, one who is good-natured.”

The article points out a forecast that AI will contribute $320 billion to the Middle East economy by 2030 … when the HIBA/Borg is in control. Is ‘pious-hearted Borg’ an oxymoron?

Are we ready for “hybrid intelligence”? Will we be ready in 2050?

Will we have a choice?


Not sure about this.

Had a discussion about controlling future technology recently.

We need to get ahead of technologies like this and build in safeguards.

There are a number of security problems with implants that need to be addressed and solved.


As Above So Below
Not sure about this.

Had a discussion about controlling future technology recently.

We need to get ahead of technologies like this and build in safeguards.

There are a number of security problems with implants that need to be addressed and solved.

Absolutely I agree, there are quite a number of dangers that can come from 'smart' implants, there must be some controls in place and safeguards...


At Peace.
That's a different problem.

The human race is going to go extinct because men will choose sexbots over real women.

Real women just can't compete and they don't come with a downloadable app.
It will be interesting to see what happens. And I do think women may prefer their male robots over men as well.


Fading day by day.
Bots may be enough for some though. As I get older and get beaten about the head by life, I find myself unwittingly withdrawing more and more from society. I find I am mellowing and becoming more able to see the middle ground on so much, and see how stupid our (including mine) extreme views are. So much strife in the world comes from extreme views. Just look even at recent events here, and how our uncompromising views have divided the forum. It is crazy. Maybe I am getting old, but I am able to control my electronic world a little, I use my google home device extensively, almost never type on my phone, I just talk to it. After my marriage separation I have lost a lot of faith in people. So many folks I counted friend shown their true colors and I was more hurt by their ultimate indifference than anything. Then you question friendships on a place like this. There are one or two here I am pretty confident in their declarations of friendship towards me, but feel many others that say friend would burn me in a heartbeat. But my electronic world I can control. No one makes me look at media I find upsetting, it has no extreme views, my google come does not judge me or my views. It does not criticize my weaknesses. I have already looked into RFID implants and as soon as I get a place of my own I will be getting one implanted for access to my house. I plann to probably get one soon so I can play with it a little with my arduino stuff. If I had the opportunity to interface with my electronic world more immersively I would without hesitation. If I could have some of the techy stuff we see in Sci Fi implanted..hell yeah bring it on.
But for me, it is mostly because of people. I just can't take the falseness and aggro anymore. 22 once said I wear my heart on my sleeve. I find that my honesty is always taken for arrogance. People project their own hangups on me, and reason that I must be saying xyz because thats why they would say it. But it is just not the case. And I am getting very tired mentally fighting this battle all the time. I don't have a mean bone in my body, but so much I do and say is taken by others badly. I would love to have more real in the flesh friends, but, I find it difficult to trust now. So for me at least, bring on the Bots, I am not sure about the whole sex bot thing, but a live in AI of advanced intelligence would be great for me. Overall I am tiring of the fight I guess. bots don't make you feel bad about yourself.


At Peace.
Bots may be enough for some though. As I get older and get beaten about the head by life, I find myself unwittingly withdrawing more and more from society. I find I am mellowing and becoming more able to see the middle ground on so much, and see how stupid our (including mine) extreme views are. So much strife in the world comes from extreme views. Just look even at recent events here, and how our uncompromising views have divided the forum. It is crazy. Maybe I am getting old, but I am able to control my electronic world a little, I use my google home device extensively, almost never type on my phone, I just talk to it. After my marriage separation I have lost a lot of faith in people. So many folks I counted friend shown their true colors and I was more hurt by their ultimate indifference than anything. Then you question friendships on a place like this. There are one or two here I am pretty confident in their declarations of friendship towards me, but feel many others that say friend would burn me in a heartbeat. But my electronic world I can control. No one makes me look at media I find upsetting, it has no extreme views, my google come does not judge me or my views. It does not criticize my weaknesses. I have already looked into RFID implants and as soon as I get a place of my own I will be getting one implanted for access to my house. I plann to probably get one soon so I can play with it a little with my arduino stuff. If I had the opportunity to interface with my electronic world more immersively I would without hesitation. If I could have some of the techy stuff we see in Sci Fi implanted..hell yeah bring it on.
But for me, it is mostly because of people. I just can't take the falseness and aggro anymore. 22 once said I wear my heart on my sleeve. I find that my honesty is always taken for arrogance. People project their own hangups on me, and reason that I must be saying xyz because thats why they would say it. But it is just not the case. And I am getting very tired mentally fighting this battle all the time. I don't have a mean bone in my body, but so much I do and say is taken by others badly. I would love to have more real in the flesh friends, but, I find it difficult to trust now. So for me at least, bring on the Bots, I am not sure about the whole sex bot thing, but a live in AI of advanced intelligence would be great for me. Overall I am tiring of the fight I guess. bots don't make you feel bad about yourself.

I felt the same way on my divorce, and for a few years before it ended... I completely understand your perspective, and even having been married a second time, If sex bots were at a satisfactory level of cool, maybe I would have one, even now... in a separate room... or if the wife liked it, in the same room... but their tech must improve dramatically before that...


Fading day by day.
I felt the same way on my divorce, and for a few years before it ended... I completely understand your perspective, and even having been married a second time, If sex bots were at a satisfactory level of cool, maybe I would have one, even now... in a separate room... or if the wife liked it, in the same room... but their tech must improve dramatically before that...
It is sad we live in such a harsh world. I am pretty indifferent to the sex bot thing. It sounds corny but for me it is about making Love, not about sex. So I doubt a sex bot would be on my wish list. But an AI as a mental companion and a tool around the house to function as a tech interface. That would be great. Imagine, you could ask it, "I don't understand the Shrodingers Cat idea, can you explain it to me please?", "Can you please teach me Calculus"
How great would that be.


Fading day by day.
We are going to be in an infelicitous situation with all this.
Well, if they achieve self awareness, and we are doomed anyway. I for one am always ready to reconsider my thoughts on the sex bot thing. While now not so significant, given the choice between death and a sex slave...meh, there are worse things to die of, at least you can't catch an STD from a sex bot lol :)