Jo Ann Richards


Where does one begin? I had a chance to interview her before, and I enjoyed her story. Anytime prison is involved, you know it must be good. I would love to know your thoughts & opinions. I hope you like Jo Ann.

Jo Ann Richards is Executive Director of the educational non-profit, Earth Defense Headquarters ( Her husband, Mark Richards, and his father, Ellis Loyd Richards, were involved with top-level military intelligence operations since World War II, many including on-world and off-world contact and battles with various alien species.


I have to admit it's fascinating to look at how a felon serving a life sentence without parole in the Pendragon murder has been able to claim that he is a space captain. Mark could always spin a grandeoise story but it would be more entertaining if Mr. Baldwin had not been killed.

JoAnn should either quit telling stories or provide documentation to support Mark's claims.

The Story of "Captain" Mark Richards