A ghost with a sense of humor?
Or Satan with an evil laugh?
Or two guys just having fun watching the girls run?
I was sure of only one thing. Not to go there again but I did. Three girls I was working with had the idea of a session and Helen said I will ask a question only I know the answer to. " What colour of underwear am I wearing". N...O...N...E... was the reply. That was enough for the commandoette to enter a state of shock.
Long time ago all of this and it is very real. A letter was sent to all the houses on our estate, from a Vicar who was warning of this practice as dangerous and to this day and beyond I will never know of the ill effects as I'm a one trick pony life form.
There was death and delinquency for some in our group.
If you have it in you, it will take you further than those who are of purer mind. I'm a well wisher thank goodness but I have the darkness as a backdrop.
Three times I did it and charmed it.