Understanding the coming Zombie Apocalypse.
If there is going to ever be a Zombie outbreak it will be a masked outbreak, one which will be an artificial but mass marketed as a natural freak event, and the predictive programming involves all the zombie meme's and reports like this one. My own best guess is that the enabling technology will be cell towers combined with cell/smart tech to include meters and other RFID like equipment, and this Zombie Apocalypse will be enabled by those technologies and by the hidden ones, to include nano~particles which have already been dispensed plantary wide under the guise of contrails.
Essentially a Zombie outbreak may be waiting in our future but if so it will be man made and created on the push of a button. Creating Zombies for the Apocalypse is a lot like creating a binary explosive, one with inert parts but when brought together become dangerous.
To understand how this idea of making a Zombie fantasy transform in to reality could happen does start with some understanding of BSE. All the human forms of BSE are disguised under deceptive names. All human types were once so rare that previous to the 1940's they were almost unknown. Something like four recorded cases of Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease were known in all medical history prior to the last global war.
In humans Creutzfeldt~Jacobs disease is virtually identical to Kuru, and Kuru is virtually identical to Alzheimers and all of which are virtually identical to Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or Mad Cow Disease. It's been known for a long time that Deer, Mink, Moose, Cows, Sheep, and Humans all can contract BSE, it's just that this was never probable or possible prior to WWII because there wasn't a cattle industry which valued profit above good sense and people respected the laws of nature. They didn't feed dead cattle to living cattle to save on the cost of grass for example.
The cattle farming industry didn't see it that way. They saw dollars being wasted. Hey why not just dump that downer cattle in the plant grinder and then we don't have pay to burn or bury the corpse? So that's what they began doing and it became an industry practice; they dumped dead and dying cattle infected with BSE along with sheep, mink, road kill and so forth in to rendering plant grinders, which then produced feed for other livestock, but that's just the beginning of the story. We are talking about a planetary wide disaster of cross contamination so great that even gardening dust for keeping insects off roses can now potentially give you this disease.
So next thing ya know we have an explosion of BSE and this is so terrifying that it has to be hidden away from public understanding, hence the invention and compartmentalization of diseases, so that it's not BSE, it's now CFJ, it's not BSE, it's old age and Alzheimers. It isn't a crystal it's a prion. So this disease is now officially denied and the mass outbreaks which we do have are on~going and disguised as other diseases with other suspected causes. Understand?
So now we have an understanding of the roots of Zombie Apocalypse meme. It is born out of this real life horror story. Making it become a reality which could be executed at the push of button is another matter and this is where the connecting of technology to ideas to manufacturing, mass marketing, and gullibility all come together. It begins by understanding the real life BSE disease isn't a living creature.
You cannot kill this bio~agent with any known tools. There is no sterilization process. It is not a living organism. It's not a chemical reaction like a poison, it's a crystal which replicates itself inside the body and specifically inside the brain. It grows by using brain fluids.
Crystals are composed of atoms, molecules or ions arranged in highly ordered patterns with recognizable geometric structures. When you mix water with a crystal base, like alum, salt or sugar, you can watch crystals form in a matter of hours.
How to Grow Crystals
*A magnet is also a highly ordered structure which is crystalline like.
So this crystalline based disease they now call prions, and they tied the name prions to the disease from an already existing theory that fit the mold once the realization took hold as to what they were really encountering, and this was done in order to hide that fact because the consequences were too terrifying to consider doing anything else.
Now nano~botics or nano~robotics is based on the principles of self replication: Refer here to Von Newmann is my guess, and of course we have studies of crystalline structures and how they self replicate. So our understanding of nano~particles comes out of this planetary wide disaster in a crash course study to try to identify the pathology of the disease (pathology meaning pathway) which lead to the shocking, indeed at first un~believed realization that the pathogen (disease agent) wasn't a living organism, not a poision or chemical reaction, but a crystallization process.
Well if there's anything we know of that can form an artificial crystal like structure it is a magnet. Specifically when used with iron filings. So I find it very interesting that the reports on peoples blood relating to chemtrails involved evident nano~particles "feeding" they said on iron rich blood cells.
Now obviously any artificially produced Zombie would have to be remotely controlled, wireless one might say, and so I look at all this and conclude the Zombie Apocalypse is out there waiting for us still.