Strange Hole in Mt. Adams is a UFO Hangar Door?


As Above So Below
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Witness Says Strange Hole in Mt. Adams is a UFO Hangar Door

A group of people attending a UFO conference in Washington State say they spotted a large opening near the top of Mt Adams and some claim it’s an opening for alien spaceships to depart and enter. With the history of UFO and orb sightings in this area, anything is possible. But an alien hangar?

The discovery occurred at the 2017 ECETI (Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence) conference held annually at the ECETI Ranch in Trout Lake, Washington. The ranch was founded as a mountain retreat in 1986 by James Gilliland, an author, teacher, ufologist and spiritual counselor. After a near-death experience, Gilliland left the business world to help other embark on their own spiritual journeys.

Mt. Adams would seem to be an ideal place for a spiritual retreat … and more. The dormant volcano, along with Mt. Hood and Mt. St. Helens, form the “smoking mountains” that appear in many Native American legends.

It also played a part in the famous 1947 UFO sighting when pilot Kenneth Arnold claimed he saw nine UFOs fly past Mount Rainier at an estimated 1,200 miles an hour (1,932 km/hr) before disappearing at Mt. Adams. Since then, there’s been speculation that Mt. Adams is hiding a secret spaceship base.


Gilliland believes there’s a dimensional portal in the vicinity, has seen thousands of UFO – including one he boarded – and says he’s encountered aliens. However, the apparent opening in Mt. Adams was found not by him but by Jimmy Church, a paranormal radio and television host (Fade to Black) who was participating in the conference.

In his video, he shows before (June 29th) and after (June 30th) images of Mt. Adams and points out when the hole appeared and seemingly stayed open while over 150 people were said to have seen the 500 by 150 foot dark spot.

What did they see? The media reports and the Fade to Black YouTube videoscream “UFO hangar door” because … well, it’s Mt. Adams. It certainly looks more like a hole or a cave opening than a shadow, but not much like a door for sophisticated spacecraft flown by an advanced civilization.

James Gilliland does not seem to have anything to say about it in the video, but he has many of his own videos and corroborating witnesses of what he says are UFOs passing through the “interdimensional door” to a base. Church’s video also show a UFO but it wasn’t using the hole.

The most frequent comment about the video is “Send in the drones!”, which seems like a reasonable suggestion since the spot is so clearly identified … unless the hole closes up. Of course, someone could also climb up and knock.

Is this the smoking gun in the smoking mountain that will prove the existence of an alien UFO base … or just smoke? Church, Gilliland and ECETI have a year to find something whole about the hole for the 2018 conference.

Michael Salla: Amazing UFO Video Supports Claim of Alien Base Inside Mt Adams, Washington


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It looks like a trick of the light......besides its kind of hard to trust the observations of a guy taking LSD.

I can see the structure in all of these just seems to vanish at different angles. It is almost a 90 degree angle below a peak called the pinnacle. Large Map Page


Founding Member
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I thought this was interesting. Maybe the aliens will evacuate Mt. Adams.
Talked to a friend today who went swimming with his wife in Walupt Lake in WA which is just north of Mt Adams, one of the deepest lakes in WA state at 300 ft deep.

This was on August 8th, 2019 which was just 13 days ago.

Normally the lake is icy cold, fed by snow melt runoff from the Goat Rocks complex.

But he stated that the lake is lukewarm (which is around 80 - 85 degs at best guess) water and many campers were swimming in it, unaware of the temperature change, but happy to have lukewarm water to swim in. There has been NO hot weather up here in WA and Oregon, instead Aug has been unusually rain and 69-70 degs during daytime.

When a 62,000 acre ft lake changes temperature something is up.

The outlet entering Crisup River is warm but that river is icy cold and the contrast is noticeable at the mixing point.

He and his wife have swam in this lake numerous times, but he said that he noticed that something unusual was up.

Mt. Adams is south of Walupt Lake.
Google Maps


tall, thin, irritable
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What do you keep there?

The usual.

Lots of comm gear to contact various world leaders to make demands, threats, both. Maybe the occasional soliloquy.
Didn't have the $$ for the evil rocket or submarine but the death ray and shark tank are very nice.
An open concept planning space for world dominating schemes.

Oh, and the lawn equipment is in there too. Don't like having gas cans up in the house.


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A few years back I read an article in Nexus Magazine. There are supposedly alien bases in the Himalayan mountains between India and China. Both countries give the aliens a wide berth. What better place to operate from than deep in a snowy mountain range.

Sorry I don’t have a link to this article.There is this however...


Double Nought Spy

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The usual.

Lots of comm gear to contact various world leaders to make demands, threats, both. Maybe the occasional soliloquy.
Didn't have the $$ for the evil rocket or submarine but the death ray and shark tank are very nice.
An open concept planning space for world dominating schemes.

Oh, and the lawn equipment is in there too. Don't like having gas cans up in the house.
Friggin' submarines are expensive. Then there is the maintenance. You can buy like eight Senators for what a decent sub costs. Twelve or fifteen if membership in important committees is not a necessity.


At Peace.
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The usual.

Lots of comm gear to contact various world leaders to make demands, threats, both. Maybe the occasional soliloquy.
Didn't have the $$ for the evil rocket or submarine but the death ray and shark tank are very nice.
An open concept planning space for world dominating schemes.

Oh, and the lawn equipment is in there too. Don't like having gas cans up in the house.
What about bourbon? Oh wait, you did say “The usual.” Of course that would be included....
Never mind... carry on...


tall, thin, irritable
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A few years back I read an article in Nexus Magazine. There are supposedly alien bases in the Himalayan mountains between India and China. Both countries give the aliens a wide berth. What better place to operate from than deep in a snowy mountain range.

Sorry I don’t have a link to this article.There is this however...


"Scientists say the mysterious objects are not necessarily from outer space. There is no evidence of UFOS being of extra-terrestrial origin, says reputed Pune-based astrophysicist Jayant Narlikar. The implication of them being alien objects is fancy, not fact, he says."

Can't remember - wasn't there some similar story circulated recently from India? Could have been a version of this story or something else entirely. Made the news then a reporter said 'ET' and later had to walk that back.
Media reaction to UFO claims in India seems pretty similar to here.


tall, thin, irritable
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A few years back I read an article in Nexus Magazine. There are supposedly alien bases in the Himalayan mountains between India and China. Both countries give the aliens a wide berth. What better place to operate from than deep in a snowy mountain range.

Sorry I don’t have a link to this article.There is this however...



I've been idly wondering about India as we've heard some odd UFO related things from that area recently. When I first saw that I thought of the old supermarket rags that would make some outrageous claim that as always from some part of the world it's readership would likely never be anywhere near.

But then it struck me that here we have an a enormous population with relative freedom of the press and a very different cultural history. I've heard about the profusion of Chinese UFO groups and frankly doubt they have the same freedom of expression.

Coincidentally I was reading about past life experiences and those factors from that part of the world made for more greater numbers of detailed experience reports. So now I wonder how India looks at all this. Gave me something new to chew on I hadn't thought of before.


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I should elaborate on that Nexus Magazine article. What I remember was that neither India or China want to cede control of the disputed border. Thus they spend much money on troops and equipment in those hostile elements. One of the reasons that war has not broken out there is that neither country wants to test that alien technology. You might say whoever is controlling the UFOs is acting as a peacekeeper.


tall, thin, irritable
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I should elaborate on that Nexus Magazine article. What I remember was that neither India or China want to cede control of the disputed border. Thus they spend much money on troops and equipment in those hostile elements. One of the reasons that war has not broken out there is that neither country wants to test that alien technology. You might say whoever is controlling the UFOs is acting as a peacekeeper.

Dunno about UFOs and alien tech but China getting grabby over territory is par for the course in that region. The Vietnamese will vouch for that.
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