Yes, the latest disclosure that they were lying and have spent millions more in research tells us something.
But what does it tell us? - That they now take the phenomenon seriously? - we already knew that
- Project Blue Book, etc., etc. would not have happened if they did not take it seriously
- But apparently either they were lying OR more info from more advanced radar, etc. is showing that the
phenomenon is more real, and potentially more dangerous than was realized way back years ago.
Yeah obviously it was studied before, you had to be a total idiot or not doing your job, not to look seriously into the numerous ongoing sighting of non-conventional spaceships over the skies.
Project Blue Book according to Richard Dolan was more a PR smokescreen operation to appease the public and secondly extract the real and best UFO reports to study seriously, while leaving the bogus ones left to be help ridicule the subject.
We see the intelligence operations accomplish several objectives at once, very efficiently. Now the current government disclosure has partially been pushed forward from pressure by prior and ongoing public disclosure efforts. You might think Greer's positive take on UFOs is BS, and you can be all on Joe Rogan's jock strap, but in reality Dr Greer's done more for Disclosure than anyone in the field - from the 2001 National Press Club, 2013 Citizens Hearings 2017, to Unacknowledged, and so on. I think the public pressing for it, led by researchers like him, has forced the timeline for the minimal Pentagon disclosure in 2017.
There's a lot going on actually. We have
- Pentagon Disclosure (whatever they purposely allowed Elizondo to reveal publicly, UFO threat identification program, and subsequent TTSA/ADAM)
- Sirius Disclosure (Greer - critical of military suppression of advanced alternative energy sources and focus on positive contact with trans-dimensional ETVs)
- Intelligent Disclosure (Dolan - the safe not a contactee with wild claims researcher position everyone respects).
- Cosmic Disclosure (GAIA - it's a mixed bag of everything like Ancient Aliens, confusing)
I would not worry about it though - soon as the aliens take over, and assuming they don't eat us for food - the'll let us know what they want.
Maybe even admit they created biological life with its experimental lke genealogy as an experiment.
Imagine waking up one day to find the real reason why you exist???
Don't worry, there are already established theories allowing for aliens and God to exist without conflict. You should know some people accept God (even religion as a functional step) ET life and even their intervention in creating humans in current form, and it's not some new revelation to be shocked about for those studying the subject.
The real reason you exist is at some point in evolution, various ETs accelerated various early human prototypes. We can argue though, but who made the ETs? And note humans would have evolved to their current from without their intervention as well. But who are ETs? who are you once you leave the physical form, your astral or energy form, your idea of yourself form? At some point any being can be God expressed and be seen as "gods". Religion looks up and derives wisdom from Buddha, Krishna, Christ, etc for a reason. They could be on other planets, and come in crafts too. This is a relative perspective from one being who's less awakened to his real nature, to another being who's more or completely awakened to his real nature - namely what is generally termed as God - what's left once you abandon your false or temporary forms. Eating magic mushrooms Joe Rogan style provides a preview but only that.
Additionally, if we find there are multiple human forms in the universe - who arrived at the same physical bodies separately
without intervention - we can make a case there is some
blueprint for humanoid creatures in the multiverse. Even if you accept early humans were genetically tweaked by ETs at some point, the fact remains these early human prototypes were well on their way. So we cannot say they were outright engineered by ETs. The blueprints are already in the cosmos. We don't necessarily need outside intervention by aliens for this to materialize. Though they can accelerate the process, as they did.
A blueprint idea in the causal universe is seeded that eventually gets materialized in our physical universe. This is more supportive of ID or Intelligent Design than Evolutionary Theory. You should read some of these books
Return of the Ancients (1980) by contactee Normal Paulsen and
Autobiography of a Yogi (1946) that provides arguments at "no more mockery of Christianity" Maybe as a challenge to your own beliefs you hold now. I think they figured all this stuff out long ago.
I don't know about alien or military Secret Space Program bases on the moon or any other celestial bodies in the solar system. I don't know about ETs other than various type of humans and greys. It is said in the regions of the astral universe (underlying this one) all kinds of beings exist - from bigfoot
@nivek , to fairies, and maybe even reptilians in the darker regions - this is not part of our physical universe we see with everyday. This is the inter-dimensional or paranormal part of the "phenomenon".
When studying this field, I think it's important to distinguish between these aspects of what is called collectively the "phenomenon". Some of here argue for one mainly, but I think they are all valid.
- UFOs and Aliens (ETVs and ETs) from other planets in our physical universe
- UFOs and Aliens (ETVs and ETs) from another dimension, or that can cross over in their trans-dimensional craft
- Man-made military classified "UFOs" but actually human innovation, including staged alien abduction psy-ops to reverse engineer real abductees and make aliens look bad/bigger threat than they might be (these maybe a portion of the abduction cases, with others being genuine ET abductions - targets of interest by the military)
And that's my bottomline on the state of ufology.