The True Origin of SARS‑CoV‑2 (Covid-19)


As Above So Below

Chinese scientists 'create' a mutant coronavirus strain that attacks the BRAIN and has a 100% kill rate in mice - as they admit there's a 'risk it spills over to humans'

Chinese scientists have been experimenting with a mutant coronavirus strain that is 100 percent lethal in mice — despite concerns such research could spark another pandemic.

Scientists in Beijing — who are linked to the Chinese military — cloned a Covid-like virus found in pangolins, known as GX_P2V, and used it to infect mice.

The mice had been 'humanized', meaning they were engineered to express a protein found in people, with the goal being to assess how the virus might react in humans.

Every rodent that was infected with the pathogen died within eight days, which the researchers described as 'surprisingly' quick.

The team were also surprised to find high levels of viral load in the mice's brains and eyes - suggesting the virus, despite being related to Covid, multiplies and spreads through the body in a unique way.

Writing in a scientific paper that has not yet been published, they warned the finding 'underscores a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans'.

Scientists in Beijing — who are linked to the Chinese military — cloned a Covid-like virus found in pangolins , known as GX_P2V, and used it to infect mice. Every rodent that was infected with the pathogen died within eight days, which the researchers described as 'surprisingly' quick

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Chinese scientists 'create' a mutant coronavirus strain that attacks the BRAIN and has a 100% kill rate in mice - as they admit there's a 'risk it spills over to humans'

Chinese scientists have been experimenting with a mutant coronavirus strain that is 100 percent lethal in mice — despite concerns such research could spark another pandemic.

Scientists in Beijing — who are linked to the Chinese military — cloned a Covid-like virus found in pangolins, known as GX_P2V, and used it to infect mice.

The mice had been 'humanized', meaning they were engineered to express a protein found in people, with the goal being to assess how the virus might react in humans.

Every rodent that was infected with the pathogen died within eight days, which the researchers described as 'surprisingly' quick.

The team were also surprised to find high levels of viral load in the mice's brains and eyes - suggesting the virus, despite being related to Covid, multiplies and spreads through the body in a unique way.

Writing in a scientific paper that has not yet been published, they warned the finding 'underscores a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans'.

Scientists in Beijing — who are linked to the Chinese military — cloned a Covid-like virus found in pangolins , known as GX_P2V, and used it to infect mice. Every rodent that was infected with the pathogen died within eight days, which the researchers described as 'surprisingly' quick'surprisingly' quick

(More on the link)

This gain of function research is utterly insane. Nothing good has ever come of it. Very little of any use could come from it. Something bad may have come from it (the Covid19 pandemic). Something much worse may yet come from it. And it is a huge gamble with the lives of everyone on the planet.

There should be an international treaty banning gain of function research. The US government Obama-era moratorium on GoF research was rescinded in 2018 (during the Trump presidency, and never reinstated by his administration, when they could well have done so).


As Above So Below
This gain of function research is utterly insane. Nothing good has ever come of it. Very little of any use could come from it. Something bad may have come from it (the Covid19 pandemic). Something much worse may yet come from it. And it is a huge gamble with the lives of everyone on the planet.

There should be an international treaty banning gain of function research. The US government Obama-era moratorium on GoF research was rescinded in 2018 (during the Trump presidency, and never reinstated by his administration, when they could well have done so).

We only hear very little on what's actually being experimented on, I am a bit surprised the extreme GX_P2V research was made public...In any case, you are correct, this research is insane and its likely to be the doom of us all in the near future, it must be stopped...



As Above So Below

REVEALED: How American and Chinese scientists sought to create a virus in 2018 that was almost an EXACT match with Covid

Bombshell new documents shed light on a shady 2018 project between US and Chinese scientists to create a novel virus with the same rare features seen in Covid.

The proposals lay out plans to use US taxpayer money to engineer bat coronaviruses with several properties that would make them infectious to humans - a year before the pandemic happened.

The documents - which consist of hundreds of emails, grant applications and scientific papers - highlighted four characteristics that would make the new viruses a 'clear... danger of a new SARS-like pandemic.'

All four characteristics spelled out in the research proposal match features of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid, according to a watchdog who exposed the files, as well as several experts who reviewed them.

The experiments, part of a grant known as DEFUSE, were to be a collaboration between US scientists and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which is where the FBI and many scientists believe Covid leaked from.

The proposal was ultimately denied funding and there are no official records that the experiments were actually carried out. Nonetheless, virology experts have called the records are a clear 'blueprint' to create Covid-19.

All four characteristics scientists sought to create a novel virus in the 2018 research proposal match features of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid

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Sen. Marshall Calls For Halt of Gain-of-Function Studies, Funding Chinese Research

The senator says Americans don’t understand that the scientific community in China works hand in hand with the ruling communist regime and its military.

It has been four years since patients sickened with unexplained pneumonia started appearing at hospitals in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. But U.S. policymakers are still investigating how COVID-19 emerged in the country.

To keep it from happening again, the United States needs to suspend gain-of-function research and stop federal dollars from flowing into studies in China, Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kans.) says.

“I think number one is we have to have a moratorium on gain of function research. I don’t see the benefits outweigh the risks at this point in time,” Mr. Marshall said in a Thursday interview with NTD’s Capital Report.

“What Americans don’t understand is the scientific community in China works hand in hand with the Chinese military and with the [Chinese Communist Party],” Mr. Marshall said.

The communist regime could use gain-of-function research, whereby scientists study ways to enhance the transmissibility of a virus or pathogen, against the United States.

“Maybe they‘ll use it to attack our food sources; maybe they’ll use it to attack our soldiers. I don’t know. But this is way more scary than a nuclear bomb in so many ways,” Mr. Marshall said.

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake

Chinese scientists 'create' a mutant coronavirus strain that attacks the BRAIN and has a 100% kill rate in mice - as they admit there's a 'risk it spills over to humans'

Chinese scientists have been experimenting with a mutant coronavirus strain that is 100 percent lethal in mice — despite concerns such research could spark another pandemic.

Scientists in Beijing — who are linked to the Chinese military — cloned a Covid-like virus found in pangolins, known as GX_P2V, and used it to infect mice.

The mice had been 'humanized', meaning they were engineered to express a protein found in people, with the goal being to assess how the virus might react in humans.

Every rodent that was infected with the pathogen died within eight days, which the researchers described as 'surprisingly' quick.

The team were also surprised to find high levels of viral load in the mice's brains and eyes - suggesting the virus, despite being related to Covid, multiplies and spreads through the body in a unique way.

Writing in a scientific paper that has not yet been published, they warned the finding 'underscores a spillover risk of GX_P2V into humans'.

Scientists in Beijing — who are linked to the Chinese military — cloned a Covid-like virus found in pangolins , known as GX_P2V, and used it to infect mice. Every rodent that was infected with the pathogen died within eight days, which the researchers described as 'surprisingly' quick'surprisingly' quick

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This time they're not even trying to hide the fact that they made it in a lab.
Meanwhile they're trying to get international support for the authoritarian control measures they want to put in place if ( when ) it escapes ( is deployed ).
Is this supposed to scare us all even more than them trying to deny it?
Or is this going to be the real zombie apocalypse?


As Above So Below

EcoHealth Alliance president to testify on COVID origins, Wuhan lab taxpayer-funded research

EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak is expected to publicly testify on Wednesday before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic.

According to congressional lawmakers, EcoHealth – a U.S.-based nonprofit whose mission is to prevent pandemics – used taxpayer dollars "to fund dangerous gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)" in China.

Committee Chair Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, is set to lead the hearing, but House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer, R-Ky., House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., House Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations Chair Morgan Griffith, R-Va., and House Subcommittee on Health Chair Brett Guthrie, R-Ky., are also expected to attend to ask questions of Daszak.

The hearing is expected to begin at 10 a.m.

Daszak testified behind closed doors in November, but House Republicans said his testimony contained many "discrepancies," according to a letter from Wenstrup and other GOP committee chairs sent to Daszak last month.

"These revelations undermine your credibility as well as every factual assertion you made during your transcribed interview," Wenstrup and the others wrote. "The Committees have a right and an obligation to protect the integrity of their investigations, including the accuracy of testimony during a transcribed interview. We invite you to correct the record."

Lawmakers are calling on Daszak to address the discrepancies in his testimony and publicly explain EcoHealth’s relationship with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Lawmakers also said the discrepancies raise "serious questions about the veracity of EcoHealth’s public statements, including their insistence that the research they funded at the WIV could not have caused the pandemic."

But Daszak's public hearing is of interest to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

A spokesperson for Democrats on the COVID subcommittee told Fox News Digital that throughout the Congress, they have "underscored the importance of pursuing and prioritizing forward-looking reforms that enhance biosafety standards in the United States and around the globe so that we can reduce the threat of future outbreaks and prevent future pandemics."

"In the Select Subcommittee’s probe of federally funded research, testimony and documents reviewed by Select Subcommittee Democrats raise serious concerns that EcoHealth Alliance disregarded federal reporting requirements that ensure grantees are accountable to the American people," the spokesperson told Fox News Digital. "We look forward to Dr. Daszak’s testimony before the Select Subcommittee on this matter."

Fox News Digital previously reported that EcoHealth Alliance received millions of dollars in grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). U.S. taxpayer funds flowed to Chinese entities conducting coronavirus research through EcoHealth Alliance.

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The shadow

The shadow knows!
The whole thing don't pass the sniff test. We had Chinese doctors in Wuhan out up agents the wall and shot


As Above So Below

REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

Bombshell testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals he made up the six foot social distancing rule and other measures to 'protect' Americans from covid.

Republicans put out the full transcript of their sit down interview with Fauci from January just days before his highly-anticipated public testimony on Monday.

They plan to grill him about covid restrictions he put in place, that he admitted didn't do much to 'slow the spread' of the virus.

Kids' learning loss and social setbacks have been well documented, with one National Institute of Health (NIH) study calling the impact of mask use on students' literacy and learning was 'very negative.'

And the impacts from social distancing caused 'depression, generalized anxiety, acute stress, and intrusive thoughts,' another NIH study found.

Speaking to counsel on behalf of the committee earlier this year, Fauci told Republicans that the six foot social distancing rule 'sort of just appeared' and that he did not recall how it came about.

'You know, I don't recall. It sort of just appeared,' he said according to committee transcripts when pressed on how the rule came about.

He added he 'was not aware of studies' that supported the social distancing, conceding that such studies 'would be very difficult' to do.

In addition to not recalling any evidence supporting social distancing, Fauci also told the committee's counsel that he didn't remember reading anything to support that masking kids would prevent COVID.

(More on the link)


J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake