60 ft. Dragon Skeleton Discovered in China


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According to Chinese legend dragons would swim through the air. If it was a legitimate creature locomotion would be difficult unless it had that ability.
Incredible 60ft Long ‘DRAGON Skeleton' Discovered In China! – Disclose.tv
One of the most majestic creatures of myth is definitely dragons. There are many stories that speak of these legendary beasts and how terrifying and powerful they were. Most dragons are depicted as huge with wings and horns. The terrible creatures are keepers of treasure in Western cultures and often considered evil and fearsome. READ MORE: Incredible 60ft Long ‘DRAGON Skeleton' Discovered In China! – Disclose.tv

Published on Oct 17, 2017
This video is about Chinese villagers find mysterious 60ft 'dragon skeleton'


That's cool, but where was it found exactly? Link didn't mention it...or was it just laying there? And if it's real, then hell yes that is a dragon. Can't see any signs of a wing though, so maybe it's a Wyrm?

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So if it was real did the local villagers eat it or something its doesn't look like old bones to me.