Algae Blooms in Florida & China


I've been present for a few red tides. The first one I can remember was horrid. People advised to stay indoors and wear a mask outside. Dead fish were a foot deep along the shore line.

I believe that as the oceans warm up and oxygen gets depleted, toxic blooms will increase.


As Above So Below


Indeed the oceans are in disarray, I doubt it is because of any warming

Science says otherwise.

Considering that I am not a scientist myself, I'm going to have to go with the preponderance of the evidence. The issue is far too complex and with too many correlations for me to think that I can overrule the reasoning of so many reputable scientists.

I've seen some debates arguing against Einstein as well but will stick with Einstein until definitively proven wrong.

That's my position on this topic. :)


Indeed the oceans are in disarray, I doubt it is because of any warming since the earth is in a long term cooling trend, but pollution is destroying the oceans, chemical pollution, both toxic and harmful to life and to the PH levels...

Yes the earth is in a long term cooling trend over the last 50 millions or so....but since the end of the last ice age it is going through a short term warming trend. Chemical toxins and pH variations are very dangerous to most organisms.....but likely in the near geologic future the Gulf Stream will shut down when enough fresh water enters the North Atlantic. Then the next ice age in the Northern Hemisphere will start all over again.

But I agree completely that humanity is causing damage to the environment of the planet and we need to get our act in gear as an entire planet. But every little thing that is done can help. I saw a tv special that showed how changes in farming practices in Nebraska can help the environment along the gulf coast of Louisiana over to Florida.

I know the environment has improved a great deal since the hopefully this time the world will get involved.


Actually science says both which is perplexing, and I think there is much data tampering with an agenda in mind...

That may be but, again, I will have to go with that which is most persuasive. A wise person once put me in my place by telling me that science wasn't about facts but rather probabilities. And facts were only pieces of a puzzle that, once put together, merely demonstrated that which was most probable rather than absolute truths. And probability is established by a preponderance of corroborating evidence rather than 'beyond any doubt' (proof).

It's just my opinion, Nivek. I'm not implying that I am right.


As Above So Below
Agreed, especially when dealing with earth climate we will never have definitive proof but tidbits of data which are only probabilities...Stacked together these many probabilities many provide some evidence but it seems short lived, meaning just 100 years or so ago the talk was the earth cooling rapidly, the last few decades it's warming to the point of boiling soon, now cooling data trickles back into the spot light...

So which is it?...Oh it makes for great debates for sure, but all we have basically is our own opines, science doesn't have the answer, we simple do not understand our world well enough...The best that humans can do is to stop polluting our world so much, that we can control and we can see the harm from doing nothing...


Agreed, especially when dealing with earth climate we will never have definitive proof but tidbits of data which are only probabilities...Stacked together these many probabilities many provide some evidence but it seems short lived, meaning just 100 years or so ago the talk was the earth cooling rapidly, the last few decades it's warming to the point of boiling soon, now cooling data trickles back into the spot light...

So which is it?...Oh it makes for great debates for sure, but all we have basically is our own opines, science doesn't have the answer, we simple do not understand our world well enough...The best that humans can do is to stop polluting our world so much, that we can control and we can see the harm from doing nothing...


It's just my opinion, Nivek. I'm not implying that I am right.

That's a good way to put scientists always say further research and investigation is always needed and good scientists usually use terms saying "most likely or it appears that" in their conclusions unless it is one of the few known facts.


I had forgotten how much I enjoy discussion with this crowd. It's a strange mixture of delight and frustration. You don't realize how complacent you've grown until you're forced to confront your beliefs anew. I find myself spending more time examing the validity of my own beliefs than judging that of others...and that's a good thing, I reckon. :)


I had forgotten how much I enjoy discussion with this crowd. It's a strange mixture of delight and frustration. You don't realize how complacent you've grown until you're forced to confront your beliefs anew. I find myself spending more time examing the validity of my own beliefs than judging that of others...and that's a good thing, I reckon. :)

Well said.....after the people I've gotten to know one of the reasons I've stayed so long is because of all that I have learned and the personal questions I've answered.