Alien-UFOs in the News


Mystery emerges as ‘UFO is spotted’ on the other side of the moon in wild video recorded in broad daylight

At least two white aircrafts, one of which was notably smaller than the other, can apparently be seen in the video.

Video at the link


Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Very interesting! "Transient Lunar Phenomenon" have been seen on the moon before. We'll have to wait for the astronomers to weigh in.


Part 2...

'100% they're not human,' Witness details alleged alien encounter in Las Vegas​

Just before midnight on April 30, skywatchers across several western states saw a bright fireball streak through the sky. A police officer working in part of the Las Vegas valley caught a glimpse of the colorful fireball on his body cam.



The more I look at this story the more I like it. Damned weird. The light on the body cam did have a meteor look to it only because it looked like it had a trail, but you can't really tell. This is cool !
10 feet tall. b008 Here's hoping there is not a mother ship in orbit.


I know its wrong to get my hopes up, every time we come close to the light , something happens and takes it away from us. I've been watching the classics and reexamining them under a modern light.

Id be remis if I didn't say I've always been hard on bob lazar. I just didn't believe his story, with
That said ,. The new whistle blower guy is blowing the exact same tune ole bob did.


As Above So Below
Old CEO of Twitter retweeted this post from NASA associate about Jimmy Carter knowing about aliens. MORE



Rick Hunter

Old CEO of Twitter retweeted this post from NASA associate about Jimmy Carter knowing about aliens. MORE



I'm a Christian, and I think that is very possible. All religions begin with people coming into contact with advanced beings from other worlds. Early Christian writings are replete with these experiences, and also describe other planes of existence populated by these beings. For example The Shepherd of Hermas, The Secret Book of John, and The Reality of the Rulers. According to these texts, the First Principle (God) created the higher beings (called rulers or Aeons), who in turn order our world and play and active role in it. Some are good and some are bad, but all of them are of a higher position of existence than we are. Salvation is described as returning to the source of our creation, the First Principle, which could also be understood as being elevated to the same higher plane of existence as the Aeons or rulers.


Intriguingly, one cannot help but ponder the enigmatic silence of Bob Lazar amid the swirling storm of whistleblower allegations and the impending congressional hearing. This juncture seemingly embodies the long-awaited opportunity for Lazar to attain vindication, to have his truth unequivocally acknowledged. Yet, his conspicuous reticence reverberates with a curious sense of skepticism.
Could it be that Lazar, a figure entangled in a web of controversy and mystery, is treading cautiously, mindful of the complexities that surround such contentious claims? Perhaps, his silence is an indication of a deeper introspection, a measured evaluation of the potential ramifications and intricacies tied to divulging his perspective.
In a world where public opinion and perception can be both illuminating and unforgiving, Lazar's decision to withhold his voice might hint at a nuanced understanding of the gravity of the situation. Such restraint could signify a desire to ensure that his narrative, when eventually unveiled, emerges with utmost clarity and authenticity, undiluted by impromptu statements.
Furthermore, the silence itself may elicit further introspection from the discerning observer. What does it reveal about the nature of truth-seeking and validation in the modern era? Can silence, paradoxically, speak volumes about the complexities of human consciousness and the depths of conviction?
As the anticipation for the forthcoming congressional hearing mounts, one cannot help but wonder if Lazar's silence is a testament to the intricacies of navigating a truth-seeking journey fraught with societal expectations and potential pitfalls. In a world ever more interconnected and driven by instant reactions, Lazar's deliberate quietude is a reminder of the value of contemplation and strategic deliberation.
In the end, the silence of Bob Lazar becomes a contemplative canvas, prompting us to introspect on the multifaceted interplay of truth, vindication, skepticism, and the human psyche. It challenges us to recognize that the pursuit of understanding is rarely a linear path, but rather a mosaic of complexities that may only be deciphered through profound contemplation and the enduring search for authentic meaning.


Is George Knapp saying much about it? Working two jobs and harvesting the summer crop doesn't leave me much time these days.
Unless ibe missed it george knapp has only indicated that he believes grush is on the level,. That's about all I've heard brother.