Article: "Are UFOs Just Future Humans Watching Us?"

Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.

Uh, no. Dunno how many stoners have come up with this idea before some fancy scientists did. There are many reasons why that theory is absurd. This is why it is good for scientists and skeptics to read about the history of the phenomenon.


As Above So Below
I never agreed with that theory, there's too many contact reports and sightings that describe non-human species...


Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
Exactly, and so many points of contact with small devices that monitor weapons tests, etc. that exposure for some sort of timeline problem sue to interference would be far too risky.


As Above So Below
I never agreed with that theory, there's too many contact reports and sightings that describe non-human species...


Well...Unless all of the aliens visiting are from the future, but then why would future aliens give a shit about some post-industrial barbarians on an obscure planet in the past...



If these entities are from the future, why would they make all this effort just to monitor us? If they are here to forewarn us, would we bother to listen to them? I have my doubts that present day humans would give them the time of day.

Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
We might be the only other life more complex than microbial life that the intelligence sending these devices has encountered. Since we could do ourselves and the other life on the planet in at any moment --perhaps there is an altruistic bent towards civilizations that are on this kind of brink, to get us past --dunno.