Fly me to the Moon: For some, lunar village takes shape


Life Long Researcher
A lunar village would be interesting.
You could safely call them all a bunch of Lunies.:Thumbsup:

The 1969-72 Apollo landings left us with an image of a lunar environment that was hostile and sterile. But scientists today says there is bounty in the Moon that can be unlocked with advanced technology, opening the way to a permanent human colony.

By 2040, a hundred people will live on the Moon, melting ice for water, 3D-printing homes and tools, eating plants grown in lunar soil, and competing in low-gravity, "flying" sports.
To those who mock such talk as science fiction, experts such as Bernard Foing, ambassador of the European Space Agency-driven "Moon Village" scheme, reply the goal is not only reasonable but feasible too.

At a European Planetary Science Congress in Riga this week, Foing spelt out how humanity could gain a permanent foothold on Earth's satellite, and then expand.

He likened it to the growth of the railways, when villages grew around train stations, followed by businesses.

By 2030, there could be an initial lunar settlement of six to 10 pioneers—scientists, technicians and engineers—which could grow to 100 by 2040, he predicted.

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