I don't talk much about it.


Over the past five years, I came into a large amount of income, Mostly inherited, however, I've been open about my issues. Nerve problems, Bipolar issues and such.

It's demeaning, I can't spend money on anything I want too. It's all handled by my lawyer who sees fit that bills are paid, It's a double-edged sword, The problem is, I have no worries financially, Everything I "need is taken care of" However, I'm in charge of nothing. It's not that I'm unfit. It's that my grandparents set it up this way for everyone in the family. Sometimes, I'm fine with it. I mean, It's free money that I don't have to worry about, Other times It bothers me because it is mine, but it's not. Right now, My stepdaughter is having problems and she could use about ten grand, easily I could do this, Well, Easily I could afford this, My lawyer says, I am not her father and she is not related to me, and he will not sign off on this.

You know, I know most people wouldn't talk about things like this openly. But honestly, No one is entirely in control of the cards they were dealt.

I've thought about maybe Faking a debt and trying to get him to sign off on this, However Friends advise me that this is a crime and I could get into serious trouble if I do this. The problem is, My lawyer is not my grandfather. My grandfather would have seen this a fit cause. Fuck it all. I may total My car and buy something else cheaper so I can split the money to her.

Any advice would be appreciated, Any scorn, Well you are entitled to that too. It is what it is.


And yeah, I realize, This is a first world problem, Some people have less options, You should consider this, My personal health and mental state kind of prevent me from a labor job, I inherited the majority because I could not work full time anyway. So it's not like there is some simple hard working solution to this. :/


Yeah, I know, probably shouldn't have mentioned this,

It's just sometimes, I can't find the right advice anywhere.


At Peace.
You have a good proverbial heart.

Dont be too upset at the Lawyer. He is just doing his job and has to live in the box defined.