Jay Stratton

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
It doesn't seem like Jay Stratton thinks UAP are terrestrial, but he can't talk about what he has seen:


tall, thin, irritable
The recent balloon frenzy was a test and AARO stopped being what they said it was and got shoved in the back seat. I understand they are creating budgets and a hierarchy but the other one Biden mentioned is certainly on a fast track.

Times like this I wish we had someone in office where I could feel at least a bit reassured about what I hear. Been a very long time.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Roscoe knew UFOs were real 60+ years ago. Now we are supposed to believe that they are still looking into it and haven't made any conclusions? BS.



As Above So Below
Times like this I wish we had someone in office where I could feel at least a bit reassured about what I hear. Been a very long time.

That level of competence from government officuals is so rare these days...Yes its been a very long time...
