Luis Elizondo, Former AATIP Director, on UFOs and National Security


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As Above So Below

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Interesting. I only post here about UFOs and only occasionally anymore. Skeptics are not worth the time to talk with, mostly. Maybe he has had enough. Though he is still coming out with a book? Those of us who have had experiences with UFOs are incredibly lucky to experience that in our lives before we die. Many skeptics are ignorant of the history of the phenomenon or its real nature, and the rest are willfully ignorant; and incredibly close-minded. Seeing UFOs ultimately taught me a lot more about the true nature of our species than about aliens.


tall, thin, irritable
Skepticism is healthy, even necessary. Personal experience brought us to where we are with the opinions we have. Knee-jerk dismissal isn't though. What fun is it to get together and agree on everything? A little polite back and forth sometimes reveals things.

I keep thinking that forest fires are generally a good thing and that ufology could use a good one and some fresh growth.
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Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Skepticism is healthy, even necessary. Personal experience brought us to where we are with the opinions we have. Knee-jerk dismissal isn't though. What fun is it to get together and agree on everything? A little polite back and forth sometimes reveals things.

I keep thinking that forest fires are generally a good thing and that ufology could use a good one and some fresh growth.
That's true. It is just very frustrating for experiencers to deal with skeptics and debunkers after a while. The reality and nature of UFOs is a subject that requires extraordinary evidence to convince many; UFOs can exist without extraordinary evidence being provided to skeptics and debunkers, some (many) of whom wouldn't believe they are "real" without an unambiguous personal experience, so those folks are a waste of time. Scientists are often invested in the reality of the current scientific paradigm and even today much science is controvertible --even with physical evidence. When dealing with an intelligent agency that doesn't often hang around for selfies and has been monitoring our destructive activities and military infrastructure with impunity from the beginning (and in my opinion is involved in careful long-term algorithmic contact --the only kind of non-destructive contact our species can endure without a tipping point or being destroyed), there will always be skeptical folks or willfully ignorant individuals who refuse to look at the phenomenon --the non-experiencers are just as necessary for this form of contact as the surgically contacted individuals and those exposed to civilian road encounter displays or those who witness UFO demonstrations to world military that we are not alone. I used to be like many of you and others --open-minded about UFOs and thinking they were probably real --but that is all. Until 2010 happened to me.
What UFOs have shown me is the hubris, self-centeredness, and destructiveness of our species, and it has revealed to me just how vulnerable we are to an outside agency; if these things wanted to destroy us --or any other destructive alien species wanted to do us in --we would be totally vulnerable, and skeptics would be arguing about UFO reality until the moment of our obliteration. Other animals on the planet also have a right to live. Very interesting how the UFOs have been monitoring our nuclear madness from the beginning. Makes me think the world would be a better place if our kind of ape was removed from the planet...


tall, thin, irritable
It is just very frustrating

I only met one person who was going through something like that. A nice lady at work repeatedly said she was experiencing what sounded like poltergeist activity that she said was aliens. No idea what to make of her claim but she seemed quite sincere about it. I offered to set up a camera for her but that is beyond her capability or interest. Flip phone, no wifi. A shame as she said it was repeatable.

Right here in my house Mr. Skeptic had an object disappear and reappear under such a weird set of circumstances that I trained a camera on the spot for over a year. Nothing happened, which figures. In that regard I think very heightened human emotion can possibly have physical manifestations and that it isn't confined to young girls. I could believe it's about anything really, but first it would be important to me to establish that it really is observable to me. Maybe it just isn't, but there must be some way to quantify an event.

What is frustrating to me is the other side of the coin: knee jerk belief is as bad as knee jerk dismissal. You have to admit, there's a lot of both.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
I only met one person who was going through something like that. A nice lady at work repeatedly said she was experiencing what sounded like poltergeist activity that she said was aliens. No idea what to make of her claim but she seemed quite sincere about it. I offered to set up a camera for her but that is beyond her capability or interest. Flip phone, no wifi. A shame as she said it was repeatable.

Right here in my house Mr. Skeptic had an object disappear and reappear under such a weird set of circumstances that I trained a camera on the spot for over a year. Nothing happened, which figures. In that regard I think very heightened human emotion can possibly have physical manifestations and that it isn't confined to young girls. I could believe it's about anything really, but first it would be important to me to establish that it really is observable to me. Maybe it just isn't, but there must be some way to quantify an event.

What is frustrating to me is the other side of the coin: knee jerk belief is as bad as knee jerk dismissal. You have to admit, there's a lot of both.
I totally agree. That's the other side of the problem; there are a lot of folks who lie, and a lot of folks who are delusional and prone to fantasy and pareidolia involved in the UFO field. The unknown, and the edges of scientific knowledge attract these kinds of folks and always have. That's why UFOs can cruise around as they do over the years without causing a tipping point. Initially, the CIA and other organizations took to threatening people about their UFO sightings, but I think over time, they have realized that the visitation is somewhat self-healing and deniable, as the objects themselves are careful not to cause the tipping point. Even now, not that many people know about what is going on with UFOs and the government --they are too busy on Facebook or wherever the hell, involved in ape stuff and too busy to be bothered about something that doesn't affect their lives directly.


As Above So Below
Whistleblower: 'pilots who pursued UFOs got radiation burns'

Louis Elizondo, who was once the head of the US government's secretive Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program (AATIP), has had quite a lot to say about the subject in recent years.

Having long maintained that the government is in possession of 'exotic materials', he also claims to have seen several unreleased videos recorded by US Navy pilots during their encounters with unidentified aerial phenomena (UAPs) off the coast of the United States.

"There's videos out there, there's one that's 23 minutes long," he recently told GQ Magazine. "There's another one where this thing is 50 feet away from the cockpit."

During the interview, he also made comments implying that some of the pilots had experienced physical symptoms as a result of their proximity to the objects.

"I've got to be careful, I can't speak too specifically, but one might imagine that you get a report from a pilot who says, 'Lue, it's really weird. I was flying and I got close to this thing and I came back home and it was like I got a sunburn. I was red for four days,'" he said.

"Well, that's a sign of radiation. That's not a sunburn; it's a radiation burn." He also claimed that some of the pilots had experienced "the warping of time". "The closer you get to one of these vehicles, the more you may begin to experience space time relative to the vehicle and the environment," he said.

Exactly how much truth there is to these claims however remains unclear.

One of the things I find interesting about Lue is that it's easy to see myself ending up in his position. I am just old enough to have had the special kind of worry known as figuring out what to do if a notice from the draft board showed up in the mail. One likely scenario would have been for me to try to get into something interesting and less ridiculous than being blown to bits, by using my talent for scoring well on tests. I was not a good student, but I was very good at taking tests. Of course that might have ended up more like what happened to one of my uncles, a crack shot who joined the Air Corps in order to stay the hell out of the infantry. He ended up in the back end of a B-17. He made it OK, but his plane did not. He told me one time that on some days the flak tore the skin off under his seat, and he'd watch the scenery go by on the way back to England. Shit.

Anyway, I would not have passed up any opportunity to get into the more interesting fields, and with some luck (good or bad, I don't know) I might have ended up like Lue apparently did, right in the middle of some batshit crazy business. I'm inclined to believe he is telling the truth, at least as far as he is able. If he is, he has now drawn a short straw in being handed a mission that's pretty much impossible.

Of course it could all be smoke and mirrors, but people like Harry Reid would have to be in on it, and I don't think the head spooks would ever trust a politician with a key role in that kind of operation. But who knows?


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