Physicists Have Confirmed a Pear-Shaped Nucleus, And It Could Ruin Time Travel Forever



Physicists Have Confirmed a Pear-Shaped Nucleus, And It Could Ruin Time Travel Forever

Physicists have confirmed the existence of a new form of atomic nuclei, and the fact that it's not symmetrical challenges the fundamental theories of physics that explain our Universe.

But that's not as bad as it sounds, because the 2016 discovery could help scientists solve one of the biggest mysteries in theoretical physics - where is all the dark matter? - and could also explain why travelling backwards in time might actually be impossible.

"We've found these nuclei literally point towards a direction in space. This relates to a direction in time, proving there's a well-defined direction in time and we will always travel from past to present," Marcus Scheck from the University of the West of Scotland told Kenneth MacDonald at BBC News at the time.
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That complicates things .


Atomic nuclei apparently point home for some reason. The positive charge accumulates on one side of the atom.

This is bad because there is this huge assumption of CP-symmetry (Charge-Parity) that is in this case simply wrong.

The Standard model doesn't explain lopsided nuclei.
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ok. But time ? How did they come to that conclusion .. Just because it points forward ?
And they somehow relate that to space-time.

My nose points forward..I Still can move backwards and go back in time..


Do pear-shaped nuclei really have anything to do with time travel?

Now this site says the other article is overblown.

That the Standard model does permit pear shaped nuclei.

And does a better job of explaining the issues.

However this site has a problem since they assume CPT Symmetry is valid. Proofs of CPT Symmetry rely on locality being a proven fact.

If EMDrive does work, quantum physics is non-local.

So, this lopsided nucleus business may still be the discussion stage and not settled science.

Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 112503 (2016) - Direct Evidence of Octupole Deformation in Neutron-Rich $^{144}\mathrm{Ba}$
This result represents an unambiguous determination of the octupole collectivity, is larger than any available theoretical prediction, and is consistent with octupole deformation.

So the site that claims the Standard Model explains it appears to be wrong.
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