Shadows of a Wormhole?


As Above So Below
Strange Shadows in Space May Be Wormholes

In a paper submitted to the Physical Review D journal arXiv but not yet peer-reviewed, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research physicist Rajibul Shaikh first looks at black holes, which we can’t see directly yet, and their shadows, which are actually dark spots made by matter that’s being pulled into the black hole passing over the bright event horizon – the light that hasn’t yet been sucked into the black hole’s darkness.

Shaikh proposes that wormholes cast a similar yet distinguishable shadow.

In the observer’s sky, the scattered photons form bright spots, whereas the photons captured by the wormhole form dark spots. The union of the dark spots in the observer’s sky constitute the shadow.

While prior models have calculated the shadow of a wormhole before, Shaikh adds data from the throat or connecting center tunnel of a particle type of fast-rotating wormhole. According to his calculations, the shadow of this type of wormhole would be distorted in comparison to that of a black hole, which would be a well-formed disc.

Shadows of rotating wormholes


We study shadows cast by a certain class of rotating wormholes and point out the crucial role of a rotating wormhole throat in the formation of a shadow, a crucial point overlooking of which has resulted erroneous results in the earlier studies on shadows of the same class of rotating wormholes.

We explore the dependence of the shadows on the spin of the wormholes. We compare our results with that of the Kerr black hole. With increasing values of the spin, the shapes of the wormhole shadows start deviating considerably from that of the black hole. Such considerable deviation, if detected in future observations, may possibly indicate the presence of a wormhole.

In other words, the results obtained here indicate that, through the observations of their shadows, the wormholes which are considered in this work and have reasonable spin, can be distinguished from a black hole.


I like the fact that you're using a scholarly paper, I actually do not believe in dark matter~energies and black holes at all, but my math skills are non~existent and so this paper is exceptionally dark matter all by itself: Never been fond of those who have to use math to explain reality, and since black holes don't exist this use of mathematics is a logical outcome for a fantasy world of physics.

Whatever they are actually babbling about, it isn't a shadow from a black hole, though it may indeed be a shadow. What do you think Nivek? It's not required to agree with me ya know...sometimes I cause problems just to see if anyone will take on the stupid stuff I say. It's like a test of have I become so bombastic that no one will call BS on my nonsense?

LoL~ so it's like that. Say what you think, call me stupid, it's not exactly untrue, I've been stupid quite often actually.


As Above So Below
I like the fact that you're using a scholarly paper, I actually do not believe in dark matter~energies and black holes at all, but my math skills are non~existent and so this paper is exceptionally dark matter all by itself: Never been fond of those who have to use math to explain reality, and since black holes don't exist this use of mathematics is a logical outcome for a fantasy world of physics.

Whatever they are actually babbling about, it isn't a shadow from a black hole, though it may indeed be a shadow. What do you think Nivek? It's not required to agree with me ya know...sometimes I cause problems just to see if anyone will take on the stupid stuff I say. It's like a test of have I become so bombastic that no one will call BS on my nonsense?

LoL~ so it's like that. Say what you think, call me stupid, it's not exactly untrue, I've been stupid quite often actually.

Well I did put a question mark on the thread title because I also questioned the conclusions that are being presented...Whilst I do think black holes exist, they aren't a hole of any sort of course...As far as dark energy or dark matter well I'm on the fence with these theories, it's possible but they just don't seem quite right...Wormholes are also possible and likely to exist in my opinion but I doubt they cast any kind of shadow unless close to a star blocking light to a planet or something...I don't think we would see a shadow from a black hole or wormhole using our current tech...


Well I did put a question mark on the thread title because I also questioned the conclusions that are being presented...Whilst I do think black holes exist, they aren't a hole of any sort of course...As far as dark energy or dark matter well I'm on the fence with these theories, it's possible but they just don't seem quite right...Wormholes are also possible and likely to exist in my opinion but I doubt they cast any kind of shadow unless close to a star blocking light to a planet or something...I don't think we would see a shadow from a black hole or wormhole using our current tech...

I know it isn't popular to take an opposing position to the whole black hole, dark matter energy meme, but I remember back when this meme, or theme, about dark matter and black holes began. Walt Disney and the Science Fiction publishing industry took up the lead in propagandizing the back hole, black sun, dark energy theme.

Based off my involvement dealing with topics and people involved with so~called gravity, what I sense is that the dark matter, dark energy, black hole meme was and is a designed fictional construct born from the ruling elites think tanks. The way these people work is to present things like this in the form of science through their own well marketed shills, but they also almost always include an in your face statement so bald that most do not recognize it, but it's there so that the shills can recognize it for a designed meme which they should back and support, and in this way those who do are self identifying to the rulers.

A shill is like the kid jumping up and down shouting "pick me~ pick me." It's a competitive sport, so it's like that, and you have to be a real prostitute to become noticed. It's in this way a nobody can become a somebody, or at least this is what shills think. It's not something that happens accidentally because the tools are tested all the time to assure quality control; it's shill control as it were.

Course the problem with becoming a tool for these people is that they sometimes grow weary of you, or that as a tool you're more useful dead than alive. Movie stars and musicians are especially at risk here. Whenever there's a choice made to shift into a new direction these old tools become liabilities because of what they know. It's easier and more useful to have them eliminated and often it gives a sales boost to their material. The powers that be know an artist isn't likely to be adaptable. They are testy and losing their wealth and fame causes them to become liable to speak out, and so it's usually easier to simply eliminate them.

A Black Hole is a Rabbit Hole, Dark Matter and Dark Energy is what they are, and the story line is where they intend to take society, or aka down a dark rabbit hole and back to the dark ages. That's been the mission statement of the ruling elites for most of my life.

There has been a change in this plan but it isn't a significant change. Their idea of change is one of very, very, slow progress so that control can be exercised very precisely, and so right now they have a plan for eliminating personal transport (restricted to quarters as it were), to condense the population into tight groups with overcrowding, congested roadways, and increased personal pressures on basic needs. All designed to keep people preoccupied with the struggle to survive daily life and to come to believe in over population as a problem.

These plans come out of their own private organizations of controlled academia for the greater part. Most oblivious to the objectives behind the plans they are asked to present. Now the black hole meme began way back in the early 1970's. That's the kind of timeline they work off of, it's in terms of decades and life spans.

What I have come to conclude is that the marketing of this so called physics model has to do with keeping the secrets of gravitational technology hidden, which is the holy grail of science right, and yet I'm 100% sure that the means to overcome gravity was solved prior to the Second World War, at least in theory and that by the mid to early 1960's the US military had working models with a strong potential that Israel had the knowledge and technology even before that.

Now the meat of the matter is gravity, and it's Einstein whose model of gravity has to do with mass, but then the problem arose where a competing theory of an Electric Universe reared it's head and noted there's not enough matter to explain why the Galaxy stays together. So now you have a crisis for the rulers. 500 years of careful planning and their most secret and holy projects are suddenly all at risk: There's no way to keep the truth about gravity hidden along with many other manipulated lies of science hidden if the basis of all of it is blown to kingdom come by a more rational explanation like the ones given in the Electric Universe Theory.

Enter the solution. Well, if there's not enough matter than invent matter, and out of the rabbits hat and into a dark hole we suddenly have unseen dark matter and dark energy. Now as it turns out this a stop gap solution, a story made up on the fly, and it's gathering more and more holes as time goes by, but the story of black holes and dark matter isn't evidently without some truth. There probably are forms of dark matter and there might actually be black holes, so it's kind of laughable because if you take a position to try to outsmart Universe you're not likely to succeed. In the end we eventually will have the whole truth.

The Black Hole sent a generation of sci-fi fans to hell
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