Space junk could help us find aliens


Founding Member
Before we started putting satellites into orbit there was only the Black Knight. Ten billion to a trillion satellites seems excessive.


Space junk? - Sure, any anomaly is worth looking at - But notice, we have fairly high powered telescopes,
techno advanced satellites, etc. for many years - And if 'they' {NASA, etc.} have found anything
significant they haven't told the rest of us about i t.

And that brings the skeptical - 'IF" a government agency found genuine proof of an existent alien
civilization - Would they tell the world about it?


Space junk? - Sure, any anomaly is worth looking at - But notice, we have fairly high powered telescopes,
techno advanced satellites, etc. for many years - And if 'they' {NASA, etc.} have found anything
significant they haven't told the rest of us about i t.

And that brings the skeptical - 'IF" a government agency found genuine proof of an existent alien
civilization - Would they tell the world about it?

Probably not.


At Peace.
That is assuming other planets even bother with sending stuff into orbit.
At some point, we may clean our junk up... or it wopill all fall back to Earth... so I doubt advanced species would keep that much junk...