Harlan Ellison was a whiner all the time and his stories were never as good as a lot of other writers. It is amazing that Gene Rodenbury even asked him for a story.
He was the one who wrote Babylon 5 the first couple of seasons. Dark, dreary future is all he could see. I remember hearing him on an interview and he spent the whole time complaining about some stalker woman, really crazy woman did some strange things to his mail box. But he came off as a whiner, whined about his jobs etc. Not a fun interview like most sci fi authors.Harlan Ellison did write some creepy stuff. I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. Eeeeeeee. Worms, thick & ropey. Bleech. I also recall him running with a street gang as a youth and writing about it. Been a long time. Good writer that's a improbable fit for TV. Might have to go revisit some of that.
Quick Answer: The famous Vulcan hand greeting in Star Trek was created by Leonard Nimoy. It is actually the physical representation of the Hebrew letter “shin,” and comes from a Jewish prayer ceremony Nimoy remembered witnessing as a child growing up in Boston with Yiddish-speaking grandparents.
In For the Love of Spock George Takei talked about homosexual paintings of Kirk & Spock at Star Trek conventions.
In For the Love of Spock George Takei talked about homosexual paintings of Kirk & Spock at Star Trek conventions.
Yeah, maybe a non-physical bromance.So there was a Bromance between James Tomcat and Mr Pointy Ears ??