The WandJina Greys.


For some reason the one on the right with the red scares me, making my eyes water bad, like a flashback to my first abduction that had a reptilian(or at least what i have always thought they were)and his wife all dressed up that were on board,


These figures are all scary. As if we are prewired not to trust them.
This is why I've always wondered about the psychology of extraterrestrials.

We "are" hardwired to be leery of unknown dangers, In fact, While many people would site otherwise, For most people the instinctive flight or fight response would be the first urge one would most likely have when encountering an extraterrestrial. You almost never hear an abduction story that starts out with, Oh, I was in my kitchen and I felt like there was a presence, I turned around and there it was A little man with two huge almond-shaped eyes and a head disproportional to its body, So I drop kicked it and ran away.

In fact, something like that is so likely to be a human's first response. I wonder why we never hear stories like that?

Maybe because the ones who do punch an alien don't come back from abductions? IDK, But hilarious none the less.