Tyson sputtering on UFOs

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Tyson, who has demonstrated all kinds of unscientific biases with regards to UFOs, is, and will continue to be, along with a lot of other debunkers and skeptics and scientists, T-boned by witness accounts and circumstantial evidence. According to Tyson, he would only be convinced if he had a dinner date with an alien (he's apparently unaware of how we ourselves explore and would explore the universe in the future). Now he comes off with a big groaner --that we would know if aliens were here. Cuz we are so important and intelligent and are doing such great things here on the planet? ;8-D Gads.... He's seen to many Hollywood movies about aliens.
Lots of folks in the pot of hubris stew... Going to be interesting when they realize that the water is getting uncomfortably warm.. Ah, but this is going to be major fun --in our lifetimes! We've already seen Seth Shostak eat crow about "tin-foil hats" sigh.... I'm glad he knows what aliens are like --thank god! What a brilliant man! :-D
Neil deGrasse Tyson Throws Cold Water on UFO Videos: ‘When the Aliens Come… We’ll ALL Know’

Rick Hunter

I think Tyson is a classic case of where a very intelligent and learned person becomes trapped in the universe of "respectable" science. If it can't be reproduced in the lab it doesn't exist. Not much different than it was in Medieval times, if the Pope doesn't approve of it then it is wrong.

Rick Hunter

Tyson is probably a really good astronomer but that doesn't qualify him to talk about Ufology except the few places where the two fields overlap. Nor should he have to.


As Above So Below

Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
It comes as a circular argument: if nobody is looking for UFOs how are we going to find UFOs?

I don't remember all the details, but here is the outline of the story. For centuries stories were coming out of China to Europe that there was a black and white bear that was eating bamboo. All European academics laughed it off as impossible. Than there was an American working party, early in a 20th century, in Guangdong province and thy either shot or photographed a panda specimen. Than suddenly all academics took witness testimonies for a fact.

Scientists, like Dr Alan Hynek and Dr Claud Poher (from France) on government money researched UFO subject and concluded that there are strong indications of explainable phenomena that warrant further research. But that's forgotten, or better, ignored.

Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
He's not shilling for anybody, it was a management decision not a scientific one.

Vaccines were developed in a hurry while people were dying in their thousands. If one was to wait for perfectly tested vaccine, probably millions would had died. Managers simply took side of common sense and decided to go for saving lives and wait for perfect vaccine later.

Rick Hunter

I agree, however it's utterly stupid to argue that vaccines don't have risks and some people would be better off without them. I'm not saying you do that by any means, but I have seen vaccine cheerleaders who absolutely will not hear of it and would get boosted every single day if they could. I did the first two shots as a calculated risk, and they might have kept my own case of covid from being worse than it was. A guy my own age at my workplace also got it (rumor mill says he refused the vaccine) and was in the hospital for two months. An elderly lady at church got vaccinated and now has severe loss of nerve function in parts of her body. Of course, I can't say for sure that is what caused it, but she never had those kinds of symptoms until she took the vaccine. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.