UFO Sets Boy's Hair On Fire.

karl 12

Lots of close range reports of human related physical effects from unidentified flying objects over the years and John Schuessler lists some truly interesting ones in his catalogue below:


One of the entries, which occurred during the 1964 wave is a pretty freaky one in which a UFO set a boy's hair on fire in broad daylight - the object was also witnessed by his grandmother and caused quite a media stir at the time.

1964/06/02 NEW MEXICO, HOBBS 1600 Source: FATE, Oct. 1968 National Enquirer, Oct. 28, 1970

Charles Davis was burned by a blackish ball of fire from a strange object overhead. His hair was singed, and a sooty deposit was left embedded in the skin of his face and on his ears, neck, and shirt. His face became so swollen that his nose wasn’t discernable. He had no pain but was afraid he was going to die. The event was witnessed by his grandmother, Mrs. Frank Smith.


Burned hair

Swollen skin

Ears that looked like raw meat

Sooty deposits

No pain


Front Page - Full Article


Text: Mrs. Smith, the only adult witness, said the UFO looked like a long burner. ‘I would say it was about four feet tall, at was ablaze at the end of it. Then there was more of a smoke — real dark carbon-like smoke — that looked like it was coming out of oblong holes. I don’t know what it was.’

Full Printed Article

Years later whilst going through the archives of atmospherical physicist Dr James E Mcdonald, researcher David Marler came across some pretty remarkable audio recordings from the folks involved and actually tracked the witness down - in the vid below is testimony from the mother, grandmother and a recent video interview with the main witness (56 years later).

● As well as media attention, also discussed is the subsequent police investigation and FBI involvement (samples taken were never heard of again).

Guest David Marler with a premier discussion of his most recent research of a UFO Burn Victim Case - New Mexico 1964. There are early audio excerpts of an original witness and a bonus clip at the end of the show of an on camera interview with victim, Charles Davis after he has tracked down 56 years after the incident.


Lots of close range reports of human related physical effects from unidentified flying objects over the years and John Schuessler lists some truly interesting ones in his catalogue below:


One of the entries, which occurred during the 1964 wave is a pretty freaky one in which a UFO set a boy's hair on fire in broad daylight - the object was also witnessed by his grandmother and caused quite a media stir at the time.


Years later whilst going through the archives of atmospherical physicist Dr James E Mcdonald, researcher David Marler came across some pretty remarkable audio recordings from the folks involved and actually tracked the witness down - in the vid below is testimony from the mother, grandmother and a recent video interview with the main witness (56 years later).

● As well as media attention, also discussed is the subsequent police investigation and FBI involvement (samples taken were never heard of again).

Thanks Karl :Thumbsup: never heard about this before.
When I think about physical burns from contact with UFOs, my mind immediately conjures up an image of Stephen Michalak's chequerboard abdomen or the nasty radiation burns on Betty Cash and Vickie Landrum's heads and of couse the deliberate Colares burns! ... but the image that I get of young Charlie Davis' horrible injuries is going to stay with me for a long time!
After watching the David Marler video that you provided and hearing from an actual close eyewitness [the grandmother] I have no doubt that this thing is real and occurred just as she described. ... but so out of pace with all other UFO events that I know of ... It is a very unusual [and harrowing] case, the type of accidental UFO-encounter that must be just about unique. ... in fact so much so that I wonder if it was a UFO in the sense that we think of UFO at all? .. and I wonder if some other explanation might actually be the cause of this catastrophe. ... such as a peculiarly rare case of 'a ball lightning incident'? ... well. perhaps not, but I have read somewhere that there have been cases of 'black ball lightning' reported. ... something like this illustration...

... and the fact that Charles says that the shock overpowered the feeling of what surely must have been great pain, and the remarkable physical recovery from such an ordeal tends to make me opine that it was a very different kind of burning from the type that we are all familiar with? .. perhaps that's just a kneejerk notion to explain the unexplainable, because with the corroborating testimony of UFO sightings by independent witnesses, not to mention just how genuine 'old Charles Davis' comes across as being, makes the UFO the prime suspect here doesn't it.
.... shocking though! ... i'll have to give this much more thought? :Unsure:

Cheers Buddy.

karl 12

Thanks Karl :Thumbsup: never heard about this before.

So many strange cases out there mate - I'd imagine the vast majority of people don't make a report so it really does make a person wonder about the numbers.

but the image that I get of young Charlie Davis' horrible injuries is going to stay with me for a long time!

Know what you mean and considering that after the incident his nose was not visible, his hair was burnt off and his ears were turned inside out resembling 'ground beef' no wonder his mother described him as looking like a 'monster' and refused to give him a mirror.

Also found it interesting that he suffered temporary blindness (as other UFO witnesses do) and, although the grandmother stated the flames covered the child's entire body, he was only affected from the neck up.

After watching the David Marler video that you provided and hearing from an actual close eyewitness [the grandmother] I have no doubt that this thing is real and occurred just as she described. ... but so out of pace with all other UFO events that I know of ...
It is a very unusual [and harrowing] case, the type of accidental UFO-encounter that must be just about unique. ... in fact so much so that I wonder if it was a UFO in the sense that we think of UFO at all? .. and I wonder if some other explanation might actually be the cause of this catastrophe. ... such as a peculiarly rare case of 'a ball lightning incident'?

Some great comments there mate and it certainly is an unusual one - suppose one's got to take into account all the reported details but ball lightning is definitely an interesting avenue for potential explanation (although I've met a few 'debunkers' who are adamant that ball lightning doesn't exist lol).

Marler also states in the interview there were other reports from Georgia in a six to eight week period after this incident of 'a flying top shaped object belching fire'.

Here's one from 2 weeks later which flew over a guy's car 3 times and burnt him on the arm (also reports of hissing).

June 29, 1964; Lavonia, Georgia Late evening.

Businessman Beauford E. Parham was driving home when he spotted a very bright light in the sky coming directly toward his car. The next instant it was directly in front of his headlights - a top-shaped object, spinning and emitting a hissing sound "like a million snakes." It was amber colored, about 6 feet tall and 8 feet wide, with a mast-like protrusion on top and small portholes around the bottom through which "flames" were visible. The UFO disappeared, then quickly reappeared and stayed directly in front of the car, just in front of the lights (estimated 5 feet), for at least a mile while the car was traveling 65 m.p.h. The top of the UFO was tilted toward Parham, who said he followed it in a "near trance-like state." Next the UFO went up over the car leaving a strong odor like embalming fluid and a gaseous vapor. Then the UFO appeared for the third time, again heading directly toward the car; the motor began to miss and Parham stopped. The UFO spun "like crazy" and then took off, disappearing in a "split second." Parham began to feel a burning sensation on his arms, so he drove to an air base and reported the incident to FAA officials. They reportedly detected some radioactivity on the car (no formal report made). Parham's arms continued to burn even after he washed them. An oily substance on the car persisted after many washings, the car hood was warped with bubbled up paint, and the radiator and hoses deteriorated after the incident. (Trace case [cat 5] E-M [3] Radiation [10].



Hi Karl, i'll not try to teach my granny how to suck eggs mate, because of course you are the font of all knowledge in our little sphere of ufological-study , and just say that you will be very aware just how many incidents there have been in which the 'witness' to a UFO sighting became a 'victim' of that incident. .. in as much as they suffered some degree of physical harm , maybe none more so as the young Charles Davis ordeal that you highlighted, ... and yes i'm aware of the lists of other serious burns and contamination of witnesses, and also the understandable psychological difficulties that can and have accompanied such extraordinary encounters ... but would ask you if you had come across any similar cases to the Luis Barroso Fernandez incident of 1976? ... as you probably know, it is a case in which the witness was physically injured by the "encounter" ... which comes across more like "an attack" ...
he was on a wagon on the farmland this particular morning when “something that looked like an airplane descended close to the ground a short distance away from him. As he watched in awe, confusion, and fear, the strange craft “fired a powerful, nearly blinding beam of light at him”. This strange craft then simply left,
... afterwards In the immediate aftermath of the encounter, Luis’s injuries were severe and painfully apparent. skin had become red “as though burned”. .. but an even more harrowing aspect of Luis's injuries was the apparent mental damage that the encounter had rendered him with. ..as if the burns weren't bad enough
Even more bizarre, and concerning, however, was the changes to his mind. As the days and weeks went on, his mind appeared to become less and less functional. Almost as if it “was like that of a child”.
...which absolutely baffled many medical experts from Portugal, Italy, and Spain, to name a few over the next 17 years or so until he passed away with the mental age of an infant! ...
At the time of his death, his brains had almost completely returned to that of a child. So much so, he could use and recall only three words, “mama”, “give”, and “fear” (some sources state he could say “dada” also).
... Which is something that I personally feel is as bad as a UFO sighting can get! :(
The Barroso Incident – A Most Harrowing UFO Encounter
Caso Barroso (1976) inspirou o filme Área Q

Cheers Buddy.

karl 12

Hi Karl, i'll not try to teach my granny how to suck eggs mate, because of course you are the font of all knowledge in our little sphere of ufological-study

Ah most definitely not knowledgeable mate, have read a fair few reports over the years but am more clueless now than when I first started looking into the subject (particularly about high strangeness and origin) - had also never heard of that extremely interesting 1976 Brazilian burn case before so many thanks for posting it.

When UFO Kills – The Barroso Incident – The Real Benjamin Button

You're not wrong about there being other UFO lightbeam / burn cases mate and also other examples in UFO occupant cases (and ye olde Faerie lore) where strange diminutive creatures point rods (or wands) at people which paralyse or render them unconscious.

Also found the skin cell regeneration aspect really intriguing as apparently there are other cases reported by UFO researchers over the years involving 'healing'.

Have never come across the resulting mental degeneration effect in the UFO literature before but the nearest (very tenuous) connection I could make was from folklore where globes of light were sometimes said to adversley affect people's brain function (being 'faerie stroked' is where we derive the term stroke from).

A very sad story and the photo of Luis Fernandez from your link is a pretty tragic one - also watched the Brent Raynes video interview and South American UFOs really do seem more aggressive - some of Bob Pratt's Brazilian research is also free available on Scribdoc.

The Bob Pratt Files


karl 12

Thats like some shit Beckley or Swartz would write about..LoL

Actually do like those two when it comes to interviews - they've had some great guests on and there are more Brazilian UFO antics being described in this vid.

Regarding the Charled Davis incident, there's also this Argentinian case from one year before where it's stated the close range UFO emitted light which knocked over witnesses causing first, second and third degree burns.

Argentina: Tucumán, UFOs and the Story that Inspired Spielberg [


..Strange lights were visible over the Belgrano railroad tracks, only meters away, looking like "when a fluorescent bulb has gone out," Moreno explained. "There was a tube covering the entire track, and you could see the silhouettes of people walking from one light to another. The silhouettes could have been our own. One could see arms, legs and heads in the distance." Later, she said that when her sister wanted to turn on the flashlight to open the gate, a light "like flamethrower" knocked her and the servant to the ground, inflicting "first, second and third degree burns" to the servants face. "The Trancas Case represented a before and after, especially in those days, when talking about UFOs was considered deranged," reflects Carlos Burgi, a ufologist with Tucumán OVNI. "It's a landmark case because the craft were seen not only by the Moreno sisters, but also by their parents, the servant, and neighbors." Furthermore, the alleged vehicles left some small white orbs and spots on the grass and the railroad tracks, Burgi adds.

Full Report

Keeping with Brazil there's also this very freaky one from Crixas, Brazil on the 13th August, 1967 where the witnesses was hit by a ray of green light emitted from the object and died 59 days later.


At the moment Inácio shot, the being dropped to the ground. Immediately after that, the UFO fired a beam of green light striking him on his left shoulder. Inácio immediately lost consciousness.


This newsclipping also mentions a 1946 Brazilian UFO incident from the village of Aracariguama where the witness died (and his nose and ears fell off).

Dr Irineu Jose Da Silverira / Joan Prestes Filho:

Google News archive


Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
That case of the boy whose face was burned is consistent with microwave burns, particularly swelling bit, because microwaves actually more heat up the water inside the body, than the body's very surface.

In a very similar way, ufos burn circles in the grass.

But in the many cases that I read, it seems that ufonauts show some consideration when approaching humans with their craft. In the Westall Australia case, one of the main witnesses approached one of the landed ufos to arm's length and reported that he felt heat coming from the UFO, while later it was confirmed that that same ufo which hovered about a foot above ground burned a circle in the ground. That goes to say that ufonauts were to some degree considerate to reduce microwaves coming from the side of the craft and enable children to come closer unharmed, will keeping the strong microwaves on the bottom side.

As well, in practically 90% of ufo sightings, one will notice this pattern of UFO movement:

1) UFO comes close to a witness and they, sort off, both watch each other for a while,
2) than UFO slowly increase the distance to about 20 feet (7m) and then a high pitched sound of the turbine is heard,
3) after about 30 - 60 sec of turbine operation, UFO departs slowly increasing both distance and speed.

Just keep this UFO movement pattern in mind when you read about some new UFO case and you'll see how often it repeats.

Basically, we know from all the other reports that UFOs are perfectly capable of darting away by instantly increasing speed from zero to many hundreds of miles per hour. But repeatedly, ufonauts avoid doing that if human witness is close to the craft. Instant acceleration of massive objects would need lots of energy and it would most likely mean emitting a lots of microwave energy that would harm the nearby human. So ufonauts show some courtesy by slowly increasing power to avoid unnecessary suffering of witness.
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Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Maybe this is a good place for this.
Been meaning to post this. These are notes from a telephone interview I had with a friend's wife about two years ago.
Sorry for the sloppy writing.

I was able to speak with the wife of an astronomer and scientist friend of mine (a friend who saw a group of of ten UFOs flying in a triangular formation over Portland, Oregon in the late '50s). His wife has had a series of shocking UFO encounters centered on an area where she had grown up and lived, in rural WA, near Coal Creek and Eufaula roads, here:

Coal Creek
Washington 98632

Her first encounter occurred when she was a child of perhaps eight or nine living with her father and mother in an old farmhouse in the area. She remember one evening when she and her parents saw lights outside at night, and they opened the door and walked out onto the porch and illuminated oval-shaped objects were flying around low in the sky -shae called out to her parents that they appeared to be "playing" in the sky. Then one of the lights came down and hovered over a nearby field and emitted a beam of light into the field below and hovered there. Her father rushed them inside and told them to stay there. He grabbed a flashlight and walked out into the night to see what the object was. She said they waited for a long time before he finally returned, and when he did he was a changed man --he wouldn't talk about what had happened screamed at her mother when she asked him about it. Eventually she and her mother spoke together about it, but they could never bring it up with her father.

The next incident occurred when she was a teenager and she and some other family members (iirc), were on a dangerous icy road in the area and were in danger of sliding into a canyon, when an object appeared in the canyon and followed alongside them as they traveled, before shooting off in an instant.

Once when a young mother in the '80s(?) she left her son at home to go down to the store for some reason and as she approached her house when returning, she could see an object near their place shining beams of light on it. She put the pedal to the metal to get home and the object moved away. Her son was hiding under the bed. His window was open. He said that they almost "got him" and was pretty much scared out of his mind. The light was still in the area. She put her kid into the car and followed it. She was screaming at it as they chased it, and it actually shot a beam onto their car as it departed, in an instant.

The most shocking incident occurred when she was living in a different place in the area later on, in a trailer. One evening she heard a high pitched whining noise noticed light outside at night and was compelled to go outside to see what the heck was going on. There was an intense brightness as she exited the front door and as she backed up to see what was producing the light, she noticed a large illuminated oval object about 30' above her house, producing the light. As she stood there, the object descended toward her.

The object descended down to about a "car length" above the roof of her place: it appeared to be a self-luminous metal object with no seams, like a liquid. She said it was really beautiful. Then, around the top of the object a thin strip around the object became transparent, and she could see figures like shadows, observing her. (This is not the first report of shadowy figures, in fact these encounters are like many others).

At this point she began to feel sick and faint and violently ill. As she watched, another seamless metal object that looked similar to a bird, except completely rounded off like a modern sculpture, emerged from the side of the object and then took off. She apparently passed out, and she woke up in her bed the next morning. Her shirt had been burned around her breasts and chest and crumbled away from her skin. The clocks in her house had all stopped. She was sick for a very long time and the area on her body was burned, developed a rash and eventually she began to develop growths covering the burned area. Went to doctor. Doctor was shocked. Biopsy showed not cancer but cell mutations. Doctor asked if she had been exposed to radiation. She couldn't tell him what had happened so remained silent. Since, she has had cancer and is now apparently recovered from it. She is an extremely intelligent and articulate woman. She has been badly traumatized by these events. She hasn't researched UFOs, doesn't know about the airships, etc. She said she will provide drawings! I'm hoping I can get her to write her own account, as I'm sure my summary here from our phone conversation has errors.

There are more details; she was contacted by a group apparently from the government interviewing other people in the area who had had similar experiences. She has only today been well enough to talk with me, because of the cancer.


"While the DIA refers to the paper as “Field Effects on Biological Tissue,” the original title for the submitted paper appears to actually have been “Clinical Medical Acute & Subacute Field Effects on Human Dermal & Neurological Tissues.” According to the study’s introduction, the paper is an examination of “clinical medical signs and symptoms and biophysics of injury known and expected from near-field (mostly ultra-high), NIEMR Microwave, Thermal, from unintended exposure to anomalous systems.”

This is interesting and reminds me of what happened to my friend's wife,
probably in early '80s too:
My friend's wife, again:

'At this point she began to feel sick and faint and violently ill. As she watched, another seamless metal object that looked similar to a bird, except completely rounded off like a modern sculpture, emerged from the side of the object and then took off. She apparently passed out, and she woke up in her bed the next morning. Her shirt had been burned around her breasts and chest and crumbled away from her skin. The clocks in her house had all stopped. She was sick for a very long time and the area on her body was burned, developed a rash and eventually she began to develop growths covering the burned area. Went to doctor. Doctor was shocked. Biopsy showed not cancer but cell mutations. Doctor asked if she had been exposed to radiation. She couldn't tell him what had happened so remained silent. '

This is from Loren E. Gross:
PROJECT 1947: Loren E. Gross - Some UFO Notes

"Members of the Malby family, residents of Guadalajara, Mexico, were on the beach watching a mysterious intense white light maneuver low over the water for about five minutes. It didn’t seem to be that close but the experience had some unpleasant after effects which varied depending upon different factors. Several days later burns appeared on their bodies:
Magi, who remained in the car when the object appeared, was not burned. Neither were Ray or Diana, who were the last out of the cabin, and who observed the light for the shortest period of time. Chelos’s shoulders, hands, and face, were burned. On one of her shoulders could be seen the outline of Andres’ hand. He had rested his hand there, with his arms about her shoulder, and experienced severe burns on the back of his hand. Andres’ face and legs were singed with small dots and splotches. The burns blistered and then itched. They became more severe with time and were still plainly evident three weeks later.

karl 12

That case of the boy whose face was burned is consistent with microwave burns, particularly swelling bit, because microwaves actually more heat up the water inside the body, than the body's very surface.

Appreciate the input Dean and was a bit surprised the burns weren't also reported as consistent as the grandmother did state the flames covered the child's entire body but he was only affected from the neck up - genuinely don't know if being burned by directed pulsed microwaves would appear to an observer as actual flames but yes lots of speculation in other cases about microwaves being responsible (also in ground trace evidence cases).

Basically, we know from all the other reports that UFOs are perfectly capable of darting away by instantly increasing speed from zero to many hundreds of miles per hour. But repeatedly, ufonauts avoid doing that if human witness is close to the craft. Instant acceleration of massive objects would need lots of energy and it would most likely mean emitting a lots of microwave energy that would harm the nearby human. So ufonauts show some courtesy by slowly increasing power to avoid unnecessary suffering of witness.

Maybe not to do with propulsion but does look like directed lightbeams emitted from these objects could also serve a retaliatory function like in the case of Ignacio de Souza.

Good shooter, armed of a rifle, frightened by these beings, he used the rifle without hesitating and shot the closest of the beings. At the same time, a ray of green light was emitted by the object and hit him, throwing him to the ground, unconscious.


The chap unfortunately died after 59 days and his symptoms do sound rather gruesome - it's also stated his wife burned his bed, mattress and clothing afterwards.

As for microwaves here's what Jacques Vallee had to say about UFO lightbeams during the 1977 UFO flap in Colares, Brazil - thought the 'Injuries - one dead' section on this page also made for some really interesting reading.

After asking various forensic pathologists to review his findings, Vallee claims that "what UFO witnesses describe as 'light' may, in fact, be a complex combination of ionising and non-ionising radiation. Many of the injuries described in Brazil, however, are consistent with the effects of high-power pulsed microwaves." (p.124) Later he points out that pulsed microwaves may "interfere with the central nervous system. Such a beam could cause the dizziness, headaches, paralysis, pricklings, and numbness reported to us by so many witnesses." (p.202)


Doctors at a Fresno hospital one year later also diagnosed this policeman's UFO burns as consistent with microwaves so it's all extrenely interesting.

1978-Police Officer Suffers Burns from a UFO

"It was just a routine patrol," Amparano says of the encounter 24 years ago.

His early morning sweep took him past Kerman High School. At Del Norte and California avenues, Amparano saw "a circular-type thing, similar to a round fireball or a setting sun, about 100 to 150 feet off the ground."

He knew local teens had been setting palm trees on fire, and he thought he had caught some young vandals red-handed.

"Then I realized there were no palm trees in the area. The fire seemed to be inside of an oak or maple tree. This thing started lifting up," Amparano says.

The officer started adjusting the spotlight on his patrol car to get a better look at the object. But just before he turned on the light, there was a bright blue flash. Then the object made a sharp turn and moved away toward the southwest at a rapid speed.

Amparano had not left his car. And the windows were rolled up because it was a cold evening. He did not hear any other noise except for the engine of his car.

The Air National Guard, weather bureau and the Fresno Air Terminal told Amparano nothing unusual showed up on any of their radar screens that night.

The encounter might have been dismissed as an optical illusion, if not for the burns Amparano suffered on his face and chest.

"It was like a sunburn when you fall asleep at the pool. There were white blisters on the parts of my body facing that light. I also had trouble with sunlight. It was like right after you have your eyes checked and they are sensitive to light. That lasted about a week," Amparano says.

Doctors at Fresno Community Hospital told Amparano the burns appeared to be caused by microwaves.



karl 12

Maybe this is a good place for this.

Glad you posted it mate, really intriguing account and although the lady's burns (and resulting cell mutations) do sound very unpleasant I did like this bit.

The clocks in her house had all stopped.

Another one involving burns and stopped clocks is this police case from North Dakota in 1979.

After a UFO descended on his patrol car Officer Val Johnson lost 14 minutes from his wristwatch, 14 minutes from his car clock and doctors later found his eyes were affected as if he had suffered 'mild welder's burns'.

UFO pseudosceptic Philip Klass reckoned he made it all up.

Another relevant one involving the Malby family and thanks for sharing it - there really are some corkers found in that link.


Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Appreciate the input Dean and was a bit surprised the burns weren't also reported as consistent as the grandmother did state the flames covered the child's entire body but he was only affected from the neck up - genuinely don't know if being burned by directed pulsed microwaves would appear to an observer as actual flames but yes lots of speculation in other cases about microwaves being responsible (also in ground trace evidence cases).

yeah, it's actually quite difficult to say.

Fire most certainly is not caused by microwaves. In Michalek, Falcon lake ufo case burns he received were very precisely shaped grid of round patches. For example, that can't be done by microwaves because they immediately spread out, so these patches would not have sharp edges, but very fuzzy edges.

But human tissue swelling is characteristics of exposure to microwaves.

What I think, from reading several cases, is that UFOs sometimes have some chemicals sprayed around thmselves. Some compound that assists with the function of their craft. I would be inclined to think that in Michalek, Falcon Lake case UFO ejected some chemical that fell on the poor guy and set him on a fire. There is no doubt UFOs emit lots of microwaves so that chemical will get hot from microwaves and then person getting in contact with that chemical would be set on fire. But I always hated chemistry at school :) so I tend to bypass any such information.

karl 12

Completely agree mate and a pretty complex mystery but microwaves do seem to play a role in UFO burn injuries somehow - don't know what to make of the flames covering the boy's body in this case (or even why his T-shirt wasn’t burned) but some interesting speculation there about chemicals so thanks for posting it.

Like 1963 has mentioned, this a pretty unique and highly unusual case and some form of rare plasma could be responsible (although I still don't know about the flames) - atmospherical physicist Dr James McDonald also seemed pretty flummoxed describing it as a bizarre and exotic incident which 'wasn't paralleled by similar cases'.

Also relevant that the Michalek case is brought up as it's probably the most famous UFO burn cases of the lot - don"t know if you've seen it but Chris Rutkowski raises some intriguing points in this vid about the initial RCMP investigation.

See 26:20

The government docs from the Colares flap also describe some pretty crazy UFO activity and do remember reading that the lightbeams emitted from the objects were reported to be actually pushing people back down onto their beds, sofas etc.. and passing through solid ceilings and the metal paneling of cars - apparently the lightbeams caused blackened marks, punctured skin, anaemia and low arterial pressure - have also read in other cases of lightbeams causing an 'extremely high white blood cell count' so god knows what's going on.



Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Right now I am reading a section from "Visitors from Time" by Marc Davenport about some extreme cases of EM radiation. That book is really a reach source of physical effects caused by UFOs. Here is what it says about heat and EM radiation coming off UFOs:

Other cases offer a wealth of evidence indicating that UFOs can emit electromagnetic radiation across the entire spectrum of frequencies - from radio waves to hard X rays.

One such case ended in tragedy for residents of Wellsville, New York. It happened at midday on July 2, 954. Griffiss AFB radar operators detected a UFO 75 miles northeast of Rome, New York. An F94-C Starfire of the 27th Fighter InrerceptorSquadrom piloted by Lieutenant William E. Atkins was scrambled from a training mission to intercept, along with another jet. Atkins' radar observer was Lieutenant Henry F. Coudon. Atkins and Coudon spotted the UFO but had to bail out when the cockpit suddenly became intolerably hot. The F-94C crashed into the middle of Wellsville, killing four people.

Other pilots have experienced these heating effects. On May 5, 1958, a pilot had to take off some of his clothes when he encountered a brilliant UFO near San Carlos, Uruguay.


Heating effects are common features of UFO close encounters. A Frenchman named Roger Reveille encountered heat near Troyes, l'Aube, France, during the great October, 194 wave of sightings there. While walking along a road in the Lusigny forest, Reveille saw an elliptical UFO about 20 feet long at the treetop level above him. It produced a rustling like a flok of pigeons. Reveille experienced intense heat. It was raining, and the heat produced dense fog. It grew so hot that he had to back away. Fifteen minutes later, the site was completely dry, although it was still raining.

There are lot more similar cases in the book.

Davenport offers the opinion that these EM waves are part of the UFOs' propulsion system. In the first two cases with pilots, they never said that UFO pointed some kind of a beam at their plane. In the third case with Frenchman, he was walking through a wood and UFO most likely didn't spot him so UFO's full power was on. Indeed in most cases, witnesses don't mention this searing heat when they approach UFOs, which goes with the theory that UFOs show us some courtesy.
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Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Just occurred to me, as I am reading the book.

It's all about the frequency of EM radiation. While microwaves would rather cook flesh, UV light would cause sunburns. There are tons of videos on YouTube where people are using UV lasers to set things on fire. So UV radiation definitely set clothes on fire.

karl 12

It's all about the frequency of EM radiation. While microwaves would rather cook flesh, UV light would cause sunburns.

Some real interesting food for thought there mate, especially about ultra violet - if UFOs do' emit electromagnetic radiation across the entire spectrum of frequencies' then I guess that would at least begin to explain some of the more bizarre physiological effects and heat / burn aspects - quite rare but have also heard reports where light emitted from the UFO made the witness's hand 'transparent just like an x-ray'.

Might be a subject for a different thread but when it comes to UFO lightbeams there's also been a number of global reports where the light appears solid (or 'contained') and the beam appears to abruptly end (or be 'sawn off') - Professor Swords and Bill Chalker have done some good work collating cases on this one.

One thing we might say is that these slow light phenomena demonstrate an ability to manipulate things which we do not have. Since enough of the cases are quite strong, it appears that once again we've "proved" that the UFO phenomenon is both real and beyond our own current technological ability. So, perhaps we're not wasting our time thinking about this, even though we're underpowered.

The Big Study: SLOW LIGHT & UFOs


Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Some real interesting food for thought there mate, especially about ultra violet - if UFOs do' emit electromagnetic radiation across the entire spectrum of frequencies' then I guess that would at least begin to explain some of the more bizarre physiological effects and heat / burn aspects - quite rare but have also heard reports where light emitted from the UFO made the witness's hand 'transparent just like an x-ray'.

Might be a subject for a different thread but when it comes to UFO lightbeams there's also been a number of global reports where the light appears solid (or 'contained') and the beam appears to abruptly end (or be 'sawn off') - Professor Swords and Bill Chalker have done some good work collating cases on this one.


Thanks for the reference. It's good that somebody studied one aspect to such a full depth.

I would say that creating a solid light beam that stops at a desired distance is maybe relatively simple. Stress here is on "maybe" and "relatively" :)

Basically one just uses a large number of very strong lasers arranged in an array, with a very precisely controlled delay between these lasers (phase shift). If lasers are strong enough they would ionize the air and phase shift can may be used to control the distance at which laser stops. But somebody more knowledgeable should check this out.

karl 12

Good stuff Dejan and very interesting reading mate. :)

Another very strange UFO burn case below (involving boiling oil) taken from Bob Pratt's great book 'UFO Danger Zone'.

And more on the Davis and Parham incidents:



Good stuff Dejan and very interesting reading mate. :)

Another very strange UFO burn case below (involving boiling oil) taken from Bob Pratt's great book 'UFO Danger Zone'.

And more on the Davis and Parham incidents:

More great stuff there Amigo. :Thumbsup: ... and [all good] but I particularly liked the 'Martin Willis' AudioBlog' ... and the case that stood out on there for me was [one that I had already posted on one thread or another years back] the 1965, James W. Flynn Everglades encounter ... can't find the old post, but in case anyone's interested , here's the links to some source materials ... UFO case in the Everglades, USA 1965 - UFO Evidence ... and here is the doctors report...
Dr. Stripe’s medical report reads as follows:
“I was asked to see Mr. Flynn about 48 hours after he was admitted to Lee Memorial Hospital by an opthalmologist, for an injury to his right eye. The eye condition was hemorraging into the anterior chamber of the eye, apparently traumatic.
“Mr. Flynn gave a history of being hit by something like a flash of light while approaching an unidentified flying object hovering just above the ground.
“I am sure you are acquainted with the account of his observation of his unidentified flying object. When I first examined Mr. Flynn, he had both eyes covered by bandages and I was not able to observe his eyes or forehead. He was alert and cooperative. The physical examination showed a well-muscled, well-nourished male. The heart and lungs were normal. The abdomen was normal. The only abnormal findings were neurological. No paralysis was noted, but the deep tendon reflexes of biceps, triceps, patellas, and achilles were absent. Plantars and abdominal were absent, but cremasterics were present.
“Mr. Flynn was observed carefully for several weeks. His reflexes gradually returned over a five-day to one-week period, but returned irregularly. The forehead was finally examined and presented a thickened area just above and medial to the right eye; in the center of this area was a depressed, slightly abraded spot about 1 centimeter in diameter. Very small amount of haematoma was noted across right upper eye-lid. There was never any mental confusion or evidence of HALLUCINATION.
“About the fourth day in the hospital, Mr. Flynn complained of hearing reduction and numbness in arms and hands. This cleared in about 24 hours.
“When last seen about 16 April 1965, approximately 4 weeks after the injury, Mr. Flynn was again checked. The abdominal reflexes were not present, but all others were normal. The depressed area over the right eye was still present and prominent. He still has a cloudy vision of the right eye. No other abnormal physical or neurological findings were noted.”
... not only did Doctor Stripe give testimony of Flynn's good character [along with many people that knew him, including police officers etc[ and treatment, but also reported of how he accompanied Flynn and several other people to the scene of the encounter ... “I have known Mr. Flynn for 25 years and have always considered him a reliable, emotionally stable individual.
“I also accompanied him to the site of his observation of the flying object. I have made a few pictures of the burned area, which is not conclusive of anything but a fresh burn and scorched treetops in a perfect circle near the area marked by Mr. Flynn as site of the hovering object. There were also fresh scuff marks on two trees 12 or 15 feet apart in the area underneath the burned circle of trees. The marks were as if a heavy object in a straight line had slid down the trees about 2 feet and there stopped. There was no mark of any kind on the soft dried marsh underneath. No animal, human, or vehicle tracks of any kind. I could not account for those scuff marks.” Very Truly Yours, (Signed) H. J. Stripe, M.D.

In October 1966, in a phone interview with Arizona physicist James E. McDonald, Flynn stated that the UFO was probably, he figured, some secret aircraft of ours, and that if he could ever prove it then somebody would pay for the good eye he used to have.
In July 1996, Flynn made a rare public appearance at Port Charlotte, Florida, where he stated: “I'm waiting for the day someone turns up the truth about this thing. I hope I live that long.” - "The UFO Encyclopedia, The Phenomenon from the Beginning, Volume 1" - Jerome Clark - 1998

Belitionlee: The 1965 Flynn UFO Encounter - Florida Everglades

Cheers Buddy.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Maybe this is a good place for this.
Been meaning to post this. These are notes from a telephone interview I had with a friend's wife about two years ago.
Sorry for the sloppy writing.

I was able to speak with the wife of an astronomer and scientist friend of mine (a friend who saw a group of of ten UFOs flying in a triangular formation over Portland, Oregon in the late '50s). His wife has had a series of shocking UFO encounters centered on an area where she had grown up and lived, in rural WA, near Coal Creek and Eufaula roads, here:

Coal Creek
Washington 98632

Her first encounter occurred when she was a child of perhaps eight or nine living with her father and mother in an old farmhouse in the area. She remember one evening when she and her parents saw lights outside at night, and they opened the door and walked out onto the porch and illuminated oval-shaped objects were flying around low in the sky -shae called out to her parents that they appeared to be "playing" in the sky. Then one of the lights came down and hovered over a nearby field and emitted a beam of light into the field below and hovered there. Her father rushed them inside and told them to stay there. He grabbed a flashlight and walked out into the night to see what the object was. She said they waited for a long time before he finally returned, and when he did he was a changed man --he wouldn't talk about what had happened screamed at her mother when she asked him about it. Eventually she and her mother spoke together about it, but they could never bring it up with her father.

The next incident occurred when she was a teenager and she and some other family members (iirc), were on a dangerous icy road in the area and were in danger of sliding into a canyon, when an object appeared in the canyon and followed alongside them as they traveled, before shooting off in an instant.

Once when a young mother in the '80s(?) she left her son at home to go down to the store for some reason and as she approached her house when returning, she could see an object near their place shining beams of light on it. She put the pedal to the metal to get home and the object moved away. Her son was hiding under the bed. His window was open. He said that they almost "got him" and was pretty much scared out of his mind. The light was still in the area. She put her kid into the car and followed it. She was screaming at it as they chased it, and it actually shot a beam onto their car as it departed, in an instant.

The most shocking incident occurred when she was living in a different place in the area later on, in a trailer. One evening she heard a high pitched whining noise noticed light outside at night and was compelled to go outside to see what the heck was going on. There was an intense brightness as she exited the front door and as she backed up to see what was producing the light, she noticed a large illuminated oval object about 30' above her house, producing the light. As she stood there, the object descended toward her.

The object descended down to about a "car length" above the roof of her place: it appeared to be a self-luminous metal object with no seams, like a liquid. She said it was really beautiful. Then, around the top of the object a thin strip around the object became transparent, and she could see figures like shadows, observing her. (This is not the first report of shadowy figures, in fact these encounters are like many others).

At this point she began to feel sick and faint and violently ill. As she watched, another seamless metal object that looked similar to a bird, except completely rounded off like a modern sculpture, emerged from the side of the object and then took off. She apparently passed out, and she woke up in her bed the next morning. Her shirt had been burned around her breasts and chest and crumbled away from her skin. The clocks in her house had all stopped. She was sick for a very long time and the area on her body was burned, developed a rash and eventually she began to develop growths covering the burned area. Went to doctor. Doctor was shocked. Biopsy showed not cancer but cell mutations. Doctor asked if she had been exposed to radiation. She couldn't tell him what had happened so remained silent. Since, she has had cancer and is now apparently recovered from it. She is an extremely intelligent and articulate woman. She has been badly traumatized by these events. She hasn't researched UFOs, doesn't know about the airships, etc. She said she will provide drawings! I'm hoping I can get her to write her own account, as I'm sure my summary here from our phone conversation has errors.

There are more details; she was contacted by a group apparently from the government interviewing other people in the area who had had similar experiences. She has only today been well enough to talk with me, because of the cancer.


"While the DIA refers to the paper as “Field Effects on Biological Tissue,” the original title for the submitted paper appears to actually have been “Clinical Medical Acute & Subacute Field Effects on Human Dermal & Neurological Tissues.” According to the study’s introduction, the paper is an examination of “clinical medical signs and symptoms and biophysics of injury known and expected from near-field (mostly ultra-high), NIEMR Microwave, Thermal, from unintended exposure to anomalous systems.”

This is interesting and reminds me of what happened to my friend's wife,
probably in early '80s too:
My friend's wife, again:

'At this point she began to feel sick and faint and violently ill. As she watched, another seamless metal object that looked similar to a bird, except completely rounded off like a modern sculpture, emerged from the side of the object and then took off. She apparently passed out, and she woke up in her bed the next morning. Her shirt had been burned around her breasts and chest and crumbled away from her skin. The clocks in her house had all stopped. She was sick for a very long time and the area on her body was burned, developed a rash and eventually she began to develop growths covering the burned area. Went to doctor. Doctor was shocked. Biopsy showed not cancer but cell mutations. Doctor asked if she had been exposed to radiation. She couldn't tell him what had happened so remained silent. '

This is from Loren E. Gross:
PROJECT 1947: Loren E. Gross - Some UFO Notes

"Members of the Malby family, residents of Guadalajara, Mexico, were on the beach watching a mysterious intense white light maneuver low over the water for about five minutes. It didn’t seem to be that close but the experience had some unpleasant after effects which varied depending upon different factors. Several days later burns appeared on their bodies:
Magi, who remained in the car when the object appeared, was not burned. Neither were Ray or Diana, who were the last out of the cabin, and who observed the light for the shortest period of time. Chelos’s shoulders, hands, and face, were burned. On one of her shoulders could be seen the outline of Andres’ hand. He had rested his hand there, with his arms about her shoulder, and experienced severe burns on the back of his hand. Andres’ face and legs were singed with small dots and splotches. The burns blistered and then itched. They became more severe with time and were still plainly evident three weeks later.
I've been wondering about my friend and his wife. They were quite old and I haven't spoken to them for a long time. My friend's wife had cancer when I interviewed her over the phone.
She should be interviewed in person by someone while that can still be done.