Well if were to believe Tom Delonge and maybe some of his "advisors", weve basically got a group of extraterrestrial or interdimensional (theyre apparently not sure) soulless vampires, who are the cause of human religions and all the wars in the world(and probably disease, pollution, rape, global warming, school shootings, racism, sexism, littering etc.

) and just love to drink on that deliciously sweet human suffering and tears. And the heroic US government is about to save us all, how noble of them. Oh and the reason for the cover up was to prepare against them in secret(even tough apparently these creatures can easily read minds and plant ideas in them).
No this aint a bad b-movie plot, this is reality and what hes apparently been told according to his interviews and novels.
Supposed if this is what the group hes been talking to thinks it is and its not blatant disinformation as it seems, Id love to know how exactly they found all this out and how they can be so sure of it? Did they capture a live alien and have it confess

Truth is usually the first thing that dies, even if this is supposed to be some sort of disclosure. At best theyre not gonna tell you the truth, theyre gonna tell you their version of it.