Strange Humanoids


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Unknown Humanoid Photographed in San Timoteo Canyon, California

An unknown humanoid was recently photographed in a tree while feeding on a live canine in San Timoteo Canyon in Redlands, California. What is this creature?

the following report and photograph:

"This photo was taken last week (4th week of November 2022). This thing was in San Timoteo Canyon in Redlands, California. We could hear the dog (coyote?) it was feeding on screaming in pain until it was dead. We could hear the bones crunching and the hair was standing up on the back of my neck.

I immediately ran to the vehicle and locked the door but my friend used his phone to take a photo with a flash to see what this awful noise was. This is the photo he took. He proceeded to attempt to shoot this thing but it hissed at him and appeared to jump or fly away.

That canyon has always given me a very eerie feeling. We asked some locals, but no one wanted to talk about it. A few said they just keep the doors and windows locked. Please let me know what you think it is."






@1963 What's your take on this one?...

Very strange humanoid creatures in the dark with creepy sounds overhead...



Hi Nivek, thanks for the link buddy... I have to say that i've watched the video 5 times consecutively [full screen] ...and still can't make the "angels-demons" out properly! ... all that I can see with my 'old-fella-specs' on is what looks rather like a squirrel moving around the top of the post/pipe for a couple of seconds at around the 8 minute mark. [I know it's hardly likely to be a squirrel up there in that weather... but it could also be a black plastic bag that is caught and blowing around the top of the post/pipe] and cannot make anything of value about those faint bands of very-opaque bands of lighter background either side of the pole? ... as far as i'm concerned this effect could be facilitated by a couple of torches or light projectors place on the ground either side of the pole... or even further back behind the crest of the hill!


... But in this enhanced picture that I found to publicise the story, the figures do in fact become more interesting.
... but then with the inclusion of this enhanced picture comes more authenticity problems... no.1 being the description of these "Angel-Demon-Aliens"... wherein the man described the 'creatures' as being 3.5 mts [11.5 ft] tall! ... the only thing that we have to help us come up with any kind of reasonable estimation of height being the pole-pipe thing that they are flanking!... and there is no way to say for sure just how tall that thing is?... but he does in another part of the video go right up close to another one of those things that was no bigger than a meter [or under 4 ft anyway] ... and if the two poles were of a similar height, then 'the two apparitions' would be no more outsized than a couple of his friends in fancy dress helping him to notch up his YT-subscribers and likes etc. ... and if not and the pole is actually as tall as he is making out in this other video [that includes this offering as well] ... then in the daylight you can plainly see that behind the pole there are telegraph poles onto which slightly luminescent cardboard cut-outs could have been fastened to accomplish the desired effect!

... otherwise, I have to admit that I don't really know what we're supposed to conclude about this video ? ... but I do get a clear whiff of hoaxery in this case matey. ... how about you? :Thumbsup:

Cheers Buddy.


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Police Officer Encounters 'Lizard Humanoid' in Memphis, Tennessee

A Memphis, Tennessee police officer recalls his bizarre encounter with a 'lizard humanoid' while on a special assignment in the late 1980s. A very interesting and detailed description of the creature.

Following is the account:

"This incident occurred in Memphis, Tennessee. I started my career as a Memphis police officer a few years previously in the 1980s. I was on a special assignment at the time.

It was 2AM and it was a clear Summer night but quite humid. I was in my personal vehicle with the top down and the radio playing. I was still in my uniform including my bulletproof vest and a gun belt with all the regular equipment attached to it. I was heading south on Covington Pike at a good rate of speed and was the only one on the road. This part of the road connects the Raleigh Bartlett area to the Berclair area. The road is slightly elevated as the surrounding area is low and running through it is the Wolf River which is a few miles from here and connects to the Mississippi River. This area is commonly referred to by the locals as the Wolf River Bottoms these days.

As I was driving, in my peripheral vision over to my right just outside my headlight beams, I noticed something was moving fast directly toward the front of my car. I immediately slammed on the brakes, thinking that a deer was running across the road. But, I couldn't have been more wrong. It came to a screeching halt right in the middle of the road right in front of my headlights, not more than seven feet from my bumper. As we both froze in place staring at each other for several seconds.

It appeared to be three to four feet tall but was also crouched. It could have been closer to five if it stood straight up, but I got the impression that its current body posture was its normal way of standing. It had a large head, at least compared to its skinny slender body. It appeared to be dark gray and greenish in color, similar to the color of an alligator but the appearance of its skin looked like a similar texture to a human's. It had dark large oval eyes on each side of the upper part of its face running slanted from the top portion of its head to about the midsection of its head. It was kind of pointing inward to where you would expect a nose to be. However, from what I could tell, there was no distinct nose. At least none like a human. Below the eyes was a very thin dark almost black line which I assumed was its mouth. It ran from about the same location a human's mouth would be, however, the line ran straight across the lower face in front and then turned upward and slightly back on the head. It had no ears that could see. Its body and chest area were rounded like a human but vastly smaller, almost like a child's. Its arms appeared to be longer and somewhat disproportionate to its body and they were skinny and had an insect-type look to them. I could make out hands but they were also completely folded at the wrist joint. The legs were long because, even with this thing's shortness, I could make out the top of them even with it so close to the bumper which was obscuring the bottom half somewhat. They were like the arms, thin and insect-like, but appeared to be jointed.

I did notice its chest area moving slightly like it was breathing but it seemed slow and steady. I never noticed anything like genitalia. There was no hair any place that I could see and I'm not even sure if it was wearing any type of clothing. If it was it would have had to be skintight. I never noticed a tail at any point.

My adrenaline was pumping and it was only a brief period of observation. It again took off like a shot and it was out of my headlights. I could still make out its outline in the darkness and it was moving like a sprinter. It leaped over the guardrail onto the other side of the road and down the embankment.

I will admit that this was not the only bizarre incident that I had during my career but it definitely was the strangest. I never told anyone on the force about the encounter. In fact, I only mentioned it to a close friend during these many years. I can only identify it as a lizard man or an unknown humanoid. I would have never believed it unless I actually witnessed it."



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'White Humanoid' Continually Appears & Stalks British Columbia Resident

A British Columbia resident has had several encounters with a white humanoid with light colored hair. It abruptly appears, then vanishes. Is it a corporeal being or something different?

I (Lon Strickler) recently came across the following account:

"I've been having encounters with a humanoid "thing" in the woods behind my place. The woods behind my house are quite extensive so it's not just a strip of trees. The first encounter I had was when I had shot a raccoon that had been getting in the garbage and spreading it all over the yard. I took it back into the woods to dump the carcass and I arrived into a clearing that's a short walk from my house. Once I knelt down to get a better grip on it to toss it into a large ditch I caught something in the corner of my eye. I turned to see what it was and just standing there was what appeared to be some weird person in the tree line facing my direction with a candle at about upper abdomen level. I am not the best at estimating the height of something from a distance but it was definitely taller than me by a good bit (I am 6'1"). The only reason why I could see it is because of the light source it was holding. I looked down for a second to see what I was doing and when I looked back up it was gone. I had only looked away for a fraction of a second.

At this point I had decided to get out of there and just left after dropping everything. Ever since then I have been seeing this thing standing completely still in random locations around the woods and when I look away 'poof', it's gone.

Well. tonight I took my dog out back and immediately felt like something was off and got my flashlight and looked around, not going in any further than my pup. There it was, standing completely still, so still that it looked like the wind wasn't even disturbing what appears to be its hair. After staring at this thing not moving or making any noise, it lifted an appendage in the direction of the dog. My pup eventually vanished into the darkness which is the point where it lifted what appeared to be an arm in his last known direction of travel. After a staring contest with whatever it is, it lowered its arm and my dog came back running out of the woods back to the door. I definitely wasn't going lose sight of this thing while I was so close, so I backed up still facing it with my light on it. I got back to the door and turned around for a second to get inside and when I turned around to shut the door it was closer, a lot closer. I shut the door and closed all the blinds as soon as I could.

It has never done anything like this before and has never been anywhere near my house let alone in my backyard before. At this point I'm worried about what could happen especially now that it appears to be getting more aggressive and is stalking me.

It's very tall and appears to have some sort of material on it that's white in color. It's always looking straight down. Lighter colored hair. The hair is longer and from what I've seen only on its head.

The most significant incident was the first time and the last time which happened to be last night before I wrote this post. These incidents were a year and a half apart with random other incidents scattered in between. Every time I've seen it has been deeper in the woods, never this close to the house.

As for witnesses, the only other person who's seen it is my friend on one occasion and it was when we were both in the woods together. It seemed to be at a greater distance than usual in this particular incident.

I haven't recorded it because it hasn't ever been in the same place, and as soon as I get my eyes off of it 'poof', it's gone. As for the reason of not going inside to grab my phone last night, I'm not just going leave my dog out there with whatever it is so I can go viral on the internet for a "spooky ghost encounter." I am setting up deer cams today to see if it ends up in my yard again as I will not be going out there again to find out." CG

NOTE: This 'humanoid' post is quite interesting and somewhat different than the standard fare. From what I have gathered, this individual lives British Columbia, but not sure of the specific area. The real question is if this is a corporeal being or a manifestation. Hard to tell, even though it appears to have supernatural abilities. Very strange account. Lon



As Above So Below

Late Night 'Black Humanoid' Encounter at Grandma's House

A man and his wife recently spent the night at her grandmothers house. There have been encounters with a red-eyed entity by family members previously. This night, something different manifested.

I (Lon Strickler) recently came across the following account:

"My wife’s family lives on a reserve in the Algonquin area of Ontario, Canada. The encounters of unexplained humanoid beings in that area are endless. I’ve heard stories of 20 or more native people seeing this thing at least once, but no one likes to talk about it.

My wife, as well as my mother-in-law, have seen what they believed was a humanoid-like entity in the their grandmother's basement about 30 years apart. It was a huge black thing with red eyes. The grandmother now lives in a different house and we often stay with her.

Last Thursday (June 17, 2021) we had to stay the night. I hate it there. I’m not usually afraid of stuff like that her place gives me the absolute creeps. We’re in bed and it’s about 2AM and I have to go to the bathroom, so I walk across the upstairs and passed her grandma's room. I can see right into her room and the clock LED, etc.

On my way back I had this overwhelming urge to run as fast as possible back to our room, so I did. I noticed, while passing her room, I could no longer see in. There was this absolutely massive being standing in the doorway. I was petrified. When I came back, my wife asked what was out there because she could feel it too. I couldn’t see its eyes but it wasn’t human and I’ve never experienced anything like that before.

Could it be attached to her grandma? This woman is in poor health and has dementia so I wouldn’t be surprised. I also don’t scare easily, I tend to go and find out what’s going on, rather than literally running away. It wanted to intimidate me." AA

NOTE: Was this a corporeal humanoid or an manifesting energy? Tough to tell, but still an intimidating presence nonetheless. Lon



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Terrifying Humanoid Shocks Commuter Bus Riders in Chicago Suburb!

A Naperville, Illinois resident is on a commuter bus one night when an unknown bizarre humanoid attempts to board the bus. Everyone, including the driver, was shocked. What was it?

"It was a wild night, one that I'll never forget. The date was September 1, 2020. I live in Naperville, Illinois. I was headed back home on a public bus, I believe it was a PACE, and I was pretty much alone. Just me and the bus driver and one or two other people. That in and of itself was strange, but I'm not sure that was related.

Anyways I board the bus and the bus driver is stopping off at plenty of locations. We arrive at one where there's little to no light around it, no streetlamps, no houses or buildings, no nothing. The only thing illuminating the scene was the dim light inside the bus and the headlights. The bus driver opened the doors and nobody budges, but as the bus driver began to close the doors, we heard these really heavy footsteps come out of nowhere. Then I heard the most god-awful sound I have ever heard. It wasn't quite screaming, it wasn't singing, but it sounded angry. The bus driver began to open the doors again for the 'thing' to the board, but as soon as it came into eyesight, nobody wanted that....that board this bus. The driver shut the doors as quickly as he could and this creature became infuriated.

It was wearing women's clothing, an orange shirt and an orange hat with some shorts (it had been hot here). But that thing was not like any woman I've ever seen. I don't even know how to describe it. It could have the power to shapeshift if that's a thing. This thing, it was a she, or at least wanted to appear so, began pounding on the bus doors, howling its angry, screaming song. It went on for a long time. The bus driver was clearly in shock and confused and downright scared, as he should be. Hell, I was scared too!

I don't think any of us knew what to do. And at the same time, we weren't sure if this thing would follow us? If we did let the creature in, would it harm us? Kill us even? Would it chase after us if we didn't? If we called the police, and it left, would they even believe us? It wasn't any kind of cryptid like Bigfoot or the Chupacabra. Was it an extraterrestrial life form? It is an experience I will not forget ever in my life. The first thing I did when I arrived home was look up anything similar, to no avail. So, after these 3 years, I decided to report it. I know that you have been involved with the Chicago Mothman sightings investigation, but is it possible that this 'thing' is related?"



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Security Camera Spots Gnome-Like Mystery Creatures in California Backyard

A strange piece of security camera footage from a home in California shows a pair of mysterious creatures scurrying through a backyard and some have likened the odd interlopers to gnomes. The very weird scene was reportedly captured last week outside of the home of Debbie Bernard in the community of Bonadelle Ranchos. In the admittedly difficult to discern video, two seemingly bipedal creatures run past a patio set in view of the security camera before disappearing into the darkness and leaving the bewildered homeowner scratching her head.

Conceding that "this is a terrible video," Bernard shared the footage online in the hopes that someone could identify whatever has crossed through her backyard that evening. In keeping with the nature of social media, the veritable Rorschach test resulted in an array of suggestions from viewers online. The theories offered ranged from the fantastic, such gnomes, elves, or aliens, to the prosaic, including ducks, squirrels, or owls.



As Above So Below

Unknown Entities Photo Captured After UFO Sighting in North Alabama

Two Alabama women are sitting on their deck when they observed a rectangular-shaped craft hovering above the property. They took photos of the event and captured a pair of unknown entities.

"I lived in Boaz, Alabama at the time of this incident. It was July 5, 2014, at 10:25 PM (I checked my watch). My friend and I were sitting on her deck drinking coffee. She said, "Look!" I looked up in time to see a rectangular-shaped object with lights circling around it, changing colors. We kept saying, "What is that?" It briefly went totally dark and then reappeared moving toward her property. Her house is situated at an elevation of 1,053 feet above sea level according to my phone. There is a VERY STEEP drop-off at the edge of her lawn which is heavily wooded all the way down the mountain. These objects were high above the trees which are very tall.

As the large object moved closer and closer to us a small semi-circular shaped object was seen below the larger object. I grabbed my cell phone and began taking photos of what we were seeing. It came close enough to her lawn to reflect light onto the grass. Then the semi-circular shaped object straightened itself out and flew at a speed I've never seen anything move with out of our sight behind trees. The large object began getting very bright with almost fiery-looking lights shooting out of the ring where the multi-colored lights were first observed.

We watched it for what seemed like a short period of time but we later realized we had been out there watching for about an hour and a half. I have no direct memory of the object leaving or blinking out but it was just gone. I began to take photos all around in hopes of finding where it went. That's when I got the very poor photo of what seemed to be two little creatures.

Also, strangely enough, another glowing light appeared deep down in the woods. It would brighten when we talked to it, then dim and brighten again on request. My camera never recorded a photo of this object although I snapped them repeatedly. My friend said once during watching the object she was going to get a flashlight and go out there and look more closely. I strongly encouraged her not to do that. I felt that we were fine on the deck where we were but didn't need to be out there any closer.

We were unnaturally calm afterward and even talked about how we just sauntered back inside the house and went to bed - too calm if you ask me. It was a very odd experience."



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Shapeshifter Filmed by Security Camera in Mexico

A perplexing piece of security camera footage from Mexico shows what appears to be a shapeshifter that transforms from an animal into a person. The strange scene reportedly unfolded in the garage of a home in the city of Nava and video of the eerie incident was subsequently posted to TikTok last week. In the footage, a man can be seen cleaning some chairs as his dog wanders around the room. Suddenly, the animal's attention is drawn to the door of the garage, where a dark form resembling a four-legged creature seemingly manifested out of thin air. When the man goes to investigate what has disturbed his dog, the oddity appears to shrink and transform into something else entirely.

Although it is hard to decipher what exactly the man saw, the encounter clearly left him shaken as he quickly heads into his house through a side door in the garage. While he is gone, the peculiar form appears to transform into a person, who then leaves the scene. When the man returns with his wife, the mystifying entity is nowhere to be found. Since being posted online, the video has quickly gone viral in Mexico with many suggesting that the curious being was a folkloric shapeshifter known as a nahual, while others have argued that the spooky interloper was a witch.




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Hunting camera captured a creepy figure in the forest

The figure of a strange humanoid creature was captured on a hunting camera installed in the forest of an unnamed location.

The author, who found the picture in the camera’s memory, shared it on social media, noting that the camera was intended for photographing wild animals like deer, triggered by motion detection. The area was supposedly off-limits to strangers, possibly private property.

The creature in the photo resembles a human, but its eyes emit a glowing light similar to the reflection seen in animals at night.

The photographer questions the presence of a person, especially one entering without their knowledge, as the camera was set up to capture wildlife, not people.

“This is a camera set up in the woods, set up to take photos when it senses movement, main purpose is take photos of deer and other wildlife. There are no people that could be in the woods at that time and it had to be moving to set the camera off. What is this?” he writes.

The figure appears naked and unusually thin, which is deemed peculiar for a wild forest setting. The photographer discounts the possibility of a homeless person, arguing that he would have been aware of such individuals on his property, detecting traces of their presence.

While acknowledging the blurry nature of the photo, the photographer considers the potential for it to be a deliberate prank or a hoax. Nevertheless, he points out that hunting cameras frequently capture bizarre occurrences in forests.



We leave bird food and suet cakes out for the animals over the winter. As of late the suet cakes are vanishing over night. Not a crumb to be found. My wife wants to know what animal is taking the cake away wholesale. Although it is probably deer I keep telling her it is Bigfoot. She isn’t buying.


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CCTV shows a sinister humanoid creeping around like a crab, frightening dogs

Footage of a mysterious creature said to be the legendary cryptid “La Mona” or a “ghoul” was posted on Reddit. The footage was captured on home security cameras in Costa Rica and shared on Reddit by user u/fit then fat in a thread titled “humanoid encounters” where members discussed if the figure was a “ghoul” “La Mona” or something more mundane.

La Mona is based on the legend of a witchlike woman with a horrific appearance who, according to the myth, stalks people at night. She is said to strike terror into anyone who looks at her and inflict scratches and cast spells. A creepy video shows a being with weird “bent legs” running around on all fours while several dogs desperately bark at it. As the strange thing gets closer to the camera, a second dog begins barking urgently in the background.




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Odd Leprechaun-Like 'Entity' Photographed During Full Moon

A pair of photos taken during a recent full moon have left viewers perplexed due to what appears to be the presence of some kind of entity that suddenly appears in the second image. The pictures were posted to Reddit by a person who had purportedly received the images from a friend who was baffled by what they had captured on film.

While the initial image is a fairly benign photo of the full moon, the strange second image features a diminutive 'being' that seems to be dashing across the lawn of a home that had been barren just seconds earlier. The person who posted the photos was doubtful that they were Photoshopped because the source for the images was an older family that is unfamiliar with the program.

Additionally, they point out that the anomaly looks to be casting a shadow on the lawn, meaning that it was not a smudge on the camera.

As one might expect, the photo set of a firestorm of speculation with opinions including paranormal suggestions, like a ghost or an elemental, and the standard skeptical argument that the story is a hoax. Given that very little is known about the source of the photos and that the scene feels rather contrived, one would be wise to use caution before concluding that the image shows an elf or a leprechaun.

Then again, a breathtaking full moon just might be the kind of event that would draw 'nature spirits' out of hiding at least for a brief moment as they sneak into our realm for a glimpse of the event.



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Flying Humanoid Filmed in Turkey?

A Turkish shepherd was understandably amazed when he spotted what appeared to be a flying humanoid in the sky over a field where his sheep were grazing. The strange sighting, which the witness managed to capture with his cell phone, reportedly occurred late last month in the village of Küçüktepe. Recounting the experience, shepherd Murat Koç explained that "I noticed that an object suddenly appeared in the air while grazing my animals in the pasture." Particularly astounding to the witness was that the anomaly resembled a dark figure complete with arms and legs.

"As soon as I saw the object, I was a little excited," Koç recalled, noting that he "was able to follow the body in the air for about a minute," before it floated away to a point where he could no longer observe it. Coming forward with his footage "so people could see it," the shepherd called for the curious flying humanoid "to be investigated," presumably by Turkish authorities. As for what the object could have been, setting aside an otherworldly explanation, a very plausible possibility is that the figure was simply a balloon of some kind, given how it floats in the sky. That said, as of now, the shepherd's sighting is a mystery.
