tall, thin, irritable
Thanks. What I had in mind was more of a God's p.o.v looking at the Solar System to show that Earth was at point X on August 10 1901 and at point Y on October 5 1789. I assume that when you tell your space car 'Gay Deceiver Bounce' it rewinds the clock and moves over a few million miles.Go to the Stellarium Web Online Star Map
There you can select dates and times and locations for planets, stars, galaxies and more.
In that podcast one of the women claims they saw Marie Antionette. Of course she did, never mind the billions of faceless, nameless, unwashed masses of humanity that have truly turned the Wheel of History - she got to see a rock star. Sure. I am reminded of people who claim to channel really ancient past lives and its always Thundarr the Barbarian or a Warrior Princess, it's never some guy named Larry who ran a small cat meat shop until he caught dysentery and **** himself to death. What fun would that be?
If you like that Stellarium app I've had SkyView Lite on my phone a while, my niece turned me on to it and its free.
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