If there are those with an interest, we can turn the science up a bit in here, though, no one asked for it.
As of August 2023, no scientific study has found reliable evidence of an afterlife. According to Big Think, there is no evidence either way, and neuroscientists say that claims that consciousness survives death are not supported by research.
Some say that believing in life after death requires physics beyond the Standard Model. Others say that life after death transcends science's ability to measure anything.
Is There Life After Death? Scientists on Both Sides of Eternal Question
Nov 17, 2023 — As he says in an article for Scientific American: “If it's really nothing but atoms and the known forces, there is clearly no way for the soul to survive death. “Believing in life after death, to put it mildly, requires physics beyond the Standard Model.
Oct 10, 2018 — There will not be any evidence for life after death found by scientists. Life after death transcends science's ability to measure.
A 2023 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science provides “the strongest evidence yet” that some kind of covert consciousness remains for a short time after a person's heart stops beating and they are considered dead.
There is a lot of study into Death, however, death transcends any ability we have to measure. Yet, writing ideologies away as fiction just because we don't have a conclusive way to study a subject is old Newtonian thinking, by Newtonian physics we just discovered empirically that gravity causes things to fall down.. we must always leave room for theories. we must always leave room because space doesn't have cardinal directions there is no up or down, only attraction... yet. Newton couldn't have conceived this empirically, it took Einstein to figure that out.
When it comes right down to it when it comes to science. I am.....