This is repost from another thread. Just want to update ppl who are following this thread.
Yeah, it is a heartbreaking story for me, I lost my electronics lab and will be unable to try anything for at least six months or more.
But, somewhat luckily, I found an another man, by the name of Floyd Sweet, who successfully performed exactly the same experiment as Dr Alzofon's in a thousand times cheaper setup. Two men both worked back in 80's, never knew of each other and experiments work on exactly the same larger principle. So experimental proof is there, we just need to prove it for ourselves.
The larger principle seems to be, in the shortest form, that gravity is based on entanglement and if one stops particles from entangling each other gravity and inertia go to zero. Preventing entanglement is the same as preventing
quantum decoherence and because that can be done with a whole macroscopic object one ends up with quantum object the size of a classical object.
I dug up 3, or even 4, experiments which stopped entanglement and produced macroscopic quantum objects: Dr Alzofon's, Floyd Sweet's and US Navy patent
US20190058105A1. So far it seems that entanglement can be stopped in two ways: by NMR style precession of atomic nuclei (like
@spacecase0, Dr Alzofon & Floyd Sweet did) and by super fast mechanical acceleration of conductors with ultrasound as in US20190058105A1 patent.
And 4th would be a member of this forum
@spacecase0 and experiment described in an AE thread
a curious device His device behaved exactly as macroscopic quantum object.
As Dr Alzofon explained, the key with nuclear precession method is hitting it on Larmor frequency, the frequency of nuclear precession. Floyd Sweet was an electric engineer and he did the same, by luck or by smart observation. He reported almost complete loss of weight on the sample during the experiment. Additionally, there would be significant freezing exactly as Dr Alzophone suggested. And it seems that whole system becomes an open system and starts sucking in energy from the whole environment around but I cannot explain that and Dr Alzofon never mentioned it.
Here is the overview of Floyd Sweet's very simple setup:
In a shortest short, what he is showing in that video is mini NMR machine. Basically you have three coils on XYZ axis. On X axis you have coil with static magnetic field, on Y-axis you have a coil with sinusoidal AC current and on z-axis you have a pickup coil in NMR setup, nothing in Dr Alzofon's setup or in Sweet's setup an output coil. All three XYZ coils are wrapped around barium ferrite brick. Static field on the X-axis alignes all the atomic nuclei, sinusoidal field on the Y-axis starts precession of atomic nuclei around X-axis and coil on Z is either used for making NMR imaging, or overunity according to Sweet.
The reason why NMR people never picked up nether weight loss nor over unity is because they just do a single pulse and then they look for an EM bounce of the nuclei to make their image. Both Dr Alzofon and Sweet are actually using continuous EM waves on Y-axis to provoke precession resonance of nuclei that lasts for indefinite duration of time.
Trick is that Sweet kept frequency off operation secret, to be able to comercialise the opportunity, but Dr Alzofon didn't. And frequency is Larmor frequency. Hundreds of people tried to repeat Sweet's experiment, but failed because they did not understand that experiment was based on a Nuclear Magnetic Resonance or NMR. Here I wrote
short instructions how to calculate Larmor frequency for the particular element in periodic table that you want to try it on. Sweet achieved it with only 10 Volts at 0.3 micro Amperes at mains frequency of 60Hz. Dr Alzofon used Aluminium nanoparticles, while Sweet used barium ferrite which is a compound with 12 atoms of iron.
Technologically speaking this was all achievable in early 50s because NMR was discovered in 1946. If this investigation of mine works out all the way to a string off successful experiments, then amateur scientists are up for giving the mainstream scientists good run for their money.