Future technology...your honest ideas?


Life Long Researcher
It is little doubt that our technology will progress.
Lets share ideas of what technology we will see in the near or far future and give us a little idea of how you think it would work and the need it would fulfill.

In the future, probably 500 years or so, we will discover how to scan the entire molecular structure of any item and store that data for replication.
Food, hardware, tools, clothes and literally anything can be replicated using the stored data.

Two booths side by side. One replicates, the other scans or can be used to deatomize and store the particles for use in replication.
Never any waste.
All trash and waste is put into the RDU(rapid deatomizing unit).
Huge libraries will store molecular data of all things.

A few hundred years later a similar unit will be used to do a molecular scan of someone when they are in good health as say 18 or 20 years old. decades later that data would be used to do a molecular reset of your body back to what it was when it was scanned.


When I think the future of tech, I look at the past and what we have witnessed and it's evolution and I just kind of logically progress it.

Let me lay this out on a time table, Connectivity. Like it or not. Privacy issues or not, concerns or not. Since the internet invaded everyone's lives it has creeped in as a convenience and ultimately became a necessity. Now people are connected throughout the day and the night, if not continuously 24/7. First there was the home internet, then there was the mobile internet, now there is and has been smaller and smaller connected devices.. I imagine something revolutionary , something that has the connectivity and productivity of a mobile device but extremely tiny, much like a piece of jewelry , a pendant , something you won't lose and is wearable and you don't have to constantly manage, this thing will be capable of using led laser projection for a short range to project an interactive screen on your hand or a nearby surface. It will be fully controllable and compatible with open ai and It will be water and weatherproof so you don't even have to stop using it even while in the shower. Trust me. It will happen. Sooner than you think.
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I expect computer and other electronic implants as depicted in numerous sci-fi films will become a reality. We could wind up with built-in (i.e., implanted) heads-up displays, etc.


tall, thin, irritable
Home building techniques have changed but not so dramatically as you might think. The plumbing's plastic, the walls are thicker and better insulated, windows are better but overall a new house in 2025 isn't drastically different from the 1960 pile I am in right now. Interesting that despite a considerable increase in overall efficiency houses back then were generally built with 60 amp electrical services. Today 200 is mandated because we really are piggier now than back then. For example, I grew up without air conditioning and that was totally normal where today your kid would have you up on criminal charges for neglect (if they could pull themselves away from the xBox, that is)

In whatever fashion, whether it's a big foundation battery some way of incorporating power generation through the use of building materials themselves it seems we could do much, much better. Retrofitting solar panels seems like the temp fix that stays too long before the real solution arrives.

The cement that could turn your house into a giant battery


Life Long Researcher
Neural implants is coming.
With them one will connect up with anything. Machines and devices controlled by thought.

Genetic advances will allow humans to remove body imperfections.
It will increase lifespan, give us limb regeneration, greatly enhance our resistance to illnesses. Increase our natural strength and give us the ability to see in total darkness.

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
Neural implants is coming.
With them one will connect up with anything. Machines and devices controlled by thought.

Genetic advances will allow humans to remove body imperfections.
It will increase lifespan, give us limb regeneration, greatly enhance our resistance to illnesses. Increase our natural strength and give us the ability to see in total darkness.
Promises . . . promises.