Latest on the Pentagons UAP revelations.


tall, thin, irritable
I listen to the audio podcast of The Black Vault. I have no interest in John Greenewald except to say he's done something with his website that is unique and interesting. I find recent developments extremely confusing and that podcast lays it out pretty well - not a bad way to keep my ear to the rail, so to speak. This post isn't about JG or personalities or Twitter wars or any of that nonsense, it's strictly about the establishment of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO). OK, this is an orbital level look at this, not some forensic deep dive. Just a thought.

DoD Announces the Establishment of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office

The world was a different place after WW2. For one thing, it shrunk - a lot - and as a result we have the modern UFO phenomenon. Never mind Roman shields and Ezekiel's wheel here for just a minute. It's often said, often waaaay too often, that 'the technology to do that simply did not exist at that time' and that is absolutely true. There was plenty of tech that could and did look mighty weird that were almost certainly the source of a good number of reports but again, the technology to do certain things just didn't exist at the time.

We were locked in an existential cold war for how long ? Nuclear triad, bombers and missiles on constant alert. Ugh. World War never really ended it just got put on the back burner. How many times did we come much too close to actually pulling the trigger ? In the meantime we engaged in a number of very hot proxy wars and all of this meant that the military and private defense establishment had all the justification in the world to keep secrets, develop new and interesting gadgetry they could ever want. The scientific fallout from the space program was immense and there is no other form of competition greater than war. The scientific fallout from decades and decades of conflict has been equally immense if not quite so immediately visible. Go get a loaf of bread today at the supermarket and you'll prove that point instantly.

Think about how the media and the military has responded to this over the decades. In public it's not taken seriously. Privately I bet the same level of interest exists as does in the general population and of course, various branches of the military have conducted their own investigations and who the hell knows what they came up with. Maybe they really do have bodies and wreckage - that's not the point.

Thing is, in the midst of all that - global conflict - look at the reaction to the UFO phenomenon. Ridicule, dismissive behavior and an apparent lack of real coordination between multitudes of agencies that may or may not have a clear mandate to be involved. Doesn't that seem odd ? You would think a genuine threat would be handled differently but wasn't. We've been looking for evidence of some secret investigations, recovery teams, all sorts of things but after all these years nothing particularly substantial has turned up. Until a couple of weeks ago. What changed ?

The technology that didn't exist now does and they have to pay more attention to things they have dismissed in the past. Clearly exotic drones and the like are a threat - wasn't that the case recently just off the west coast? It's not a matter of splitting hairs to say that drones can't do this or that, it's that you don't want anyone to ignore a possible threat - one that could be very terrestrial in nature - because there is no reporting system in place or that the culture doesn't permit it. Now if an MP sees a glowing orange ball over a missile base you would expect a different reaction. The establishment of AARO is great news and there may well be some very interesting results down the road from it, but this isn't about UFOs it's about having to be practical and revise procedures in the face of a new type of threat.

To speculate, I wonder if our whistleblower friends know that and are just riding the wave of Belief to benefit themselves.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
It is really hard to know what folks were describing in biblical times; they may well have seen real UFOs or they could have been natural phenomena or symbolic allegories, or a mix of those things. Ignoring the "airships" and "mystery aeroplanes" and phantom Zeppelins, etc., for a bit, right after WWII and through the '50s and '60s, UFO reports that are pretty much identical to what is seen today by the military, were reported in the US --and also around the world. The devices showed up over nuclear sites and missile testing areas and intercepts were attempted. Tic Tac like objects were reported and also photographed (Mainbrace, Florence stadium, etc.), and there were mass sightings and long observations through telescopes, binoculars and theodolites. In some cases as in Australia, the objects were seen to return and were observed by many for days. Small fast metallic spheres just like "Go Fast" were seen, and of course many saucers too. In Portland, Oregon, a couple of days before Roswell, UFOs were seen all over Portland --hovering over Oaks Amusement park before shooting off and at various places around the city. There was even an all-cars police alert, and many of the police saw them for themselves --some of whom were former WWII pilots, and they described them as shiny chrome-like discs that had to have been remote controlled. later there were the repeated flights over the US Capitol building --when they were caught on radar while seen visually by the pilots. UFOs were seen all over the world in a variety of shapes that would just about perfectly fit the blacked out list of UAP shapes in the report released recently and available on the Black Vault.
So here is a thought experiment...
How was such a technology, fully-formed suddenly flying around after WWII all around the world? No one had that kind of technology then --the SR-71 was primitive compared to what these small objects were capable of. Let's consider the possibility that these are some sort of modern devices; i.e. developed by China or Russia or the USA. Where is the evidence for development of revolutionary propulsion technologies? The spy networks have apparently been totally unaware of them or the government would know what they were. Why would China fly these objects over all of our military installations, etc., in our own waters and over our continent --where they could be captured and create a huge incident or even WWIII? We all are only now developing hypersonic missiles --why bother wasting all of that money on them and aircraft carriers if we have devices like UFOs? Where do they take off from and where do they go to? Especially the HUGE UFOs --does anyone see them take off or land? If they were ours, or Chinese or Russian, or from Timbuktu, why wouldn't those in the know tell government agencies to cease and desist --"they are ours" not doing so could be a very serious thing. The best route would be for the government to say --"That is a top secret US technology and we can't talk about it" --that would put the fear into China and Russia. Or they are "Chinese" that would get TONS of funding. They are behaving in the way they do, because they KNOW they are not an earthly technology and don't want to talk about it --unless they are forced to --which is exactly what is happening. They could release the better evidence they say would compromise our sensor abilities --but they won't, because ot would be clear that the objects aren't from here. Of course they are going to release footage of real earthly drones in the mix that give plausible deniability and sows doubt about what they are --Nothing else makes any sense.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
They already know what UFOs are! :cool: after decades of military encounters with them. They are just trying a big reset just like before, to buy more time.

The RAND Corporation is an American nonprofit global policy think tank created in 1948 by Douglas Aircraft Company to offer research and analysis to the United States Armed Forces. It is financed by the U.S. government and private endowment, corporations, universities and private individuals --Wikipedia


tall, thin, irritable
It is really hard to know what folks were describing in biblical times; they may well have seen real UFOs or they could have been natural phenomena or symbolic allegories, or a mix of those things. Ignoring the "airships" and "mystery aeroplanes" and phantom Zeppelins, etc., for a bit, right after WWII and through the '50s and '60s, UFO reports that are pretty much identical to what is seen today by the military, were reported in the US --and also around the world. The devices showed up over nuclear sites and missile testing areas and intercepts were attempted. Tic Tac like objects were reported and also photographed (Mainbrace, Florence stadium, etc.), and there were mass sightings and long observations through telescopes, binoculars and theodolites. In some cases as in Australia, the objects were seen to return and were observed by many for days. Small fast metallic spheres just like "Go Fast" were seen, and of course many saucers too. In Portland, Oregon, a couple of days before Roswell, UFOs were seen all over Portland --hovering over Oaks Amusement park before shooting off and at various places around the city. There was even an all-cars police alert, and many of the police saw them for themselves --some of whom were former WWII pilots, and they described them as shiny chrome-like discs that had to have been remote controlled. later there were the repeated flights over the US Capitol building --when they were caught on radar while seen visually by the pilots. UFOs were seen all over the world in a variety of shapes that would just about perfectly fit the blacked out list of UAP shapes in the report released recently and available on the Black Vault.
So here is a thought experiment...
How was such a technology, fully-formed suddenly flying around after WWII all around the world? No one had that kind of technology then --the SR-71 was primitive compared to what these small objects were capable of. Let's consider the possibility that these are some sort of modern devices; i.e. developed by China or Russia or the USA. Where is the evidence for development of revolutionary propulsion technologies? The spy networks have apparently been totally unaware of them or the government would know what they were. Why would China fly these objects over all of our military installations, etc., in our own waters and over our continent --where they could be captured and create a huge incident or even WWIII? We all are only now developing hypersonic missiles --why bother wasting all of that money on them and aircraft carriers if we have devices like UFOs? Where do they take off from and where do they go to? Especially the HUGE UFOs --does anyone see them take off or land? If they were ours, or Chinese or Russian, or from Timbuktu, why wouldn't those in the know tell government agencies to cease and desist --"they are ours" not doing so could be a very serious thing. The best route would be for the government to say --"That is a top secret US technology and we can't talk about it" --that would put the fear into China and Russia. Or they are "Chinese" that would get TONS of funding. They are behaving in the way they do, because they KNOW they are not an earthly technology and don't want to talk about it --unless they are forced to --which is exactly what is happening. They could release the better evidence they say would compromise our sensor abilities --but they won't, because ot would be clear that the objects aren't from here. Of course they are going to release footage of real earthly drones in the mix that give plausible deniability and sows doubt about what they are --Nothing else makes any sense.

UFO reports that are pretty much identical to what is seen today by the military, were reported in the US --and also around the world

Only because the ones that fit the current narrative have been cherry picked to appear that way. I think the reports of cigar shaped objects with portholes, flames, rivets and all that should not be left by the wayside. Same for reports of contact with Venusians, Nordics and the reports from South America of troll like beings who come here for sex. Well who can blame them ? Some serious supermodels come from there. Can't pick the peas out of the stew because it's all what's on the menu. In that context it isn't surprising that the military of various eras engaged in a cold and sometimes warm war would ignore a lot of that. Also not hard to see why the military of any previous era would fail to contend with a phenomenon that is startling but hasn't been overtly provocative - and even if it was they seem ill equipped to deal with it.

Even the UAP Task Force drew a line at reports from about 20 years ago so they don't go off in the weeds. There are some cases that will always be unexplained. Even in empirical research there are always a few flyers that don't fit into the model.

What's relevant is what's happening now and the reason for the change has absolutely nothing to do with UFOs except to overcome the military's own institutional dismissal of the topic. There really are weird goddamned contraptions flying around now that are very terrestrial; and very much a threat that simply didn't exist until relatively recently. Wasn't the source of the objects Corbell was hyping that were menacing Navy destroyers off the west coast last year found to be drones off some commercial Chinese owned catamaran?

The fact that such exotic tech didn't exist decades ago is probably why reports were so easily dismissed. The game has changed in a new way and even if drones and so forth can't match the performance characteristics claimed, so what ? Having a centralized, organized reporting system with some sort of congressional oversight to look at the big picture and members of the DoD at all levels with access to a reporting system minus the stigma is common sense. A practical response to the problem. Some kid marching in rectangles around a base somewhere on guard duty might be more inclined to report weird lights nearby than say, his dad or grandad would have in the exact same situation. Maybe once this has gone on for some time statistical analysis will reveal a pattern that we can't see now - one that supports the extraterrestrial theory. In the meantime it might actually catch people spying and looking to steal technology because nobody disputes their existence at all.

Here's something to kick around. The missile bases were shut down in what, '67 or ''68 ? If the Godless Commies of that era could make drone swarms like we saw at the Olympics don't you think the military at the time would have reacted very differently ?
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Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Only because the ones that fit the current narrative have been cherry picked to appear that way. I think the reports of cigar shaped objects with portholes, flames, rivets and all that should not be left by the wayside. Same for reports of contact with Venusians, Nordics and the reports from South America of troll like beings who come here for sex. Well who can blame them ? Some serious supermodels come from there. Can't pick the peas out of the stew because it's all what's on the menu. In that context it isn't surprising that the military of various eras engaged in a cold and sometimes warm war would ignore a lot of that. Also not hard to see why the military of any previous era would fail to contend with a phenomenon that is startling but hasn't been overtly provocative - and even if it was they seem ill equipped to deal with it.

Even the UAP Task Force drew a line at reports from about 20 years ago so they don't go off in the weeds. There are some cases that will always be unexplained. Even in empirical research there are always a few flyers that don't fit into the model.

What's relevant is what's happening now and the reason for the change has absolutely nothing to do with UFOs except to overcome the military's own institutional dismissal of the topic. There really are weird goddamned contraptions flying around now that are very terrestrial; and very much a threat that simply didn't exist until relatively recently. Wasn't the source of the objects Corbell was hyping that were menacing Navy destroyers off the west coast last year found to be drones off some commercial Chinese owned catamaran?

The fact that such exotic tech didn't exist decades ago is probably why reports were so easily dismissed. The game has changed in a new way and even if drones and so forth can't match the performance characteristics claimed, so what ? Having a centralized, organized reporting system with some sort of congressional oversight to look at the big picture and members of the DoD at all levels with access to a reporting system minus the stigma is common sense. A practical response to the problem. Some kid marching in rectangles around a base somewhere on guard duty might be more inclined to report weird lights nearby than say, his dad or grandad would have in the exact same situation. Maybe once this has gone on for some time statistical analysis will reveal a pattern that we can't see now - one that supports the extraterrestrial theory. In the meantime it might actually catch people spying and looking to steal technology because nobody disputes their existence at all.

Here's something to kick around. The missile bases were shut down in what, '67 or ''68 ? If the Godless Commies of that era could make drone swarms like we say at the Olympics don't you think the military at the time would have reacted very differently ?
You are right Pigfarmer, all the weird accounts of alien sex and the steampunky riveted Flash Gordon rocket ships are also part of the early UFO narrative. And of course many of those sightings were of tests of secret terrestrial aircraft, and no doubt the UFO phenomenon was used as a cover for those activities. I also think that there are a lot of people who just wanted to jump on the UFO bandwagon --contactees, and space brother folks, and that still goes on today. It reminds me of all of the hack medical devices that sprung up when electricity or radioactivity were being discovered. Topics that are little known or just being discovered attract folks like that and also the mentally ill. And today, I agree, many UFO sightings are likely caused by drones, including those hyped by Corbell (though apparently in that case there are witnesses who say that there is no way those were drones). There will likely be more of that kind of thing. We'll have to see what happens with NASA and the military and private scientists "looking into it" now. hopefully with the immunity now offered for military folks to come forward, there will be events which will cause a turning point, since the cat is already out of the bag and flying around. Things are SO screwed up in the world right now, that revelations about a non-human intelligence couldn't mess things up much more....
I think the potential reveal of ETs could be one of the few things that could have a chance to turn things around here. If for nothing else, to have us concentrate on something new than each other. Otherwise the hellscape on the horizon, that is coming to us all and our children, no one will be able to escape from it, be it the gradually worsening climate change and all the problems following in it's wake or the inevitable clash between the three super powers on what is left here to conquer. Lines are already being drawn on some major conflict, Russia decided to go for the grab first in Europe with Ukraine. Is China gonna follow with Taiwan?

My country has already thrown in it's lot with the western powers and NATO. We drew which side we are going to be on, no neutrality anymore. I'm not a fan of US and it's devious and world policing ways, but when you look at the alternatives, Putin's totalitarian Russia and the Orwellian Social Credit System nightmare that is China, it is the best of the bad choices.
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tall, thin, irritable
tests of secret terrestrial aircraft
Balloons. Lots of freakin' balloons of all sorts. Still use them. Interesting read here - oh, and have a look at this. Some very, very interesting information there that sounds almost familiar. Betcha there are balloons that can carry all sorts of things.

Unrelated, I've heard of the use of semi-autonomous lighter than air craft to loiter around and snoop for Bigfoot. Cool. Put that on my 'if I win Powerball' list
(though apparently in that case there are witnesses who say that there is no way those were drones
Standard issue for any UFO case. I bet there are at least a few who believe Fife Symington trotted a real alien out in front of the cameras

Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
I discovered something very interesting, by cross-referencing information from these two videos. Apparently UFOs were either given or reversed engineered by US back in 50's and today they are held near the US base at Guam. Guam being one of the remotest places on the planet and UFOs being fast flyers for which distances don't matter, it makes perfect sense.

Here are the videos and article. Article is in Italian, but it can be translated with Google Translate.



Here is the translated article about sightings in Guam area:



tall, thin, irritable
Watched Close Encounters of the Third Kind the other night. One of my favorites. ET was what, five years later ? Spielberg had interest in UFOs and indulged it with those two wonderful movies.

Got me thinking about abductions, government conspiracy, the way the craft behave and our ineffectual response. Common themes today.

If Spielberg never made those movies, and Whitley Strieber didn’t write Communion - or chose different cover art - how would that have affected ufology today ? They certainly made the topics mainstream. X-Files would have had a slimmer chance of being made.

So, if we were to remove those pop culture influences where do you suppose we’d be today? Who imitates who here - Life or Art ?

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
The police chase at the beginning of Close Encounters was based on the Portage County UFO chase:


That's a police car down at the bottom.


tall, thin, irritable
Skepticism isn’t a bad word. It’s healthy. The yin to Belief’s yang. Knee jerk dismissal is no different than wide eyed acceptance. They should keep each other in check.

Capt. Kirk has done done speechifying on this as it relates to Good, Evil and transporter accidents. He also asked God why he needed a starship when the believers around him were ready to toss God the keys …..

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Skepticism isn’t a bad word. It’s healthy. The yin to Belief’s yang. Knee jerk dismissal is no different than wide eyed acceptance. They should keep each other in check.

Capt. Kirk has done done speechifying on this as it relates to Good, Evil and transporter accidents. He also asked God why he needed a starship when the believers around him were ready to toss God the keys …..
I think skepticism is good too! I myself am skeptical of many popular aspects of the UFO phenomenon. But I remain open-minded abut them, as you do, about UFOs, generally. I suppose I should use the word "debunkers" more often, when I refer to individuals who refuse to even entertain the possibility that UFOs might be some sort of advanced non-human technology, and that all witnesses are either lying or delusional about what they have seen. It comes down to a preponderance of evidence or proof beyond a reasonable doubt, for many. At this point there is a great deal of circumstantial evidence and not a lot of physical evidence (that has been released, anyway), and after so many years of UFO encounters where the objects have been seen on radar and visually and even have been shot at, that is pretty amazing in itself. We may not get the kind of repeatedly testable evidence that hard science requires --especially if what is observing us is far more advanced than ourselves. In court cases, hard physical evidence is not always available --or required for a conviction. That doesn't mean that that UFOs don't exist, though. In fact if the observers were intent on destroying us, we'd probably be long gone before that kind if evidence was in the offing. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"; that kind of evidence is what hard science needs to come along with the show --it always does.. And that's how science should work. Even now there is constant controversy around all kinds of scientific topics, and there should be and always will be. But that still doesn't mean that a particular phenomenon isn't real. Even if the government released pictures of debris with analyses of the structure of the materials, many scientists would not accept it without studying it for themselves. Just as instant experts on debunking forums assume that they know more about what trained pilots have seen from their cockpits and on their instruments --without ever having set foot in a fighter jet --getting it all from online manuals. And they NEVER look at historical accounts of UFOs (even from a couple of decades ago), to try to understand the phenomenon better. That's not science.
Before 2010, I thought UFOs were an interesting topic, and, based on the tremendous amount of sightings and corroborative descriptions of the objects, thought they were very possibly real. But I thought they were a very, very rare occurrence, as I was very unfamiliar with the history of the phenomenon. But that changed in 2010, and changed even more for me in 2013. Now I am 100% convinced that whatever they are, and wherever they come from, they are intelligently controlled, and totally unlike anything people have created. So I guess I am a "true believer" in the jargon of skeptics. Actually, after my experiences, even if the government came out and said they were some sort of advanced US technology (as has been said many times in the past), I wouldn't believe them --too far gone down the rabbit hole! I was pulled off the fence of healthy skepticism by UFO tractor beams. And others have had nearly identical experiences to mine in the past, as I discovered after doing research. And I was lucky enough to find the corroborating cases from later the same year, and early in the next, at NUFORC. The way UFOs behave --chasing folks down roads, appearing to isolated groups, hovering over airports and military installations, etc., are the kinds of behavior / tactics that to me, show they are something very different. And their behavior makes sense to me, as I've described before, if they are from elsewhere.
I've had nothing to gain from telling the world about my preposterous experiences; I've lost old friends and alienated many people, and now basically live as a recluse (mostly because my view of the universe and our species has changed), but I felt I had to do it. And I did, long before the Pentagons stuff and Elizondo came out. There are many days when I look up into a blue sky on a sunny day and the whole thing seems so impossible. BUT I KNOW the events happened. And the way they happened leaves little doubt in my mind. It is depressing really, because what woman / wife wants to live with a person like that? What friends would want to hang around with someone who talks about seeing UFOs? Well, too bad, I will stick with my experiences. I feel SO lucky to have had them. But what to look forward to in life that would have more meaning than those? I don't know if I will ever see UFOs again. Instead the future looks distinctly bleak. All I have for consolation is art making --but for the appreciation of a species that is destroying the planet for all of the other animals? Not an inspiring thought. At least I will have my memories.
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Only way this will become global is if the evidence is given to public rigorous peer review by multiple neutral parties. If they say ye, then we have something paradigm shifting, otherwise it might turn out to be pathological science, like the Cold Fusion claims. Something that even people like Garry Nolan can fall victim to, unfortunately. Especially if you work inside or near small interconnected groups like NIDS or EarthTech. Because of Skinwalker and Bigelow shenanigans, I don't trust them that much anymore, so peer review is a must in the end, and the threshold they must get over if they want this to go anywhere. They must realize this themselves. I am not being negative here, but completely realistic.

This could lead us to somewhere, however there is still a chance this will all fall apart in the end. And if it does, we as a species are fucked, as we start to spiral towards the hellscape I mentioned in my previous post.
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