Latest on the Pentagons UAP revelations.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!

Looks like the Ronald Reagan also encountered some the same objects I saw almost exactly 12 years ago, and others have seen also:

Navy Witnesses Describe 2004 Encounter With UAP Aboard the USS Ronald Reagan - The Debrief

Now there is corroborating evidence from the military as well as civilians for the objects I saw. The second experience I had was most certainly a Tic Tac heading out into deep space --where they are from. I described it as a "capsule" for a long time --until the Tic Tac sighting stuff came out.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
There are many old accounts in the old articles section, where the objects are seen to drop down like shooting stars, stop dead, and then move off --just as in the Nimitz Incident. There are also objects that come out of the ocean, of course, too. The back and forth / up and down movement that is typical of UFOs was mentioned in the video (objects going back and forth), and is very common in the old accounts. "Go Fast" metallic spheres have been chased by jets in the old articles, too. Nothing new --same kind of stuff as before.
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Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Ross Coulthart. He nails it.

"I'm glad to hear he is using the phrase "non-human technology" instead of "alien".
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From what ive seen and read on forums, and places like Twitter and UFO updates Facebook site, among others: There seems to be 3 factions that have formed since this disclosure hubbub started in the 2017.

Faction 1 supports Elizondos crew and what they do. Some of them go to fanatical worship lenghts unfortunately and attack everyone who dares to say something different.

Faction 2 is comprised of some of the old school researchers. They are intrested in the current advancement, but skeptical of the Elizondo crew and their ultimate goal. They complain about some of the historical accuracy which is fair. Maybe i sense some jealousy there too in parts, Cause Elizondos crew seems to have taken this farther in 4 years than they have in decades.

Faction 3 is basically the Anti Elizondo crew, which includes everyone from Greers camp, to some UFO fanatics who think this is just some big intelligence Psy Op, to debunkers who fight this cause in their mind it is all just a huge joke and cannot be true.

So you basically got the believers, the neutrals and the naysayers, yet again.
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As Above So Below
From what ive seen and read on forums, and places like Twitter and UFO updates Facebook site, among others: There seems to be 3 factions that have formed since this disclosure hubbub started in the 2017.

Faction 1 supports Elizondos crew and what they do. Some of them go to fanatical worship lenghts unfortunately and attack everyone who dares to say something different.

Faction 2 is comprised of some of the old school researchers. They are intrested in the current advancement, but skeptical of the Elizondo crew and their ultimate goal. They complain about some of the historical accuracy which is fair. Maybe i sense some jealousy there too in parts, Cause Elizondos crew seems to have taken this farther in 4 years than they have in decades.

Faction 3 is basically the Anti Elizondo crew, which includes everyone from Greers camp, to some UFO fanatics who think this is just some big intelligence Psy Op, to debunkers who fight this cause in their mind it is all just a huge joke and cannot be true.

So you basically got the believers, the neutrals and the naysayers, yet again.

Thanks for that faction description, I was going to ask about that as I've noticed divisions on Twitter with much bickering and fighting between groups...



tall, thin, irritable
Had this podcast in my ear while cleaning the house. Never heard of Tim Burchett before but he's personable. Quick Howard Hughes interview:
Edition 639 - Paul Sinclair And Tim Burchett

Tim Burchett calls UFO hearing a "joke," claims wreckage has been recovered

Tech & Science
Tim Burchett Calls UFO Hearing a 'Joke,' Claims Wreckage Has Been Recovered
By Robyn White On 5/18/22 at 5:21 AM EDT

U.S Congressman Tim Burchett has called the UFO hearing that took place on May 17 a "total joke."

Burchett's comments were made in a tweet shortly after the House subcommittee hearing on government investigations of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs). It was the first meeting of its kind to take place in more than 50 years.

"The UFO hearing this morning was a total joke," Burchett said after the meeting. "We should have heard from people who could talk about things they'd personally seen, but instead the witnesses were government officials with limited knowledge who couldn't give real answers to serious questions."

The UFO hearing this morning was a total joke. We should have heard from people who could talk about things they'd personally seen, but instead the witnesses were government officials with limited knowledge who couldn't give real answers to serious questions.

— Rep. Tim Burchett (@RepTimBurchett) May 17, 2022

Prior to the meeting, Burchett also claimed that wreckage from UFOs seen flying over the U.S. had been recovered. He told The Sun Online that "multiple sources" had informed him of the fact but did not elaborate further.

The congressman has previously called for more transparency from the government in their investigations of UFOs or Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)—a term more commonly used by government officials.

While UFO sightings can easily be dismissed because of lack of evidence, the meeting on Monday was held after the topic has become one of national security.

This comes following a string of incidents where pilots have reported "near misses" with UAPs. In 2021, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence said there had been 144 reports of UAPs. Earlier this week Deputy Director of Naval Intelligence Scott Bray said that the number of UAPs incidents reported by pilots and service members has grown to about 400.

During the hearing, the Pentagon's under secretary for intelligence, Ronald Moultrie, said: "Our goal is not to potentially cover up something, if we were to find something. It's to understand what may be out there."


Following the first congressional hearings on UFOs in more than 50 years on Tuesday, Rep. Tim Burchett says the cover-up continues. In this picture Burchett speaks outside the U.S. Capitol on May 19, 2021. An inset of an artist's impression of a UFO is in the top right of the picture. Chip Somodevilla/Getty
Democratic Representative Andre Carson of Indiana called for more transparency during the meeting.

"I hope that it does not take 50 years for Congress to hold another," he said. "Because transparency is desperately needed."

Moultrie also said that the "cultural stigma" surrounding UFOs has previously harmed government efforts to investigate UAPs.

"Our goal is to eliminate this stigma by fully incorporating our operators and mission personnel into a standardized data gathering process," he said.

Burchett told The Sun Online that the public need to know the truth about UFOs.

He said "all we do is cover up," and more transparency is needed.

"What is wrong with telling the world and saying 'We've got this, we are going to share it and we can figure out what it is together'?" he told the news outlet. "I don't think a lot is going to come from the hearings. It's bringing in the people who created the problem to fix the problem."

Steven Tingay, professor of radio astronomy at Australia's Curtin University, told Newsweek he does not believe the U.S. has UFO wreckage hidden away.

"If it was positively identified as from an airborne object, the most likely explanation is that it was a human-made object, Tingay said. "So, based what has been presented, no, I don't think there is any available evidence that alien hardware is being hidden away."
"Do we really think that a technology capable of traveling interstellar distances, taking decades, hundreds, or thousands of years at the speed of light—much, much longer at realistic speeds—would then crash on the Earth? Think about the reliability of aircraft.

"The chance that your plane will crash is about one in a million. Presumably interstellar craft would be more reliable, which means that to get one wrecked craft would require many millions of visits from aliens. Say, 1,000 visits per day for the last 50 years. It is very likely that many more credible reports would exist, especially of the near-misses that didn't result in a crash, but almost did."

Tingay said there are plenty of reasons why a government might cover up finding UFO wreckage, but there are also lots of reasons why it would be transparent about any findings. "One can always invent a reason for a government doing or not doing something that it is actually doing or not doing, or assumed to be doing or not doing," he said.

On the Congress hearing, he said: "There is clearly some puzzling material, like the footage taken by Navy pilots. I have no explanation for that footage, but whatever theory is put forward about that footage has to survive all the evidence and scientific analysis.

"There is not enough information to say what is shown in the footage. But if the assertion is that it is alien technology, the evidence has to be commensurate with the magnitude of the assertion. That evidence is simply not available."

AOIMSG smells more like PR and lip service than actual efforts. Feels like everything has to be dragged out of the Pentagon, they don't want to talk about it until forced. And where the hell is the USAF, that was in the center of Blue Book in the past? Get them in front of the congress and start asking about this.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Never mind government and military officials. Where are the individuals who have had eye contact with these UAPs?
There are tons of good observations from the past in the "Historic Encounters" thread, spanning many decades --it is apparently too difficult for the current program to look at the history of the phenomenon, as that would indicate they are an advanced non-human technology! I've seen them, and they are not a human technology.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!


Adept Dabbler
I've written a detailed breakdown of the crop of new UAP proposals that are advancing in Congress, which involve four different legislative vehicles; they include a number of significant new provisions. My article is here:

Congressional Intelligence and Armed Services Committees Advance New Measures to Probe for Possible Hidden UFO Data

Meanwhile, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick is on board as the director of the Pentagon UAP office (currently called the "All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office," or AARO), as the Pentagon finally confirmed in a July 20, 2022 press release. I reported Dr. Kirkpatrick's selection on May 12, 2022, at which time I posted a lengthy profile (which, however, leaves many questions unanswered):

Scientist & intelligence officer Sean Kirkpatrick picked to head the new Pentagon-IC office empowered by Congress to study Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Douglas Dean Johnson



As Above So Below
Another new office? How many will we have until we get some answers?

I hope the good stuff and relevant information doesn't get buried in government secrecy, I tend to be optimistic but it's difficult to be when the US government is involved...I actually thought Elizondo was going to make a difference, but so far nothing that tips the boat, unless I missed something...



Adept Dabbler
Another new office? How many will we have until we get some answers?
The "new office" was really created by the legislation enacted Dec. 27, 2021, which greatly expanded the mission and authorities of the much more limited office that had been created administratively a month earlier.

I described the requirements of the landmark UAP law in this article in December 2021:

The July 20, 2022 Pentagon press release deals with some of the bureaucratic process of setting up the office in the form dictated by Congress-- the formal announcement of the identity of the director, and so forth. They threw in a name change, but the name change is purely cosmetic.

Even if those responsible implement fully the letter and spirit of the congressional mandates, it will likely be awhile before you see much in the way of "answers."