Old Encounters


New information about famous Rendlesham case from UK:

This guy is former police detective and it took him 3 years to write a book with new evidence.

View: https://youtu.be/6ePfOy8_dUA

Thanks Dejan, that's Gary Heseltine , the guy who created PRUFOS about 20 years ago, he's also a friend of mine via facebook and we speak from time to time... Let me tell you that Gary is a man of great integrity , experience and knowledge ... and for the record we agree on almost all of the reported encounters that we come across, I learned [and am still learning] a lot from the man. I watched this film either last week or the week before and yes, I enjoyed it very much.

Cheers Buddy.

Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Thanks Dejan, that's Gary Heseltine , the guy who created PRUFOS about 20 years ago, he's also a friend of mine via facebook and we speak from time to time... Let me tell you that Gary is a man of great integrity , experience and knowledge ... and for the record we agree on almost all of the reported encounters that we come across, I learned [and am still learning] a lot from the man. I watched this film either last week or the week before and yes, I enjoyed it very much.

Cheers Buddy.

Invite him here to the forum. He would be valuable member.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
This one is pretty intense..
San Bernardino Sun, 1 July 1972
San Bernardino Sun 1 July 1972 — California Digital Newspaper Collection

"UFOs Return - Swooping and Swishing"
Because so many OTHER people saw this strange "thing" late Saturday night and early Sunday June 13, this small mention of it in The Sun puzzles me greatly. George Airmen Sight a Bright Orange Object GEORGE AFB Two airmen verified each otehr's report yesterday of seeing a "bright orange object" about 1 a.m. that seemed to be 375 feet in diameter as it sank behind a building southwest of their security-police beat at this base. The airmen, Gary Corley and Randolph Wogoman, said the L'FOf (unidentified flying object) sighting apparently went unobserved by anyone eise. They reported it to the air police, and to the Victorville Sheriff's Office and Adelanto Police Department. No evidence was fonnd of the object having landed, it was reported by the base information office. Our party of three stopped at the Scene of a minor accident around 11:30 p.m., Sunday, to find approximately 30 other people far more interested in watching this strange, circular, "whatever-it-was" moving quickly about In the sky above us, changing from bluish-white in color, at higher altitude, then to a weird orange-yellow as it, came down into the smog-filled lower atmosphere. One man in this mixed group of spectators told us that he had been tolde several times, by Air Force personnel, that the "thing" he had seen before was a highly-secret "craft" and he should not talk it over with others who have also seen it. Three U.S. airmen, in uniform, who claimed to be from Air Base in Nevada, (on official leave, we supposed) said they would surely know about, such craft, even though they might be under orders to remain silent about it, but they were as mystified as the rest of us. The thing that sickens me about this entire deal is the harm I saw in what it had done to one family on the preceding Saturday night. (The family of four whose pickup camper and trailer had run off of the dirt road where the 30 or more of us were assembled.) I talked with the two almost-hysterical girls, one 9, the other 11, and learned that the "thing" had hovered around their family's rather isolated campsite the night before for more than three hours, hurting their ears with its strange whirring sound each time it. ascended from "almost on top of us" as "a big round orange-colored thing" which became, a second later, "just a big bright-blue dot high in the sky." The still-frightened girls told me their story between the several "dips" this "craft" made over us while several strong men moved boulders and pushed the camper and trailer out of the ditch. Each time the "thing" seemed to move in on us, as though exploring the various automobile lights and flashlights trained on the repair job, the two little girls would cover their ears and throw themselves at their mother's feet, sobbing, while I tried to assure both the mother and the girls that there was bound to be a logical explanation
Because so many OTHER people saw this strange "thing" late Saturday night and early Sunday June 13, this small mention of it in The Sun puzzles me greatly. George Airmen Sight a Bright Orange Object GEORGE AFB Two airmen verified each other's report yesterday of seeing a "bright orange object" about 1 a.m. that seemed to be 375 feet in diameter as it sank behind a building southwest of their security-police beat at this base. The airmen, Gary Corley and Randolph Wogoman, said the L'FOf (unidentified flying object) sighting apparently went unobserved by anyone eise. They reported it to the air police, and to the Victorville Sheriff's Office and Adelanto Police Department. No evidence was fonnd of the object having landed, it was reported by the base information office.

This is the same kind of thing. Reminds me a bit too, of what I've seen.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JmtURZcpMFw
OKay, the blue guy and angel at the end make me a bit wary.
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As Above So Below



As Above So Below

Did The London Times Publish A UFO Abduction Case In 1873?

In the realm of Ufology, an Abductee is an individual who subjectively recalls genuine memories of being forcibly taken from their beds or sleeping bags by small, green-grey entities. These individuals are firmly convinced of undergoing a traumatic abduction by extraterrestrial beings.

Under hypnosis, most abductees or Experiencers describe harrowing scenes of invasive examinations conducted by these otherworldly creatures. These accounts often include unfamiliar buzzing noises, sensations of weightlessness, eerie cackling voices, and strange lights just moments before an abduction occurs.

Abductees also report instances of seeing the Greys standing around their beds, accompanied by a sense of incomplete paralysis—an image that evokes a spine-chilling reaction.

Of course, this is all subjective. However, in December of 1873, The London Times published a strange article about a couple who described similar events like those of who have been taken.


A singular circumstance came to light in the Bristol Police Court, on Tuesday. Mr. Thomas B. Cumpston, and his wife, Mrs. Ann Martha Cumpston, of Virginia Road, Leeds, were brought up for being disorderly at the Victoria Hotel and with letting off fire-arms.

It was stated in evidence by the landlady of the hotel, Mrs. Tongue, that the defendants took an apartment at the hotel, on Monday evening, and retired to rest about twelve o’clock.

About four o’clock in the morning she was awoke by loud screams and shouts in their bed room, succeeded by a report of fire-arms. She went down and found that they had both leapt from their bed room into the yard below—a depth of upwards of twelve feet—and then made their way to the railway station opposite.

Mr. T. Harker, the night superintendent on the Bristol and Exeter Railway, said the parties rushed into his office, partly dressed, crying out “Murder,” and they were in a terrible state of excitement.

They told him they had escaped from a den of rogues and thieves, and they had to defend themselves.

They were under the impression that someone was following them, and they made him search the waiting room to see there was no one there. Upon his sending for a policeman, Mr. Cumpston was searched, and a revolver and three knives were found upon him.

When asked by the magistrate what he had to say in explanation of the matter, Mr. Cumpston, who had an impediment in his speech, said he and his wife had been staying at Clifton; but, intending to proceed to Weston-super-Mare that morning, they came down and engaged a room at the Victoria Hotel, being near the railway station.

They were alarmed at about four o’clock in the morning by terrible noises which they could not explain, and which frightened them very much. The bed seemed to open, and did all sorts of strange things.

The floor, too, opened, and they heard voices. They were so terrified that they opened their bed-room window and leapt out.Mrs. Cumpston, also, gave her version of the affair.

She said they heard terrible noises at about four o’clock in the morning. The floor seemed to be giving way. It certainly opened, and her husband fell down some distance, and she tried to get him up.

What they said was repeated every time they spoke. Being very much frightened she asked her husband to fire off his pistol, which he did, into the ceiling. The noises continuing, they got out of the window, but she did not know how.

When they got outside she asked her husband to fire off his pistol again. They then ran up to the railway station. In reply to the Bench, the lady said she did not hear the noises so plainly as her husband.

Ultimately, a Mr. Butt, who had been telegraphed for from Gloucester, attended the Court, and in reply to the Bench said the parties occupied a very good position in Leeds.

He offered to take proper charge of them if they were handed over to him, which was ultimately done, the defendants being discharged from custody. No explanation can be given of this strange affair, and the belief is that it was an hallucination on the part of the husband.

Source: The Spiritual Magazine


Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
It helps a bit psychologically, to read about other peoples encounters with these things. What you and I have experienced has been experienced by others in the past.

J Randall Murphy

Trying To Stay Awake
It helps a bit psychologically, to read about other peoples encounters with these things. What you and I have experienced has been experienced by others in the past.
I'm one of those who has taken alien visitation for granted since I was a kid. So I grew-up assuming that if I knew it's real, so must everyone else. It wasn't until the mid 1980s that I learned that it was a highly contentious subject. So I dove into it again. Then COVID came along and shifted my focus. Once again UFOs faded into the background. But thanks to your presence here, I'm once again reminded of the importance of the phenomenon.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Maybe, like you, I used to read OMNI magazine when I was a kid and the "antimatter" section.
My friends (later scientists) and I would discuss UFOs at sleepovers, late at night. Kids love stuff like that, UFOs, Nessie, Bigfoot, etc. Fun for them to argue about. I thought there was probably something to it. For years I was interested in the occult, and didn't pay much attention to UFOs, though I still found them interesting, as do many people. But that all changed for me in 2010.
Since then I have met many people (including scientists) who have had amazing UFO experiences. I would always ask the elderly people I meet if they remember what happened in the '40s and '50s, and a lot of them remember it well, and some saw UFOs for themselves, up close and personal.
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Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!

The shadow

The shadow knows!
In 1998 I my wife and my father in law saw a craft. Two years ago my friend Matt saw a craft. This topic tells us we are not alone or unique . It's been happening now since man could record his experiences. We look up we wonder and seek a truth .

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
The Airship wave or flap is very interesting. I think some of them were indeed real UFOs. "Airship" became a catchall term for anything unusual flying about. Indeed some things described as "airships" included lights flying in formation. Often the airships were only seen at night; here is an exception. The whole panoply of skeptics and looney tunes folks associated with the modern phenomenon, existed in the "airship" days too. The same debates about whether or not they were natural phenomena or Venus or other planets also existed then. Hoaxers too, creating fire balloons were also present. Often you can substitute the term UFO for "airship" in old articles and they read just like modern UFO encounters.