Questions about WICCA

Rick Hunter

I thank you for sharing your walk with us. It is my hope you continue to share the wisdom your walk gives you. Your walk is yours. I can not guide you only you can do that. You seek the divine in your own way. If you choose that WICCA is not the right path and the three fold law is a chain upon your heart , then who am I to stand between you and the divine? I like you am a pilgrim upon a road. and the way you choose to walk that road is your own.
Blessed be

That is the way I try to tell people about Christianity, and my practice of it. My list of unalterable tenets is short and sweet, everything else is subject to change as I gain more understanding. I can't dictate to another person what is the true and correct theology, church, or denomination, they must figure that out for themselves. I would be doing them a massive disservice by trying to convince them that every one of my beliefs and practices should also be their own. If another person considers Christianity and then decides to practice another religion then that is their choice and I am bound to respect that, we can still be friends.


My journey down the pagan path began in my early teens. Imagine how delighted I was to find out that I possessed the talent and energy to manipulate and manifest my desires and outcomes. I was like a child with a new toy. I knew inherently that white magic was powerful and therefore there had to be rules. I did a lot of reading . I discovered that the rules were basic. Never pit the elements against the elements. Be careful what you project or put out it will return to you. No negative energy. I immersed myself in learning everything I could. I had no desire to join with others and was happy to be a sole practitioner. I was happy and had a great deal of self confidence. I have worked with crystals, amulets, incense, candles, sage, It energized me. The problem is there come periods of time in my life where I lack the basic energy and will to practice. How does one rev up their spirituality and resume I am too tired sometimes and overwhelmed to even begin to know where to start?


High Priestess
My journey down the pagan path began in my early teens. Imagine how delighted I was to find out that I possessed the talent and energy to manipulate and manifest my desires and outcomes. I was like a child with a new toy. I knew inherently that white magic was powerful and therefore there had to be rules. I did a lot of reading . I discovered that the rules were basic. Never pit the elements against the elements. Be careful what you project or put out it will return to you. No negative energy. I immersed myself in learning everything I could. I had no desire to join with others and was happy to be a sole practitioner. I was happy and had a great deal of self confidence. I have worked with crystals, amulets, incense, candles, sage, It energized me. The problem is there come periods of time in my life where I lack the basic energy and will to practice. How does one rev up their spirituality and resume I am too tired sometimes and overwhelmed to even begin to know where to start?
Merry met! thank you for sharing your walk.
I have come to believe that the Goddess and Magic
outside and within, can restore our Balance and Will, so that we may feel whole again. I to am overwhelmed I feel tired and distant from the Goddess I fail to hear her voice and to do her bidding.
this is when I go out I walk under a full moon in the arboretum near my home I go alone. you see we live in a cycle we wake we go to work we go home. we rest we sleep. but if you break that cycle you find hope renewal peace. but we cant run from our lives. so I go out. I go to the forest and meet with the goddess. hear her voice again. only there then alone without the city without our technology can I find her again. I also seek her in my dreams I travel distant realms. walk shores of different reality's. I find her in my crystal work. in the quiet of meditation I seek her also within my heart and soul. life’s ultimate treasure — the ultimate Truths — are within us, and through our spiritual path and acceptance of that inner transcendental possibility, that we truly can gain all we need to embrace our divine nature. it is my hope these truths gide you my friend. peace upon your walk.
Blessed Be

Rick Hunter

life’s ultimate treasure — the ultimate Truths — are within us, and through our spiritual path and acceptance of that inner transcendental possibility, that we truly can gain all we need to embrace our divine nature.

This, 100%. I have been studying reincarnation for this very reason.


As Above So Below


High Priestess
Fridays are governed by the planet Venus thus are a day when romance and beauty should be in the spotlight.

This is the day of the week in which you need to appreciate those around you and pursue creative endeavors. Basically, you are tasked with bringing beauty in your life.

Some may be happy and enthusiastic on Fridays but overlook it at the thought of the weekend coming up but this is a day of its own, one that suggests sensuality, indulging and comfort.

The association between and the goddess Aphrodite, the two symbols of the day can only strengthen the sensual, romantic and joyful nature of Fridays.
from my daughters FB a wonderful post on the event. I share it in the hope it will be a blessing to your walk.
(Praise Be to you Goddess)
The Spiritual Significance of Friday the 13th

Is there something to fear on Friday the 13th?
For years people have been telling us Friday the 13th is an unlucky day. Horror movies have been named after this day and research also tells us that there is an increase of accidents on Friday the 13th. But, where did all of this come from?
Before patriarchal times, Friday the 13th was considered the day of the Goddess. It was considered a day to worship the Divine Feminine that lives in us all and to honor the cycles of creation and death and rebirth.
Friday the 13th was considered a very powerful day to manifest, honor creativity and to celebrate beauty, wisdom and nourishment of the soul.
Friday is Venus Day and we all know that Venus is the epitome of feminine energy.
Her energy joins us at the end of the week to honor the days gone by and to remind us that it is important to rest, relax and play.
As a society, we all look forward to Friday (Venus day), and we all naturally find ourselves unwinding and relaxing in her comforting energy.
Friday is the perfect day to embrace Venus like energy and to focus on creativity, beauty and sensuality.
Venus energy also encourages us to tune into our receptive female energy in order to stimulate our creativity and bring art, music and healing into the world.
The Number 13 also holds an extremely potent feminine energy and is considered to be the number of death and rebirth, creation, fertility and blood.
This is because we have 13 Moon cycles every year and the average female also experiences 13 periods per year.
If a woman’s periods are in sync with the cycle of the Moon, she will shed her lining on the New Moon and ovulate on the Full Moon.
On average the 13th falls in the middle of the Moon cycle and represents that midway point between death and rebirth. The midway point between the New Moon, where a woman is shedding (the death) and the Full Moon, where the woman is ovulating (rebirth).
Long ago, when a woman was bleeding she was considered to embody divine and magical powers. She was regarded by all for her wisdom and ability to offer intuitive and psychic messages.
When she was ovulating, she was considered to be at the height of her power and was celebrated for her ability to receive, hold and create new life.
It was only when society became more patriarchal that women were made to feel shamed when they were having their periods and to ignore their amazing potential to create and hold space for new life.
This attitude has helped to contribute to the idea that Friday the 13th is an unlucky day.
The lunar calendar is also made up of 13 months, which further supports 13 as holding feminine power.
The Moon is also representative of feminine energy and helps us to understand and deal with our emotions and sensitivities.
In the astrology chart, the Moon not only governs our emotions but also our potential and how we choose to express ourselves through life. In fact, for many people understanding their Moon sign can often help to bring more awareness than their Sun sign.
Bringing Friday and the number 13 together, you can see that Friday the 13th is in fact, a very powerful day for feminine energy and creativity.
It is also an extremely powerful time of death and rebirth as it represents that mid-point in the cycle between something new emerging and something old slipping away.
Friday the 13th has often been held in high regards by women and the pagan community, and many rituals and spells are often conducted on this day in order to make the most of this beautiful energy.
This has also helped to contribute to the fear surrounding Friday the 13th, as it was an important day for many who worshipped the cycles of nature.
We all have feminine energy in us, so Friday the 13th is not just for women. It is a day for all of us to honor or own abilities to create and receive energy from the world around us.
Friday the 13th is not an unlucky day. Friday the 13th is the day of the Goddess and is a beautiful day for creating and celebrating life. It is a beautiful day for getting in tune with your emotions and sensitivities and giving thanks to the beautiful Goddess that lives in us all.

Blessed be
(Aided by priestess Katlyn My daughter)


High Priestess
Mabon is a time of reflection and a turning of the wheel of the year. I used it to begin a passing of the torch. marking the beginning of the end. As we gathered I told my coven "I will not live forever and I would be a fool to think otherwise. It is time I began the transition I name my heir Katlin Daisy. let her conduct tonight's ceremony." she came forward hooded black cloak. "three years I have prepared you do you accept.." She took the athame from my hand. she faced the coven cast aide the cloak standing as I do skyclad. she began the ritual of the calling the four directions forming the circle. A sign of my accepting her as the future High priestess I entered the circle last. during the calling of the moon she experienced an indwelling of the Goddess. Her word was given to us. AS she spoke the words "The sky above me. the earth below me. the fire within me. the sprit around me. " The Goddess came to her only the second time it happened for her.
"When you come to beginning of the end return to the end of the beginning.
Blessed be


High Priestess
My daughter wrote this my it aid your walk.

I learned this lesson the hard way. My mother asked me to share what I learned.

Some words can be very confusing especially with magic , there are many magical words that are used wrongly.

Two of these words are EVOKE and INVOKE

Both are very important to know and understand.

Evoke means to bring something forth or to recall something to the conscious mind.

It typically implies some type of emotion, imagery, or memory.

When to Use Invoke

The definition of invoke has a number of meanings, including to assert (something) as authority, to appeal (to someone or a higher power) for help, or to CONJURE UP (to invoke spirits of the past).

Example ;

>The ceremony used candles to invoke spirits from the grave.”

As you can see, invoke is more direct and active than evoke , it is an action that is being actively or intentionally performed.

One common question that comes up in WICCA ,and Pagan, witchcraft practices ,is that invoking a deity, as opposed to evoking the deity.

The words are similar, as are their meanings, but they are not interchangeable .

To evoke a deity or being is to call upon it and ask it to join you during ritual or a working.

Sometimes this involves simply asking (“Hail, Hecate, we ask you to join us in the circle tonight!”)


making an offering (“Great Brighid, we offer you this bread as a gift of thanks!”) and hope they arrive .

Evoking is an "external" involvement with the deity or being.

Invoking, on the other hand, is a form of voluntary possession. (Yes ,you read that right!)

When you invoke a deity or being, you’re not asking it to come hang out, you’re inviting into yourself, your body and mind ! I did that The entity I called not only indwelled me but caused no end of grief to My folks and my siblings. It tried to control my younger sister who has some level of protection from her own faith. The entity Was unable to do so.

the Entity manifested through a human host and that host was me. It took my mother and an outside assist to rid me of if.

The ritual of Drawing Down the Moon is an excellent example of invocation of deity.

If you’re new to spiritual practices such as Wicca or Paganism, most people will advise you to hold off on invoking deity until you’ve learned enough to have a good handle on what’s happening. I highly recommend this!

It may be a good idea to focus instead on evoking, and communing with the gods and beings before you go inviting them to take control of your body! A lesson I learned the hard way.

even if it you think it is just temporary some of these beings don't have our best interest at heart. In my case I grabbed a demon. Or something that represented itself as one. Don't make the same mistake. If like me are setting out on your walk take time learn grow. Be strong in your walk.

Blessed be

Priestess Kaitlin Daisy.


High Priestess
The time of the mother is almost at an end. And before I slip into the time of the crone it is time. I will not be here forever recent events have shown me that I must tend to myself. That in this moment I must step back. for 4 years now I have prepared my daughter Kate to be the new high priestess. But again, recent events have made me rethink that decision. Kate is not ready. She did harm in a work that rocked our family and so with great reluctance I hold my position the time will come to step down. for now, I cannot do so. Kate knows the wrong that was done accepts more training and time with the Goddess is needed. I wish I had seen what was happening and perhaps I could have stopped it. But now it is done. We learn and move on.
Blessed Be

Rick Hunter

Some basic questions about your religion:

1. Do Wiccans have local congregations, and what do they call them?

2. Is the high priestess analogous to the pastor/priest/rabbi/imam of the Abrahamic religions?

3. Is the high priestess/priest office always held by a woman? Are there assistant or associate priests who serve under her?

In my experience, Kentucky has a fair number of Wiccans. The Appalachian counties have always been a hotspot for religious diversity and non-conformists, and so a fair number of Wiccans as well as mystic practitioners and Christian iconoclasts can be found there. I met quite a few Wiccans in college, however I didn't want to be too nosy about it.


High Priestess
1. yes! it's as I mentioned called a Coven. mine has 24 total members of this 8 are male.
2. As I stated before There is hard work and tireless dedication that comes with the position. I must show each. do well. Help others. Understand and apply the teachings of the Goddess in every way of my life. A priestess must do these things. But I must be an example. It is I who serve. it is I who lead by example. I help those in need. I share my walk I become a light in the darkness.
3. no there are circles and covens that men serve as priest. these circles are dedicated to the male aspect of nature. the green man or Herne the hunter. "I am Hearne the hunter and you are a leaf blown in the wind."
all are priestess in the faith once initiated all help and assist as they can.
Blessed be

Rick Hunter

Thanks! How is the high priest or priestess typically chosen in the first place? Do they usually prepare and appoint their successor?


High Priestess
Thanks! How is the high priest or priestess typically chosen in the first place? Do they usually prepare and appoint their successor?

Yes! or if a high priestess dies before a successor is chosen the coven chooses after a period of prayer and meditation .
My youngest son Chris is being trained as a knight in SCA . the gentleman that is teaching him is a Warlock in his own coven I'm watching for any signs of interest in the faith.
Blessed be


High Priestess
Litha : a holiday of midsummer a time of celebration a time of initiation. When someone who is interested in the craft comes to a priestess. There is a time of measuring are they serious? Why do they wish to join the craft? Once the priestess is sure she starts the teaching. For about a year and a day the priestess trains the prospect telling none. This is done so no other priestess may interfere and give contrary teaching. Even I do not know who is being trained by who. And so Kate and went to the place of gathering. Skyclad as is pleasing to to the Goddess we drew the circle and lit the fire. We then called the coven in. Once all were gathered the initiation began.

Kate spoke “over the last year I have worked with one. To find her true self. Her purpose her goals. Like a snake sheds it’s skin, she shed all the false aspects of her life. She has found her path in life. And that lead her to this day this moment!”

A hooded figure in a long cloak entered the circle. Kate held a second athame she spoke “if you wish to turn back now go without regret or shame. But if this is your path then take the athame revel your self to us and take your oath!’

the other took the athame she cut the rope and clasp of the cloak and thew it off. I was in shock as standing skyclad before us was My younger daughter Debra who I thought had no interest in the craft.

She spoke:

“great goddess I Priestess Debra call you ,I honor you and know I am but one amounst all things on earth and sky! My family are trees and grass of plains, animals and stones of seas and lands. Fresh water and desert , created by you and so I am in me.”

she raised her athame to the sky.

And spoke again:

“ I call you to fulfill my request. Allow me to join my nature with all things tolet me love life that goes through my lady. I know and accept the witches creed: should there not be sparks of love inside of me, I shall never find them outside, as love-is connection. I accept that when honoring the Goddess. “

She lowered the athame kissed the pommel of the weapon.

“My Goddess Know me Priestess Debra. I stand before you as I was born and dedicate Myself in your honor. I shall protect this spark inside of me, you are my life ,the birth of my existence. I accept and will always adhere to the principal of doing no harm SO MOTE IT BE!”

Kate gave her a chalice of wine : Debbie cut her finger with the athame. And placed a few drops of it in the chalice.

She spilled the cup.

“As the wine spills from the cup with my blood. The rest shall spill from my body if ever I turn my back on the Goddess , or hurt the one that lives inside their love. It would be a violation of trust, a rejection of the love of the Goddess ,and it would break my heart. Through her eternal love, my heart and soul shall be cleansed so that I will be able to cross through the cauldron of rebirth to receive her selfless love. SO MOTE IT BE!”

Kate brought a bowl of oil, Debbie dipped fer finger and drew a sun cross on her forehead then a pentagram upon her heart.

The waning Crescent moon came out of the clouds “ Kate spoke She is accepted.”

Debbie raised her athame to the moon.

“I see I am blessed by the goddess by her presence in my initiation. Know I am your child Priestess Debra and I pledge I shall stand before you as you made me!

Kate spoke “Welcome to the circle your first duty is to open the west quarter. “

and the rest of the ritual began most is oath bound and all that lay after.

No greater pride do I have that both now have followed me.

And later when I asked “why did you not tell me?”

Debbie said “you of all people should know and remember the way of teaching!”

The wheel turns again!

Rick Hunter

“great goddess I Priestess Debra call you ,I honor you and know I am but one amounst all things on earth and sky! My family are trees and grass of plains, animals and stones of seas and lands. Fresh water and desert , created by you and so I am in me.”

This quote is especially poignant to me. As I get older, I can sense living energies in things and places that are not living in a biological sense, as well as artifacts from the past.

The shadow

The shadow knows!
I'm an agnostic. And in all the years I been married to Rikki we never had a fight over faith. We raised our kids in an environment where they were free to choose. Kate a few years back followed her mother into WICCA. She also came out as a lesbian. As a father I supported both gave her the love and understanding that she so desperately needed. Kate recently told me "your the only man I ever loved or could love. You accept me for me. And I will always love you for that.".
Debbie was different she fell in love she became a Christian not because of a commitment to the faith but because her boyfriend demanded it. As time passed she looked more trapped. I tried to talk to her. It got worse and worse.
He did not want her as a wife but as a slave. To be married to him would involve her disowning her mother and her sister. And forget about Ohio State..
Being married to Rikki taught me that WICCA is a faith of love and peace. I never embraced the faith but I see the GOOD it has done for my wife and daughter. And if it's a better way for Debbie. Then who am I to stand between her and her seeking the divine.


High Priestess
My youngest son made this for me. I asked him what it meant, and his answer stunned me seems that his SCA mentor is starting to teach him. at 11 it's a perfect time to start learning.
"The star is the 5 aspects of Herne the hunter earth air fire water and sprit"
"The raven is the watcher the eyes of Herne"
I will watch and wait and see if this goes further.
Blessed be


High Priestess
from my daughter Debbie's FB she asked I share this.
Today I am coming out as Bisexual. Today I take a new step to being my true self. After today I no longer have to hide my feelings. I Did not follow my mother and my older sister 3 years ago. I regret that. I regret that I did not listen to my heart. Instead, I allowed myself to be dragged into hate ignorance and intolerance.

I was slowly being turned away my mother and sister.

But today I have learned that love has no conditions. That I don't have to follow the rules to love.

I had a boyfriend I enjoyed being with him until he betrayed me. Until he told me to love him, I must hate my mother and my sister.

I had a girlfriend, but we drifted apart, and we let each other go without pain.

And so, I say this I found true and lasting love in the arms of the Goddess. She took me in the dark night of the soul and gave me hope and light.

I can love who I want. If like my mother, I find a good man who is my equal then that is my destiny.

If like my sister find a loving caring woman than that is my destiny

my friends if you were with me when I was in cheerleading if I was crushing on you know you know why!

I am the same Debbie You always knew. I just have more menu options!

Your friend

Deb deb!
Blessed Be


High Priestess
OIP (3).jpg
there are places in this world where the Goddess places a special power. I call the places power points. a place truly Blessed by the Goddess. One such place is at Governor Dodge state park in Iowa county. here by an act of focusing intent that intent is given onto the goddess. If the intent is strong and the desire good, then perhaps the goddess will grant the intent. years ago, in despair Anna's mother came here she was told she would never have a child. she focused her intent into a coin and tossed it in. As others would say she made a wish. And she had Anna. she thinks it's a miracle. But her and her husband are not very religious. For me I am not sure if it was an act of the Goddess, I must seek that answer that may never come.
Ian recently told me of a vision he had like a waking dream. he saw Anna she looked way older. he could not see the background. A girl asked her to show her first love. and anna pointed at Ian. And today on their hike they came to the waterfall Anna's mom told them of her wish. Ian pulled out a penny and wished for the vision to become true. The focusing of intent at the power point. I know not if the Goddess has heard. I will not seek that answer. Or how the answer will be given. A teens first relationship is something delicate Like spider's web. given the chance it could grow. or be swept away.
his intent is there. now let us see if the spell is good.
Blessed be


High Priestess
My younger daughter Debbie had a long text with a friend I present some of the questions and answers:
1. so you're a witch now?
Wicca is Nature, Earth, the Elements, and all living and non-living things. It is the grass you walk upon, the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, the sky over your head, it is EVERYTHING around us. Wicca teaches us that everything, be it living or non-living, has a spirit and is part of the Goddess and God...Therefore we are taught to respect for all things. Wicca encourages free thought, will, and individuality. That is why each Wiccan has their own walk instead of having one book that tells everyone how to act, think, and live. Wicca is Responsibility, in learning and understanding the Wiccan Rede and Three-Fold Law we are taught to take responsibility for our own actions and not blame them on someone or something else. We know that we are not the only Religion, there are many paths for people to choose from, there for we don't try to convert people to our path and our way of thinking. We are taught Peace, love and acceptance of all other Religions.