Questions about WICCA

Rick Hunter

That description is an awful lot like what the Transcendentalists were striving for. God is everywhere, and in ourselves if we would only recognize it. Our own intuition is often the best teacher.


High Priestess
"I wandered so long looking. I was looking for God in a book, in a church. I was looking outside for God when God is within all of us. I did not find God, she found me. I don't have to follow a book to find God. Last night I experienced an indwelling of the Goddess. She came to me and for a moment everything from the smallest sand to the greatest star was manifest. who is the Goddess? she lives and dwell in each of us. all we have to do is put away silly notions and she will revel herself
I have heard that Paganism is for broken people,
but life cracks everyone in some way.
We are a religion of healing people.”
thorumm quakerbush

I was broken in so many ways my heart was broken, no shattered but The Goddess found me alone and lost. I was healed. I denied my true self for so long. only in my seeking did I finally have peace."
Blessed Be
Priestesses Debra
Blessed Be


High Priestess
The book of shadows each Wiccan has one mine is at least 6 books its deeply personal it contains thoughts deeds intent. it's a diary for a Wiccan. it's their journey every thought and word.
However, in Wicca, words matter.
We say certain things at certain times and in certain contexts because we understand the power that language has to shape our world. Because words have intent.
Words are powerful, and words are magickal.
over the last week My daughter and I have questioned and probed a potential initiate to see if she was serios or if it was idle curiosity.
this is not common only one priestess normally teaches but she approached us both. but only one may do the teaching.
today the goddess instructed me to bring a blank book for her.
I asked, "Why do you wish to join the craft? to be cool? to be accepted?"
She thought "It's not about acceptance I could care less what others think about what path I walk all I want to find peace. and myself. "
I handed her the book and told her the names and phone numbers of several coven members then within a few days call me Kate or one of them to teach her but to tell none of her teacher.
the wheel turns again!
Blessed be

Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
I don't practice Wicca, but I have studied the occult / magic since I was in the 4th grade, or so. I don't talk about it much, as I want to focus on the UFO topic and don't want to alienate folks who are very skeptical by mixing the two together --and I feel they are not connected, either. I even make rune wands and magical stelae, have practiced Kundalini yoga, read Crowley, Golden Dawn, Spare, etc.
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Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
Tell me more about Kundalini. I keep hearing about it in metaphysical/mystic circles.
Hi Rick,
Traditional Kundalini Yoga involves meditation and breathing exercises and asanas (poses), and sometimes mantras (chants to stimulate subtle energies) whereby a supposed source of energy located in a subtle energy center at the base of the spine is made to rise up and penetrate and transform the other subtle energy centers (chakras) which roughly align with the spine and finish with the Sahasrara chakra above one's head. Though it is mostly a Tantric Indian practice, there are also very similar Taoist versions of the practice. The result is that one becomes aware of subtle energies (can perceive / feel them), and work with them, thus siddhis (accomplishments or various powers are obtained), though those temptations are to be avoided so one can take the practice to the highest level. During the practice, one can circulate these energies through ones subtle body (through the "nadis"), purifying and transforming it. I actually think The Secret of the Golden Flower would accomplish similar things.

Todd Feinman

Dogs are angels that poop in your yard.
Individual results may vary. Some people may only experience better physical health from these exercises, while others experience a whole lot more.


High Priestess
Welcome Litha! tonight is special for me. it is the end of a preparation that I have long waited for but met with some sadness. I pass my athame to Kate and name her high Priestess. this is not the end of my service but a passing of the Batan. High priestesses never die they fade away. and my last act shall be to welcome Anna H to our coven. Ian's GF has grown so much spiritually. I seen such growth so much love in her. Anna is still 15 as such until august she may not attend rituals sky clad. Her desire to worship sky clad resulted in a small pre ceremony with just me and Priestess Kate. after she may not attend formal coven rituals skyclad until her August birthday. however how she worships in private is her own walk. I shall have her call to the south
“Guardians of the South, element of Fire, I call upon you to join us in this Litha celebration. Bring your passion and courage to our hearts as we pursue our dreams and ambitions.”
Ian has also been touched and moved by her walk My husband said "I am fixed in my ways Rikki. my heart can't embrace the things you hold dear." But Ian is still young and can see the joy it brings to her.



Blessed Be

The shadow

The shadow knows!
As with any faith I have issues with some of WICCA's teachings. The teaching "Do no harm " appels to me. But it's the "oathbound" secrets and one other teaching Rikki and I part company on. But our love or respect overcomes those. Have we faught over faith ? Once or twice. But WICCA has done my wife well over the years. My daughter Kate had become strong and confident . Debbie embraced the faith last year. Christianity put her in chains. I saw her emerge like a flower. Unfortunately her choices are not all good.
WICCA is not the bed of roses.
So where does that leave me? The balance the other side of the coin. The voice of reason. Even if have seen some odd stuff. Including a very real spiritual attack.
Yes I'm fixed in my ways. But there is time to teach this old dog new tricks!

Rick Hunter

I'm officially a Methodist Christian, but I borrow alot from other denominations and even other religions entirely. I try to pray the Liturgy of Hours and Lectio Divina every day, and am currently reading the apocryphal Acts of the Apostles right now. I also believe in reincarnation as do the Eastern religions. I used to go to church with a prison chaplain. His job was to minister to, or at least provide resources for, every faith that came through the door. I asked him how he kept it all together and he said, "You know, it's pretty easy once you accept the fact that there is good news in every religion.":cool:

The shadow

The shadow knows!
I'm putting this here because I don't know where else to put it. I took a walk with Ian and he told me " I am not going to be a marine. I'm being what I choose ." I told him it was sudden and why he changed his mind. "Ask mom but grandpa was here. He told me not to follow him. Then that weird dream about the future."
And then he said "I'm talking to mom about all this WICCA stuff. I'm not sure about it all I want is for Anna to be happy.
I told him why I did not go into WICCA . He was conflicted "sometimes mom sounds like a zombie " goddess this goddess that. "
I told him to decide for him not for Anna .and to talk to me as much as he talks to mom..

Rick Hunter

Allowing your child to be what they want to be is one of the greatest gifts you can give them. I think alot of well meaning parents do alot of damage to their children by pushing them into education and careers that they don't want.

Do tell Ian this, from me to him. Unlike most other career opportunities, the clock is ticking on his eligibility to join the military, if he ever does want to do it. I know in my heart (long story, I can explain later if you want) that I was supposed to have served a stint in the military. I didn't do it because, well honestly, I'm a coward who doesn't like discomfort and thought I would have a terrible experience. Now I'm 44 years old and sincerely regret that every day. Now, if he doesn't want to do it and doesn't feel like it is something he was put on Earth to do then that is perfectly fine. He just needs to be absolutely certain about his decision because that opportunity will slip away quickly.

The shadow

The shadow knows!
From Anna's FB
" The goddess shows us that the best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever. I love you. I'll be with you forever. I am glad our hearts are one, our souls are one your mother showed me a truth I searched for you lifetimes it is meant to be it is karma, kismet ."


High Priestess
I along with my husband was truly hurt by my daughter Debbie's social media post. it was the darkest moment of our lives. and after a talk with her I felt that I needed some time alone with her. I went with her to the grove where to coven meets. she knelt in the circle where we worship, she wept. " I realize how hurt I made you and how fragile I am as a person and human being. I have a lot of emotion pent up inside of me. A lot of issues, a lot of darkness, a lot of anger. from long ago I lash out I rage
Goddess's mother
I come to you for forgiveness.
Here are the negative things in my life.
All my anger and shame are here.
She spoke her sins her secret shame all the loss and pent-up emotions.
Like the black flame it raised, it consumes me the hurt the pain.
suddenly for the first time in a long time the goddess came to me the indwelling once again i was the vessel the source of her voice.
"I am the mother of all things,
I pour my Love upon the earth.
I drink you in with perfect love,
Be cleansed. Be healed. Be changed.
Be free of this burden be free of the curse."
the white healing energy came to me and her.
"Know that you have changed, that you are now a new person, not affected by the
patterns and errors of the past. Ground yourself and open the circle. let the past change the future!"
in that moment my daughter was healed of her self inflicted darkness.
Blessed Be


High Priestess
its been two months. I stepped down in June. during her indwelling's with the goddess My daughter Kate the new high priestess has shared new messages new wisdom. New love. the coven accepted her they accepted her love. the message of the Goddess is no longer the face of the mother turning to the crone but rather the maiden.
the last worship was August 30th, Priestess Anna our latest member was called upon to offer prayer. now she is 16 she came into the circle skyclad as is pleasing to the Goddess. she held Her athame to the full moon, she spoke.
"Mother Goddess i have begun my path. When I doubt show me strength. when i choose the wrong path show me the right path. Light the crossroads so I may see your way. Queen of transitions, Guardian of the doorway, Mother Goddess bless my journey. dark and dawn. Light and dark Help me balance above and below. a coin cannot have one side. I must be whole complete help me understand so I may be a complete Woman. Take me guide me I am yours."
suddenly she fell to her knees. she spoke again her voice a different tone. "Even in the flower of your youth you have sought me. you have pleased me you have shown much faith in your submission to me Behold I am with you all I speak with this one's voice. so, all may know from the oldest to the youngest I am with thee." the indwelling ended she fell to her face sobbing like a baby. the Goddess is real she is with us she is amongst us. open your mind and heart to hear her voice and know her way.