Roswell, can we finally let it go?

Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Nick Redfern's theory
His 2005 book, Body Snatchers in the Desert: The Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story, purports to show that the Roswell crash may have been military aircraft tests using Japanese POWs, suffering from progeria or radiation effects.

I don't see how possibly would Japanese army send people with progeria to fight in a war as a soldiers. Progeria is serious disability.

Creepy Green Light

Don't mistake lack of talent for genius
Yeah, but in all my time studying UFOs I've never heard about this conjecture. What I'm trying to say, he might just invented it.
I mean, when it comes to Roswell, its really hard to work out even the simplest and the most conspicuous thing like: what shape was the craft? Or how were bodies and the debris transported to the Write Patterson AFB. Although I firmly believe that Roswell was real, and that witnesses are credible, there are wild disagreements just about all the aspects of the incident.
So for Ramirez to come up with such a fine structure detail, like DNA composition, Ramirez must had had top secret clearance higher then four star general.
On other angle, I'm a bit weary of retired mid-level ranking intelligence officers throwing in a word or two. These were once powerful people who now sit at home with nothing to do. So, why not do one last job for the former employer and throw in a little bit of confusion. Just so that all these conspiracy theorist can muddy the waters even more. Because, the other half of the job of people who collect information is seeding the misinformation. I wouldn't take a word of an ex-intelligence officer if he wasn't an agency director and giving a testimonial in a front of Congressional committee.
I agree.

Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
I've just found a new piece of information about Roswell. Just few days after Roswell incident 3 UFOs were seen after Wright Patterson Airbase. Two pilots who worked there signed affidavits. If you want aliens came in search of their own, as according to the lore alien bodies from the Roswell were taken to Wright Patterson.


Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
I just found this exhaustive article about Roswell crash. Most material comes directly from Stanton Freedman.


Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
That is a very cool video! Though apparently many think it is most likely a blimp from the local blimp company, which is based there. That seems likely.


As Above So Below

Italian researcher shares extraordinary evidence of world's 'first' UFO crash - 14 years before Roswell - and the secret office set up by Mussolini to study the craft that was later captured by US forces

A top US intelligence officer claims World War II American forces retrieved a UFO that crashed in Italy in 1933 - and Italian researchers say they have the documents to prove it. Former top National Reconnaissance Office staffer David Grusch shocked the world last month when he revealed he had blown the whistle in sworn testimony to Congress and government watchdogs, about an alleged secret US program that has obtained multiple 'non-human' flying saucers. Grusch claims one of these alien spacecraft crashed in Northern Italy in 1933, secreted away by dictator Benito Mussolini, then captured by American forces at the end of World War II and shipped to the US.

Italian researcher shares evidence files of secret 'first' UFO crash in Italy


tall, thin, irritable
Some of the language in that article sounds like the MJ12 documents.

This researcher came forward because of Grusch. I wonder how many more will

Creepy Green Light

Don't mistake lack of talent for genius

Besides automatically knowing that Ben Hanson is a fraud the next thing that nullifies this interview is showing a clip of the fake "Alien Autopsy" that FOX aired that had huge media hype before they aired it. All you have to have is common sense to know that if there was truly a up close & clear autopsy video of a real alien that the government would let it air on network television with all the advertisements leading up to it and then being able to buy the video for $29.95 afterwards for the public to see. As if the government is going to say "Damn, FOX has our real, secret alien autopsy video and they are going to air it on a specific date - even creating a marketing strategy so it attracts as many viewers as possible. Oh well, I guess our hands are tied and we have no choice to see the cat let out of the bag. We'll have to be more careful in the future about letting network television advertise & share real videos about real aliens and flying saucers."

Ben & his crew of experts back in around 2012 or so went to the site of Rex Heflin's fake flying saucer photo's that he took with a Poloroid & I believe determined that it was a real flying saucer in the distance instead of a model train wheel. Both of the guys in this video are frauds as far as I'm concerned & just working to make a buck.
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Creepy Green Light

Don't mistake lack of talent for genius
I like how, when it was revealed the autopsy was fake, the promoters backtracked and said it was a reenactment of the real one.
Wasn't it decades later they backtraced? After the guy who made showed us where he did it and how, I believe it was in the U.K. I know it didn't help matters when special effects legends like Stan Winston were interviewd and he said something like (paraphrasing) "and with all my years of expertise in the field, if it is a fake I have no idea how they did it.". Which means he had to know because even a young person like me (at the time) could take one look & realize it's a dummy. So if I could tell Stan Winston sure could tell. I'm sure they paid him a few bucks to make that statement.

Rick Hunter

I'm thinking the restatement of how it was made came a few years later, around 2000? I remember another special effects expert said the same thing about the alien interview footage. Stuff that looks too good to be true usually is.

Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Wasn't it decades later they backtraced? After the guy who made showed us where he did it and how, I believe it was in the U.K. I know it didn't help matters when special effects legends like Stan Winston were interviewd and he said something like (paraphrasing) "and with all my years of expertise in the field, if it is a fake I have no idea how they did it.". Which means he had to know because even a young person like me (at the time) could take one look & realize it's a dummy. So if I could tell Stan Winston sure could tell. I'm sure they paid him a few bucks to make that statement.


Dr Shirley Wright, who unfortunately died in 2015, was Albert Einstein's secretary and she was among a small group of scientists invited to see Roswell derbies and corpses. Now, the scene that she described was exactly the scene I've seen on a few seconds long damaged footage of the B&W film on YouTube. Personally, I find it highly unlikely that she was lying, because she was an academic.

That damaged B&W footage showed an alien laying on a concrete floor near a gate of an aircraft hangar, presumably at a Wright Patterson AFB, and there was a crowd of people, many of them in bright air force uniforms, walking around and taking a look at a body. At that time I was a bit of film buff, and what particularly stroked me about that short footage was that body language of these people walking around was unrestrained and un-self-aware. When you watch movies you'll notice that movement of actors is always very self-aware and constrained, for a simple reason that they must keep their body inside pre-agreed frame of the camera, while their mind is focusing on instructions given to them by film director. From this observation I concluded that footage I've seen was too spontaneous and unstaged for it not to be authentic. Now, Its very unfortunate that I didn't save that clip, nor I can now find it on YouTube.

The reason I'm saying this is, that this lead me to believe, that Roswell cameraman was real, that he really lived in Florida, that he really had fallen into financial difficulties, which resulted in him removing cans with a film out of fridge, which lead to damage. The German producer had seen this short clip that ended on YouTube and decided to finance the whole hoax.

So, from what I've seen and testimonials of different people that I've heard, I believe, that Roswell autopsy hoax was half a hoax, if you want. There was a real cameraman, real damaged B&W footage, but for purely commercial reason producer who bought damaged B&W footage, decided to recover his investment by going on with hoax and the plastic doll that laid on the table was a faithful remake of the real alien corpse shown in the original footage.

Here is Wikipedia article that mentions how original tapes were obtained and how original film was damaged:
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Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
OK, I apologise for writing these posts in drips and drabs, but I finally managed to find that "damaged B&W footage" I was talking about. Here it is so you can judge for yourself. That was a part of original footage that "inspired" producer Ray Santilli to create semi-hoax. Please take a not of spontaneity of body language of people in those frames. As well you can see how similar is body of alien in the damaged footage and in the hoaxed footage.

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Rick Hunter

If Roswell was real, then it's a money in the bank bet that Einstein was brought in on it as quickly as possible. In fact, anything UFO related they had I believe would have been shown to Einstein. Most brilliant man in the world, yeah they are going to want his take on it. He had already served admirably during the Manhattan Project so they knew he could be trusted. I think Dr. Wright is a very credible source, and it is extremely unlikely she would have invoked Einstein's incredible reputation if it wasn't true.

Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow
Not to be a smart Alek here, but maybe some of you can place a FOIA request for Einstein's whereabouts on that faithful day. Maybe it wasn't even classified ;-)