UFO videos


tall, thin, irritable

Cool assuming it's not a total CGI fraud, which I think it is but certainly can't tell from that video. Like Lt. Columbo here is one small point that bugs me.

He happened to be looking at his CCTV monitor? Says its in a home not a business. Isn't that a bit odd ? Yes systems with monitors exist but those are definitely not what's generally found in people's houses in 2022. If this video said the homeowner got notification of a 'motion event' and found this on the playback I'd call that more authentic sounding.


As Above So Below

Bizarre UFO Filmed During Storm

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7HTl8lEi2I

A peculiar piece of footage purportedly shot by a storm spotter in Missouri shows a bizarre circular UFO that appears to sport glowing spikes. The intriguing video was reportedly filmed over the summer in the community of Festus, but only surfaced online last week. According to the individual who recorded the footage, they work for the National Weather Service and "during the off-season, I like to shoot slow motion video" of lightning storms, which is how they happened to capture the curious object on that particular night.

In the video, a faint glowing circle that appears almost dome-like can be seen just beneath some clouds in the night sky. Suddenly, the anomaly seemingly collapses in on itself to become a ball of light which then dips down and then flies upwards out of the scene. An enhanced version of the footage provides a clearer view of the suspected UFO, which somewhat resembles the spike-covered Medieval weapon known as a morning star. After reviewing the footage from that evening, the witness "realized that I had captured something on video that I can not explain" and subsequently "asked my peers in meteorology what they think it is and no one has an answer."

As for what the weird object could be, some UFO enthusiasts have suggested that the anomaly could be an alien craft of some kind and that perhaps it was drawn to the area by the unfolding storm. More skeptical observers, however, argue that the 'craft' could be a light projection emanating from the ground below or, failing that, a reflection created by the person behind the camera, either on purpose in order to pull off a UFO hoax or by accident when they were adjusting their equipment.


Dejan Corovic

As above, so bellow

Bizarre UFO Filmed During Storm

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7HTl8lEi2I

A peculiar piece of footage purportedly shot by a storm spotter in Missouri shows a bizarre circular UFO that appears to sport glowing spikes. The intriguing video was reportedly filmed over the summer in the community of Festus, but only surfaced online last week. According to the individual who recorded the footage, they work for the National Weather Service and "during the off-season, I like to shoot slow motion video" of lightning storms, which is how they happened to capture the curious object on that particular night.

In the video, a faint glowing circle that appears almost dome-like can be seen just beneath some clouds in the night sky. Suddenly, the anomaly seemingly collapses in on itself to become a ball of light which then dips down and then flies upwards out of the scene. An enhanced version of the footage provides a clearer view of the suspected UFO, which somewhat resembles the spike-covered Medieval weapon known as a morning star. After reviewing the footage from that evening, the witness "realized that I had captured something on video that I can not explain" and subsequently "asked my peers in meteorology what they think it is and no one has an answer."

As for what the weird object could be, some UFO enthusiasts have suggested that the anomaly could be an alien craft of some kind and that perhaps it was drawn to the area by the unfolding storm. More skeptical observers, however, argue that the 'craft' could be a light projection emanating from the ground below or, failing that, a reflection created by the person behind the camera, either on purpose in order to pull off a UFO hoax or by accident when they were adjusting their equipment.


I know what that is.
He was shooting through glass window and that's a reflection of something. It can be either accidental or deliberate. But when you look at it "the object" has no discernible relationship with anything on the outside of the window: object didn't go behind clouds, object didn't cast its light on trees or ground etc.
Contrary to the expectation of an outside flying object, "the object" follows typical rotations associated with human body. Both limbs and torso rotate around various joints in our body and "the object" smoothly follows one of such arks.

Creepy Green Light

Don't mistake lack of talent for genius
Regarding the U.S. Navy "go fast" UFO footage; the very first thing that came to mind is that it is a missile such as an AGM-84 Harpoon that skims over the surface of the ocean at subsonic speed (or another type of missile). I'm including the go fast video & then a video of a Harpoon missile being filmed by a chase plane for comparison. Who knows what the object actually is but I instantly thought of the Harpoon;

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUrTsrhVce4

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxpwIsZCgtM



Too still for a balloon imo? ... Don't really know what it is? ... Drone? .. Blimp?... Genuine Flying Saucer? ... not sure?? ... but it did instantly remind me of one of the most celebrated [and still undebunked] picture series from 65 years ago...

...The Trindade UFO pictures of January 18 1958... famously taken by Almiro Baraúna in the presence of many reliable witnesses, investigated to-death ... and despite the false rantings of the unreasonably-religious-debunkers , has never been debunked!
... what do you guys think?



As Above So Below

Too still for a balloon imo? ... Don't really know what it is? ... Drone? .. Blimp?... Genuine Flying Saucer? ... not sure?? ... but it did instantly remind me of one of the most celebrated [and still undebunked] picture series from 65 years ago...

...The Trindade UFO pictures of January 18 1958... famously taken by Almiro Baraúna in the presence of many reliable witnesses, investigated to-death ... and despite the false rantings of the unreasonably-religious-debunkers , has never been debunked!
... what do you guys think?


Excellent find!...Hope you're doing well 1963, and what an amazing video IMO...To me this object recorded on video is too still for it to be a balloon, only technology could achieve this 'stillness' whilst hovering openly in the sky like that...I'm doubting its a blimp, could be a terrestrial made drone or an extraterrestrial vessel or drone...

I think you make a good comparison of this object with the Trindade UFOs, which i think the latter are genuine extraterrestrial vessels, no doubt in my mind...Is this new video showing a genuine alien object?...A good possibility IMO...
