UFO videos



View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7Qeq2OQt1M

"Witness description: "Approximately 1:15 a.m. July 4th. I was observing the mega/thunder moon we were having that night. This is the first chance I have had to use my telescope so far this summer. While I was setting up I heard a HUM noise from where I thought was coming from the neighbours house. I dismissed the noise because at the time it sounded like someone's air unit had turned on. After about 10 minutes or so I noticed that the HUM noise was fading. Strange because air conditioning units shut off quickly and do not fade out noise. Soon after I saw an object through the lens of my telescope. It was round on the bottom half and had appendages or antenna on top. It moved fast and quietly. I tried to get as much recorded as I could. This marks the second unidentified object I have seen in the sky in the last 4 weeks."

I think that this video would have been a lot more impressive with the bonus of a little 'distance-perspective' ... for all I know this could just be a film of a mylar balloon passing in front of the moon at something like a mile or two in altitude? ... or then again, it could be a massive UFO closer to the moon? ... either way, I thought it looked cool enough to be posted here. ... what do you guys think? ... Balloon, Satellite , UFO or something else? :Thumbsup:


Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Stephen Diener is to release some new videos:


As Above So Below

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xmx-cdgcg7c

Beachgoer Filming Storm in Florida Captures Peculiar UFO Zipping Through Sky

A beachgoer in Florida could not believe his eyes when, while filming a storm developing off shore, he captured a curious UFO that zipped through the sky at an incredible speed. The remarkable moment reportedly occurred last month as Carmen Rich was vacationing in Fort Lauderdale with his family. Standing alongside his step-sister, Jennifer, as a thunderstorm erupted over the water, the young man decided to film the meteorological event with his cell phone. However, he wound up spotting something far more wondrous when a peculiar object streaked through the sky and caused him to exclaim "wow, did you see that."

"It was the fastest thing I've seen in my entire life," Rich later recalled, "and if it was going that fast, I figured it would be making some type of noise but it didn't." The young man noted that one can compare the speed of the unidentified object with a plane than was also in the sky during the storm and is traveling considerably slower than the anomalous object. Rich went on to recount how he immediately stopped filming after he saw the UFO "because I wanted to see if I actually did get it. I wondered if I was crazy" and indicated that "it was much bigger with my own eyes. The camera shows a light ball but in person it looked much bigger."

As for what the weird object could have been, Rich conceded being stumped by the oddity and mused that it could be alien in nature or perhaps some kind of clandestine technology possessed by the government. Regardless of what it was, the young man revealed that the sighting that him unnerved "that night I actually was scared" by what he had experienced. Since his unique vacation video was posted online, various theories have been offered for what was caught on film, ranging from the fantastic, such as an alien craft drawing power from the thunderstorm, to the prosaic, including a drone and a reflection.




View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xmx-cdgcg7c

Beachgoer Filming Storm in Florida Captures Peculiar UFO Zipping Through Sky

A beachgoer in Florida could not believe his eyes when, while filming a storm developing off shore, he captured a curious UFO that zipped through the sky at an incredible speed. The remarkable moment reportedly occurred last month as Carmen Rich was vacationing in Fort Lauderdale with his family. Standing alongside his step-sister, Jennifer, as a thunderstorm erupted over the water, the young man decided to film the meteorological event with his cell phone. However, he wound up spotting something far more wondrous when a peculiar object streaked through the sky and caused him to exclaim "wow, did you see that."

"It was the fastest thing I've seen in my entire life," Rich later recalled, "and if it was going that fast, I figured it would be making some type of noise but it didn't." The young man noted that one can compare the speed of the unidentified object with a plane than was also in the sky during the storm and is traveling considerably slower than the anomalous object. Rich went on to recount how he immediately stopped filming after he saw the UFO "because I wanted to see if I actually did get it. I wondered if I was crazy" and indicated that "it was much bigger with my own eyes. The camera shows a light ball but in person it looked much bigger."

As for what the weird object could have been, Rich conceded being stumped by the oddity and mused that it could be alien in nature or perhaps some kind of clandestine technology possessed by the government. Regardless of what it was, the young man revealed that the sighting that him unnerved "that night I actually was scared" by what he had experienced. Since his unique vacation video was posted online, various theories have been offered for what was caught on film, ranging from the fantastic, such as an alien craft drawing power from the thunderstorm, to the prosaic, including a drone and a reflection.



I would say that the "UFO" is in fact an internal reflection of the car's left headlight within the lens of the camera. Notice that the supposed object appears at a point in the frame that is diametrically opposite the headlight about a common centre.
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I would say that the "UFO" is in fact an internal reflection of the car's left headlight within the lens of the camera. Notice that the supposed object appears at a point in the frame that is diametrically opposite the headlight about a common centre.
Coincidentally, I saw these two Twitter videos in my news feed this morning, taken by different users, in an article about people complaining about the Twitter HQ's garish new illuminated sign on the top of its headquarters after the rebranding to 'X':

View: https://twitter.com/realchrisjbeale/status/1685353135236403200

View: https://twitter.com/VoicesByZane/status/1685641331551469569

They both show a similar phenomenon, where the illuminated 'X' is internally reflected and appears at an opposite point in the image about the optical axis.

There is of course the possibility that these are 'X'-shaped UFOs (or the same UFO) investigating the 'X' logo, trying to figure out why Elon Musk is co-opting their likeness.
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This is excellent. Some real UFO footage at around the 5 min. mark.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D7EwnG9R6t8

Hi Todd, thanks for that mate, I couldn't recall seeing that particular film at all and was curious as to the reason that it wasn't far more popular as a genuine piece of proof to fend off the naysayers? ... and after a little research on the clip I found out that the "staff cameraman at the local t.v station" that actually filmed the 'flying saucer' [while on a mission to go into the hills to record birds!] was in fact a man called Al Hixenbaugh .. which led me to a bit of a biography of the guy's plausibility [whether a hoax is likely or not] ... and have to say that for me personally it didn't take much delving to say that i'm 99% sure this guy is a publicity hoaxer! and that the film is almost certainly a fake. .... You might feel differently about the situation and might know something more than my quick and meagre research turned up, but here's what I found in those few minutes on google ... UFO Report

... by the way, here's the photo that he sent to NICAP 7 years earlier during the great Roswell/Kenneth Arnold -general 1947 UFO flap...

Cheers Buddy.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
There is better footage than the footage in that film though very similar; I've posted it before and will find it again. I'm unsure what else the object in the other film could be -- or how it could have been hoaxed.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
There is better footage than the footage in that film though very similar; I've posted it before and will find it again. I'm unsure what else the object in the other film could be -- or how it could have been hoaxed.
Bummer, can't find that post! Have to look when i am back at computer on Tuesday, and not just in my Kindle. The other footage looked vert similar, but much closer, and I'm not sure how it could have been faked-- from an old documentary. It was perfectly stationary but for rotation and a slight wobble. I wonder if it was filmed by the same guy. Harold Trudel has been labeled a hoaxer, because of some early film he took of a cylindrical object on Rhode Island that many people believe is fake. However, I think it's very possible that his later saucer pictures are real, and I've posted about that at length, before. I was in touch with his descendants and they believe his pictures are real and he was telling the truth. I also think the Heflin pics are likely real. I think it's possible that even UFO enthusiasts who may have hoaxed something in the past might eventually capture images of the real thing, though the bar for proof would have to be raised for them.
Thank you 1963 (Karl), for keeping us all on the straight and narrow with UFO cases! I am as susceptible as any other person to falling for hoaxes! For years I thought the Farmington picture was real! (I think the event was real). I am actually less critical and scrupulous about old cases, knowing that UFOs are indeed real, as i am not trying to make my mind up about them anymore.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Crud, looks like the video is gone:
The same footage was used by James Fox in one of his most recent documentaries.
It was fairly close and looked like the same object in the videos above by Hixenbaugh, and also from Kentucky. I don't see how it could have been faked, and it was totally stationary in the air, and also had a slight halo. Perhaps it was that same object that same day, at a different time, if both were from Hixenbaugh.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!

Case 683 -- July 7, Louisville, Kentucky: As in Birmingham on the previous night, numerous reports of aerial objects were made at Louisville and in other Kentucky areas during the evening and night hours. Al Hixenbaugh, a Louisville Times photographer, said that when three bright objects flew over about 10:15 p.m. CST, he took a five-second exposure of them, capturing two on the exposed plate. Described in his report as "fiery balls," the objects on film appear as long streaks, due to the five-second exposure (see reproduction).


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As Above So Below

Bizarre 'Buffering' UFO Filmed in New York

A peculiar piece of footage circulating online features a bizarre rotating UFO that some observers have likened to a buffering symbol. The weird scene was reportedly filmed in the "early hours of the morning" on July 15th by witness Kevin Gallagher near Barrington Lake in New York's Lewis County. Alas, beyond that, there is scant information concerning the strange sighting. Be that as it may, the footage is positively bewildering by virtue of the very unusual nature of the anomaly spotted by the witness.

In the video (seen above), a glowing object that resembles the letter C appears to be slowly rotating in place. Given the imperfect nature of the circle and the manner in which it spins, some have jokingly suggested that the anomaly is a glimpse of the sky buffering. Beyond that nod to the simulation theory, others have posited that the oddity is an alien craft manifesting from somewhere outside of our dimension. Of course, more skeptical viewers argue that the UFO could be a drone, some kind of projected light, or simply a well-crafted hoax.



As Above So Below

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UA3-Iechco

Odd UFOs Appear During Cosmonauts' Spacewalk at ISS

Cosmonauts conducting a spacewalk at the ISS may have had something of an interstellar audience as footage of the event features a peculiar moment wherein two silvery UFOs eerily appear out the darkness of space. The very weird scene occurred last Wednesday as Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin were reportedly dispatched to attach some debris shields to the space station as well as perform a test of an enormous robotic arm that had been created for the ISS by the European Space Agency. The somewhat high-profile extravehicular activity of the cosmonauts was streamed online by NASA as it unfolded, which is when some attentive viewers caught sight of the unusual objects.

Highlighted in the video above, during the spacewalk, a small silver object seemingly manifests out of nowhere off in the distance and is joined by another orb-like anomaly moments later. The pair of puzzling UFOs subsequently vanish from view a few seconds later. As one might imagine, some online observers have suggested that the oddities were alien in nature, since they remain in place rather than move through space as one would expect from a satellite. Meanwhile, more skeptical viewers argue that the objects are merely space junk or perhaps some kind of glitch in the video feed




View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UA3-Iechco

Odd UFOs Appear During Cosmonauts' Spacewalk at ISS

Cosmonauts conducting a spacewalk at the ISS may have had something of an interstellar audience as footage of the event features a peculiar moment wherein two silvery UFOs eerily appear out the darkness of space. The very weird scene occurred last Wednesday as Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin were reportedly dispatched to attach some debris shields to the space station as well as perform a test of an enormous robotic arm that had been created for the ISS by the European Space Agency. The somewhat high-profile extravehicular activity of the cosmonauts was streamed online by NASA as it unfolded, which is when some attentive viewers caught sight of the unusual objects.

Highlighted in the video above, during the spacewalk, a small silver object seemingly manifests out of nowhere off in the distance and is joined by another orb-like anomaly moments later. The pair of puzzling UFOs subsequently vanish from view a few seconds later. As one might imagine, some online observers have suggested that the oddities were alien in nature, since they remain in place rather than move through space as one would expect from a satellite. Meanwhile, more skeptical viewers argue that the objects are merely space junk or perhaps some kind of glitch in the video feed


Hi Nivek my old friend, hope you and your better half have fully recovered as me and my boy have. :Thumbsup:
On the surface, this is one of those extremely good looking possibilities. ... But then there is an awfully big scope up there in the vast unknown, and plus, you know all too well about man's capacity for deceit or even our own ability to be simply confused at what we appear to be seeing, and so for this reason I generally find it hard [these days] to even attempt to discern any validity before i've seen the evaluation of an expert or two in these matters. On this one, I don't seem to be able to find any, and so I found the original film that this small section came from ... here ... Watch 2 Russian cosmonauts conduct spacewalk outside ISS today ... and I spent an hour trying to find the exact piece of film that is presented as 'the UFO clip' and couldn't , [got square eyes and pact it in] .. and then I found this other 'replay video' of the same space walk which matches closer in film-tone to the 'UFO' film presented by THU , ...
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGBLP7vYqNM&t=13094s
but still couldn't find the exact matching section. [searched by visual and commentary means] ... I admit that I do not possess the patience to have these investigation skills lol ... but I did come to the conclusion that, as I had realised that the whole 6 hours and eighteen minute broadcast was actually filmed through the use of multiple cameras including sections from the helmet cameras of the cosmonauts [hence the slightly differential qualities of sections of this whole film... and that there are plenty examples of slight-smudge-related-glare-anomalies to be found in sections of the film at various stages [some a lot worse than others] that though the interesting section is relatively free of these anomalies, then this more prosaic explanation for 'the flying saucer clip' is a reasonable culprit.
... as always I could be barking up the wrong tree... but unless someone finds the 'exact section' that matches the [possibly enhanced] THU clip showing the same 'anomaly' then this is a satisfactory explanation for my feeble mind. lol.
... btw, here's another much shorter film from that mission that I think shows better what I mean by 'smudge-glare' from the cosmonaut's helmet camera. ....
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glZ7FgEkheA

Cheers Buddy.


My granddaughter excitedly couldn't wait to show her 'whacky-tin-foil-hat-wearing-old-grandpa' this video that's gone viral over on her beloved tiktok site....

View: https://www.tiktok.com/@ufoworld10/video/7261978875394067718?embed_source=121355059%2C121351166%2C121331973%2C120811592%2C120810756%3Bnull%3Bembed_fullscreen&refer=embed&referer_url=www.hitc.com%2Fen-gb%2F2023%2F08%2F01%2Funconfirmed-ufo-in-russia-video-after-warplanes-shot-them-claims-is-mind-boggling%2F&referer_video_id=7261978875394067718

... She was disappointed when I expressed my opinion that the "shape-shifting UFO" was nothing more than a flock of birds swarming in the late evening sky [most likely a murmuration of starlings] and being made to look anomalous by the fact that the sun is setting and the meteorological conditions of the flock being at an altitude that the light is making them to glow and look un-natural.... I pointed out that if she studied the video closely , that she would be able to see where the odd bird or two goes out of sync , and then quickly returning to to flock.
... Well guys, was I right or am I way off the mark and misleading my little gorgeous Daisy? [should the old fart apologise ?] :D
