UFO videos


As Above So Below




.... is this "yet another chancer boarding the gravy-train?" or 'as some of my fellow 'truth-seekers' suspect... further softening for the advent of "official recognition of what some of us already know"?



As Above So Below

.... is this "yet another chancer boarding the gravy-train?" or 'as some of my fellow 'truth-seekers' suspect... further softening for the advent of "official recognition of what some of us already know"?


Hello 1963, there's a discussion on this here in the following thread:

UFOs: skeptics, disclosure, and contact




Hi Todd, hope you're well mate. :Thumbsup: .... I see that you have posted this "great looking UFO video" that was lauded on the famous "Out Of The Blue" documentary... I too was impressed by this [possibly best ever] video of an actual flying saucer ... until I researched the source a little and found that it was the work of a man that was a well documented hoaxster ... Rod Dickinson ... whom previously and afterward was [now self confessed] the perpetrator of hundreds of 'Crop Circle Deceptions' ... both here in Britain and even abroad as far as New Zealand along with his 'team-mates' Team Satan/circlemakers , Crop circles debunked, hoaxed and faked by circlemakers ... and so unfortunately all credibility is lost for me at least and the video , though being classed as untouched film by the Hollywood-guy ... could just as easily have been a section of film from a planned anomalous-looking sighting of an intentionally misshaped helium balloon rising or even a deliberately distorted kite being flown to emulate the the scene of what is expected from a classical 'flying saucer event'.

Here he is with his long time partner John Lundberg in a 2004 article in which they boast of creating crop circles for money...

... Cereal entrepreneurs

Cheers Buddy.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Hi Todd, hope you're well mate. :Thumbsup: .... I see that you have posted this "great looking UFO video" that was lauded on the famous "Out Of The Blue" documentary... I too was impressed by this [possibly best ever] video of an actual flying saucer ... until I researched the source a little and found that it was the work of a man that was a well documented hoaxster ... Rod Dickinson ... whom previously and afterward was [now self confessed] the perpetrator of hundreds of 'Crop Circle Deceptions' ... both here in Britain and even abroad as far as New Zealand along with his 'team-mates' Team Satan/circlemakers , Crop circles debunked, hoaxed and faked by circlemakers ... and so unfortunately all credibility is lost for me at least and the video , though being classed as untouched film by the Hollywood-guy ... could just as easily have been a section of film from a planned anomalous-looking sighting of an intentionally misshaped helium balloon rising or even a deliberately distorted kite being flown to emulate the the scene of what is expected from a classical 'flying saucer event'.

Here he is with his long time partner John Lundberg in a 2004 article in which they boast of creating crop circles for money...

... Cereal entrepreneurs

Cheers Buddy.
Thank you! I had heard that about that footage too. I saw it some years ago I think on BBC and thought it was quite good; especially after it was stabilized. Sometimes even hoaxers might capture good footage, I thought, and I had never seen the footage analyzed closely and debunked, so I thought it still stood up. I had forgotten the name of the guy who took or apparently made the footage. I will consign it to the hoax bin.


As Above So Below
Someone posted this video on another site with the implications that what she possibly saw was an alien...To me she seems very deeply upset and scared, I can hear it in her voice, she is terrified and holding back tears...To me she is freaking out because she perceived something very wrong with a man she was sitting next to or near...Whatever she saw associated with that man was so wrong that she thought he wasn't real or human and wanted to flee the plane...I don't think she is on drugs making her see things, she seems coherent and clear in her demeanor and words, could it be aliens?…

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIuovQbsdX4



Someone posted this video on another site with the implications that what she possibly saw was an alien...To me she seems very deeply upset and scared, I can hear it in her voice, she is terrified and holding back tears...To me she is freaking out because she perceived something very wrong with a man she was sitting next to or near...Whatever she saw associated with that man was so wrong that she thought he wasn't real or human and wanted to flee the plane...I don't think she is in drugs making her see things, she seems coherent and clear in her demeanor and words, could it be aliens?…

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIuovQbsdX4


Woman on American Airlines Has Epic Meltdown and Demands to Be Let Off after She Thinks Passenger on Flight Is 'Imaginary' [WATCH]

Hi Nivek, fascinating catch there old bean. :Thumbsup: ... but in all truth I think that the possibility of this lady's tormentor being an actual ET is a very remote one in my humble opinion.
... It would be correct to say that I go along with your incline that the lady was genuinely scared stiff of something that she witnessed , and in this case it was clearly the fact that she perceived 'a person' that wasn't what he should have been.
... And of course the only person that knows exactly what she saw [or thought she had seen] is the lady herself. .. And though as time moves on and in the near future some other witness/witnesses from the neighbouring seats come forward and add a little more to the narrative, then we will only be abled to cast a little 'wild speculation' as to what upset the lady so much.
1. Sleep Apnea ... Was she asleep before she started kicking off?
2. Just a vivid imagination... Must have been very vivid imagination though?
3. Don't laugh, but possibly A Ghost... Aeroplanes have a rich history of ghost stories... e.g 1972, Eastern Airlines Flight 401 ... still always check that Ernest Borgnine is not on board when I go off on holidays. lol ... seriously though, 'haunted aeroplanes are a thing [if you believe in ghosts that is] ...
Anyway, the fact that even though the whole flight was delayed by hours because all of the passengers had to disembark and re-board, ... the scared lady was not hindered in her journey out of the airport , says to me that the security dealing with this thing did not believe that she should have been arrested for causing so much trouble [because of drink, drugs etc] and also thought that the lady was genuinely forced to act this way because of her own safety [for whatever reason] .
Very strange indeed, and again... good catch matey. :Thumbsup:
... here's a sample of those [no doubt terrifying] ghost on a plane stories. ... Ghosts on a plane? Scary stories of haunted travel

Cheers Buddy.