UFOnauts: What they look like...?

KL 123

Huang yanqiu, an ordinary farmer from china, experienced a series of inexplicable events. it is still unclear whether he had contact with aliens or encountered individuals with special abilities. in june 1977, on the twelfth day of the lunar month, huang yanqiu, who was only twenty years old and already engaged to be married, disappeared silently. the villagers searched for him for ten days but found no trace. later, it was discovered that on the second day following his disappearance, an urgent telegram arrived saying that huang yanqiu was in the mengu road detention station in shanghai. the telegram arrived within ten hours of his disappearance, even though the distance from handan to shanghai is thousands of kilometers, and huang yanqiu lived in a rural area, far from handan railway station. when huang yanqiu returned, his answers were inexplicable. he claimed that he had fallen asleep around 10 pm on june 12, and when he woke up, he found himself in a tall building in the city. he realized he was in nanjing, where two people who looked like "traffic police" gave him a train ticket to shanghai. when he arrived in shanghai, those two people were waiting for him at the station and took him directly to the deportation station. huang yanqiu disappeared for the second time on july 25, 1977. this time, he was taken directly to shanghai railway station and picked up by two people who claimed to be from the military. however, when he arrived at the base, those two people disappeared. huang yanqiu was later sent back. the third disappearance occurred on august 8. this time, huang yanqiu was taken by the two "traffic police" to travel around different cities, including lanzhou, beijing, tianjin, and shenyang. eventually, huang yanqiu returned home while he was sleeping. each time huang yanqiu disappeared, numerous witnesses and physical evidence appeared, and the time differences were almost impossible to achieve. therefore, scientists have been unable to provide a reasonable explanation to this day. after this incident, huang yanqiu did not have good luck, but instead suffered a great deal. his original engagement was cancelled, and he was not even able to retrieve his dowry. huang yanqiu underwent lie detector tests and hypnosis, and the results showed that he did not lie. during hypnosis, he recalled even more strange details. he claimed that when the two "traffic police" took him to other cities, they flew while carrying him on their backs, with one person carrying him while the other flew alone. huang yanqiu also claimed that he could feel the body temperature of the person carrying him and that he did not feel any wind during the flight, and the altitude was not too high.

This picture is based on huang yanqiu's recollection of the appearance of the two "traffic police" while he was under hypnosis. however, the identity of the person who drew the picture is unknown.
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Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Wasn't the earliest UFO photo of a cigar shaped craft? I believe it was from New Hampshire around 1871.
And here is an airship / UFO sighting of same type of cigar UFO seen during daylight in 1906:

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
Cigar-shaped UFOs with black bands:

Many cigar and some other shapes of UFOs have mysterious black bands visible on them:
http://www.examiner.com/article/multipl ... r-delaware

Also the well-known sighting:

'He concluded that it was not a reflection but an emission of light. With his binoculars, always at hand, he could make out a definite shape. The object was pointed at each end, and the horizontal to vertical dimensions of its body were in a ratio of about 15:1.[n 3] It was brilliant yellow, with a dark grey band enveloping it 1/3 from the right, like a band around a cigar.[2][5] With his 10x magnification binoculars,[3] he could make out that it bore no relation to a normal aeroplane. He took his glasses off to exclude the possibility of a reflection from behind.[5]' (Wikipedia).

Some others I've found:

'1967 - At 10:15 p.m. a 19-year-old teenager riding on a motocycle two miles north of Lacombe, Alberta, Canada was chased by a red UFO with a vertical stripe down the middle. It followed him two miles down a twisting country road. The motorcycle engine "coughed", but did not stall. He felt heat, and heard a loud whistle sound. (Sources: Lacombe Globe, August 23, 1967; Gene Duplantier, Saucers, Space & Science, Autumn 1967, p. 10; Mark Rodeghier, UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference, p. 36'

'Bethlehem: On March 9, 2010, the witness spotted a cylindrical shaped craft like a cigarette with a black vertical stripe in the middle. It was traveling slowly in the westerly direction as I sat in my car at a red light. It was a bright silver chrome, and it shone in the sun. I had a similar sighting on September 19, 2009. My son made a comment about the shape of the small craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS'

'Sighting 5. On June 12 of 1996 at 8:25a.m. I was in my back yard in Corvallis, OR, looking over a row of tomato plants. The skies were clear that morning, except for a few old contrails, and the sun was out. I happened to glance up towards the west for a fraction of a second and noticed what appeared to be a small airplane, but at first didn't think anything about it. However, a couple of seconds later I realized I didn't hear any airplane engine noise. Then I looked up at it carefully. It was moving steadily from north to south and appeared to be about a mile away. I couldn't see any wings or tail on it; it just had a cylindrical shape and was of a silvery color.
It was at about 30 degrees elevation, and knowing that its wings then may not have shown up well, I looked for them intensely (with 20/20 vision as corrected by eyeglasses), but still couldn't see any. And there was definitely no indication of any characteristic tail shape, just the precise cylindrical shape from fore to aft. Most peculiar, there was a single vertical stripe along the center of the cylinder, making it resemble a narrow capsule, horizontally oriented. Its length was around ten times its width, and its length subtended an angle about equal to the width of my little finger at arm's length.
The sighting lasted around a minute, before the craft disappeared into the near-horizon haze to the southwest as it approached a tree line. I had considered running inside the house to grab a pair of binoculars, but decided that would take a bit too long, including time that would be needed to focus them, before it would be practically out of sight. My wife wasn't around to call upon as a witness, as she had already gone to her part-time job. I glanced up and down the street to see if any neighbors were outside to yell to, but they weren't.'

And from another site:

'There have actually been large numbers, I believe, of UFOs that
have been passed off as aircraft because they resembled aircraft
in certain respects, but they were not because other aspects of
them did not resemble aircraft. One of my own sightings could
illustrate this. It was rather like a medium sized aircraft 1 to
2 miles away, just moving along steadily. However, it was
cylindrical shaped (horizontally oriented), without any tail
section and no wings either (which I intensively looked for).
And it made no noise, though small planes at a comparable
distance can definitely be heard in my neighborhood. And this
object had a single vertical stripe around its middle, rather as
a capsule is sometimes divided into two halves
. Now, some
ufologists would simply say: It acted like an airplane, it might
have been too far away to hear, and you just couldn't see the
wings and tail; so since it can't be proven otherwise, we must
call it an IFO -- and airplane. But that would ignore the fact
that its wings and tail would indeed have been visible if it had
been a plane, and an airplane would not have had only a single
pronounced marking on it of a stripe around its cylindrical
middle. A few weeks later Peter Davenport received another, qite
independent report, of a UFO of the same description just 20
miles north of where I live in western Oregon.'

I have a very, very, very hard time believing these aren't the same object, or same type of objects.


Nairobi (Kenya) Sunday Post, February 25, 1951


Captain Bicknell's Own Story


On a clear morning this week, the pilot, radio officer and passengers of an East African Airways Lodestar saw what they took to be a flying machine of unknown type high over Mount Kilimanjaro. What this machine was, where it had come from and where it was bound, no one knows.

Theories that it was a mirage, a meteorological balloon or the reflection of a normal aircraft have been checked and cross-checked and fallen flat. Highly coloured reports of the incident have been discredited. But the plain facts related by the crew of the Lodestar are themselves enough to baffle the sceptics.

The Lodestar was on the normal Monday morning (2/19) service from Nairobi to Mombasa. It left Nairobi West at 7 a.m. with nine passengers. What happened after that to best described in the words of the pilot, Captain Jack Bicknell and his radio officer, Mr. D. W. Merrifield, as told to the Sunday Post on Wednesday.

“At 7.20 a.m.,” said Captain Bicknell, "the radio officer drew my attention to a bright object like a white star hanging motionless about 10,000 feet above Kilimanjaro. My first reaction was to say nothing. We watched it for three minutes. Then we told the passengers about it. One of them had a very powerful pair of binoculars with him and he began to study it. In the meantime we put a radio message through to Eastleigh describing it. Eastleigh asked us to check whether it was a 'Met' balloon. I then examined it for several minutes through the binoculars.

“When we first saw it we were about 85 miles from the mountain. Our course took us nearer until we were about 50 miles away from the object.”

“Through the glasses I saw a metallic, bullet-shaped object which must have been over 200 feet long.”

“At one end was a square cut vertical fin. Its colour was a dull silver and at regular intervals along the fuselage were vertical dark bands. Its whole outline was clear and sharp and there was no haziness about it at all.”

“I watched closely for any signs of movement. It was absolutely stationary, and remained that way for 17 minutes.”

“The passengers took turns with the binoculars and two of them were taking photographs. Then it began to move eastwards, rising as it did so. It disappeared at about 40,000 feet.”

“We've calculated that in the three minutes of visible movement it covered about 60 miles. That gives you a speed of well ever 1,000 m.p.h.”

“Reports that it had windows or portholes are false, and so is the statement that we saw it rising to about 60,000 feet.”

“There were no cloud formations about at all. The machine left no vapour trail, and had no visible means of propulsion.”

Lockheed Lodestar Similar To Bicknell's craft

Asked if he had any theory about the nature of the machine, the radio officer, Mr. Merrifield said, "If it was a flying machine, it was 500 years ahead of anything we have today."

“My impression," said Captain Bicknell, "was that it was definitely a flying machine of some kind.”

“I would like to believe that it was some kind of mirage,” added Mr. Merrifield, “but I never heard of a mirage without cloud, and that wouldn't explain the movement.”

If this report had come from a few isolated individuals it would soon be discsunted. But it came from two responsible airline officials and nine ordinary travellers. Captein Bicknell took the precaution before landing of asking his passengers to sign a statement verifying his radio report to Eastleigh. It is undoubtedly the best authenticated of all flying saucer stories.
Now let us examine some of the mere plausible theories put forward to explain the phenomenon.

1. The mirage theory is discounted owing to the absence of cloud and the movement of the mystery machine.

2. A meteorological department official said that the giant Skyhook balloon used in America - which are the cause of many “saucer” stories - could not reach East Africa, as they burst after 30 hours in the air. In any case there was not even a remote resemblance to a balloon in the machine seen over Kilimanjaro.

3. The Air France Constellation in the vicinity at the time was moving in a different direction to the 'saucer' as the machine could not have been a distorted reflection of an ordinary aircraft.

So, hopes of a “natural” explanation begin to fade. Other theories range from Martian visitors to radio controlled secret weapons.

One day we shall know the answer to the flying saucer riddle. Until then any light on the subject would be welcome.

The July, 2015 issue of UFO Historical Revue has new details of photographic evidence of the sighting:


From The Saucers Speak by George Hunt Williamson

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My summary on Nazi saucer development and postwar survival.....

First and most important documentary on Nazi UFOs.

It all started with Marija Oršić from Zagreb (born 1895), medium and head of the Vril Group 1921-1945.


Her father Tomislav was an architect from Zagreb, and her mother Sabine, an Austrian from Vienna, was a ballerina. Maria had telepathic contact with the Arian race of the kingdom of Sumeran on two inhabited planets around the star Aldebaran 65 light years away from us.


The history of their interaction with Earth is summarized here.

"Around 500 million years ago the “light God people” started to colonize other earth-like planets, after the expansion of the sun Aldebaran and the resulting heat had made the original planets uninhabitable. It is said that in our system they first colonized the planet Mallona (also called Maldek, Marduk or – by the Russians – Phaeton) which existed in the area of today’s asteroid belt, then between Mars and Jupiter. Mars was next. The proof for a highly developed race on Mars is run by the well-known face on Mars and the pyramid city which has been photographed by the Mars probe Viking in 1976. It is assumed that the master race of Sumeran-Aldebaran then also came to Earth for a first visit, witnessed by the petrified impressions of a shoe found to be about 500 million years old, and squashed under the heel a trilobite, a little crayfish that lived then upon Earth and became extinct about 400 million years ago.

The Vril people thought that later, when Earth became slowly habitable, the race of the Aldebarans landed in Mesopotamia and formed the master caste of the SUMERIANS which were described as fair, white God people. The Vril telepaths also found that the Sumerian language was not only identical with that of the German and that the language frequently of German and Sumerian-Aldebaranian were almost identical.”

And a shoe print with trilobites about 500 million years old is a possible confirmation of this data.

Contactee Martin Weisengrun (pseudonym) also confirms the Arian race from Aldebaran. Here is Martin’s contact in brief, but it is definitely better to read the whole book. This book gives the true history of mankind. The book describes two races of early humans, one black who lived near the sea, they had huts, showers, clothes, cooked etc and traded with light brown forest dwellers who were nomads and had nothing but probably basic weapons, while later they also made fire, and built houses, etc. Here is a clip from the book with more details. It was also shown to Martin that an androgynous race from outer space, by mixing its genes with the genes of the black race, created an androgynous hybrid man – and not from the first but from several attempts – to work in the mines of various metals, primarily iron, which they still needed for the plating of their spaceships. ships. Those visitors had their own cities and spaceports, etc. 65 million years ago an asteroid hit and destroyed most of life, only the hybrid race survived, and the two original races did not. The colonizers then left and the hybrids were left to fend for themselves. The book further describes the development of that early civilization through thousands of years, etc. And the fact that about 70 million years ago colonists from space created an androgynous hybrid is also said by Mission Rahma, Peru, one of the largest and most credible contactee groups in history. Everything fits perfectly, everything is confirmed from x sources, man walked with dinosaurs, and the first hybrid of man and race from space was created about 70 million years ago, but it seems that modern man is not a descendant of those early people (as Inner Circle says – Mark Probert).

From the information that Marija received from the people from Aldebaran, the entire German disk program was born, starting with the first model of the Jenseitsflugmaschine, abbreviated as JFM, translated as “machine for the flight to the other side”. JFM is described as follows

“The machine itself was disc-shaped with three inner disc plates within a plate-like fuselage and a cylindrical power unit passing through the center of all three plates. The central disc plate was 8 meters in diameter; above it was a parallel disc plate of 6 diameter, 5 meters, and below an equally parallel disk 7 meters in diameter.Through the center of all three disk plates ran a 2.4 meter high cylindrical drive unit which fitted into a 1.8 meter movable hole culminating at the bottom of the disk body to a conical top on to which is attached a huge pendulum with weights to stabilize the craft.”

JFM was tested for the first time on March 23, 1922. and the test was catastrophic, the aircraft literally exploded due to enormous centrifugal forces.

From JFM came the next model RFZ-1 (RundFlugZeug meaning “round craft”) which used a levitation drive developed by Dr. W.O. Schumann from the Technical Faculty in Munich, who worked at JFM from 1922-1934. The first test of the RFZ-1 took place in 1934 near the Arado-Brandenburg factory, the aircraft rose very quickly to a height of 60 meters before it began to spin uncontrollably, after which it fell to the ground, pilot Lothar Waiz ejected in time.

After that, the RFZ (Vril) 2, 3, 4 and 5 models followed, then the Haunebu models, then the Andromeda Gerat, the 130-meter mother ship, the Vril electro-magnetic-gravitic drives and the Thule Triebwerks. The exact details of these drives are not well known, but it is well known that, like the JFM, they were based on counter-rotating electromagnets, with the fact that the Haunebu drive still used a chamber with ionized mercury.

The development of these spaceships was overseen by Himmler’s SS, specifically SS Technical Branch Unit E-IV (Entwicklungsstelle 4).

By the end of the war, the Americans knew the exact locations of 9 of these “Kugleblitz” factories, which they marked on their war maps with the symbol of the planet Saturn. This blood chilling truth is presented here in a satirical way.

The SS symbol is clearly visible at the bottom of the Vril disk. SS of course means Schwarze Sonne ie Black Sun and the symbol ᛋ is the Elder Futhark symbol Sowilo which literally means Sun and represents life force ie Vril.


FBI report by a Polish ex-Nazi prisoner about a 75-100 yard (70-90 meter) wide field propelled disc that stalled a tractor 500 feet away. This takes place in East Germany, 1944.


Pilot’s testimony which was first published in 1998 in Karl-Heinz Zunneck’s book and later in Hitler’s Flying Saucers, from which I quote. This happened in July 1944 near the Stettiner Lagoon on the border between Germany and Poland on the Baltic coast.

“The sighting in question was reported to the author, Mr. Zunneck, by Horst Schuppmann whose friend knew the pilot of the JU-52 in question. The date was July, 1944. [...] There in the hanger stood three or four very large, round, dark dish shaped metal constructions on telescope-like leg stands. The objects were about 6 meters off the ground and the objects themselves were 12 to 15 meters in diameter. The pilot compared the shape of the objects to a giant soup dish or soup plate. Suddenly, out of the half darkness a military guard emerged. The guard let the pilot know that he was in an area which was strictly off limits. In fact, the pilot was told, on no uncertain terms, to disappear immediately or this would be his last day on earth. […] Of course the question of what those objects in the hanger really were comes back to this pilot even after almost 55 years. The pilot personally attributes it to the so called “Magnetscheibe”, literally, “magnet-disk“. According to the pilot rumors of these objects circulated in pilot circles since the summer of 1944.”

More on SS discs starting with the first model Jenseitsflugmaschine aka “Flying machine to the other side”.



Furthermore, in Major Donald Keyhoe’s first book, The Flying Saucers are Real, from 1950, Keyhoe recounts a conversation with Mr. John Steele in question, who relayed to him information from an anonymous insider that the flying saucers of the British craft were made according to the Nazi originals, after the British confiscated all the models at the end of the war, including the German engineers who developed them.

He goes on to state that the English made the first plates in the summer of 1947 and that they had problems with remote control. He says that they moved the testing to Australia and the Pacific and then to the remote areas of Hudson Bay, Canada, from where they flew these remote radio/radar controlled discs around the world that they could temporarily lose control of when they got close to radar stations, and that they shared the secrets with the Americans at the price of secrecy and help tracking their disks when they fly over American territory. When Keyhoe asked him “How are they powered? What fuel do they use?” Steele answers him “That’s the one thing I couldn’t get,” “This man told me it was the most carefully guarded secret of all. They’ve tapped a new source of power.”

In the book UFOs Nazi Secret Weapon is the above-mentioned map with 9 locations marked with the symbol of Saturn where they built and tested their UFOs.

And in the same book on pdf page 81 is the account of a nurse who was told by a dying former security guard in the Nazi Air Force that they had “heat rays, strange new explosives and a new type of aircraft”, flying saucers, he told her about the New Germany on Antarctica and how the Allies attacked them (and this continued even after the war, Byrd’s Highjump, then Operation Argus – nuclear weapons “tested” in the South Atlantic in 1958, etc.) and how they transported people, equipment and supplies down in saucers and submarines, etc.

And then he conveys a quote from “France Soir” (which was not a tabloid but a serious newspaper) a year and a half after the “end” of the war (the war was indeed still going on but secretly) that a Nazi submarine stopped the Icelandic whaler “Juliana” and that the Nazi the commander demanded food supplies, for which he both paid and overpaid ($10 per crew member). This was further confirmed in Agence France Press on September 25, 1946. di writes “Continued rumors of German U-boat activity in the region of Tierra del Fuego (Feuerland in German), between the southern tip of South America and Antarctica, are based on real events.”.

In ’38-39, the Nazis sent the Neuschwabenland aka New Swabia expedition to Antarctica. More about the Neuschwabenland expedition with photos in the book above.

In these these articles where the Allies openly talk about smaller Nazi bases in Antarctica during the war, large enough to dock and repair ships and submarines, and about the Nazi expedition of 1939 in which they thoroughly explored Queen Maud Land previously claimed by Norway. The Nazis took about 16,000 aerial photos and mapped about 600,000 square miles, dropped flags over 230,000 square miles, so today we have locations in Antarctica like “Ritscher Peak” (over 4km high), named after the expedition captain Alfred Ritscher, so ” Schirmacher Oasis” etc. The Nazis allegedly established Base 211 in the Muhlig-Hofmann mountain, Neuschwabenland, aka Queen Maud Land although there are no concrete sources for this information. This Russian documentary with English narration is about Mission Highjump and Nazi UFOs.

Nazi underground base, location unknown


The area that the Nazis explored and declared Neuschwabenland, i.e. New Swabia, also includes Bunger Oasis, which Admiral Byrd’s pilot “discovered” 9 years later, 450 square kilometers of land and fresh and salty lakes without, ie with very little ice. The video shows an ice-free lake that they say is fresh water and 8 miles wide. Unfortunately, it is not known which lake it is. In that area, there is Algae Lake, also known as Lake Figurnoye, 9 miles wide, i.e. 17 km, thawed throughout the year. Antarctica has 14 million square kilometers, 4 million more than Europe and infinite resources, minerals and everything else. What did the Nazis lose and what did they gain? In the picture below Bunger Oasis taken in 2021, possible location of Nazi bases/cities.

Byrd stated that the Bunger Hills are 'one of the most remarkable regions on earth. An island suitable for life had been found in a universe of death.’ Byrd also found a huge amount of coal in that area, enough for the whole world for many years, he said. And the Nazis didn’t even need coal when they had Hans Coler’s generator confirmed by British Intelligence. Byrd aborted the mission after 4 months instead of 8 with heavy losses, the official reason being frozen water. Byrd lost a number of planes and ships, and Vladimir Trezinski heard that Byrd’s planes hit invisible barriers and exploded in the air, meaning that the Nazis had already perfected forcefield technology in 1946.

Nearly 1% of Antarctica is permanently ice-free. And Lake Shield, the Vestfold Hills area, etc.

In the early fall of 1963, rumors began to spread that a nuclear bomb had exploded in Antarctica, and since no radiation was detected, it was believed to have exploded in the upper atmosphere or under the ice. The US government initially rejected these claims, but shortly after, the day after JFK’s assassination, the DOD admitted that it might have been an atomic bomb after all. Almost certainly attacks on Nazi bases.


There is also the testimony of Colotto, Peron’s right-hand man, about the meeting between Peron and Bormann after the war.

Thomas Cadett, a correspondent for The Times and the BBC, who covered the surrender of Germany and was the first to report from Hitler’s bunker reported on 9.5. for the BBC (audio recording here)

“They found the half burned body of a man with a lock of black hair on the right side of his face and a little black moustache. And they looked at him more closely and their (Russian) doctors came to the conclusion that it was, what they call, a bad double of Hitler and not Hitler himself. If that is so, then all trace of him has disappeared.”


In July 1945, Stalin declared that Hitler was living in Spain or Argentina, and so on. Nazis stole over a billion dollars in gold alone, a total of 100 billion dollars in value were stolen all over Europe! – most of which was sent through Swiss banks to more than 900 Nazi-established companies in neutral and Nazi-friendly countries, which were started by Hitler’s deputy Martin Bormann from 1943, a large part of this money ended up in Argentina, enabling a comfortable exile for Hitler and senior Nazis in the only country in the world that had its own Nazi party, more about it in Hitler of the Andes and the film Gray Wolf based on real events, thousands of tons of mercury for gravity drives that were transported from the 46 missing submarines, Vril and Haunebu disks, and simply moved to South America and Antarctica (and later, undoubtedly, the Moon – if this footage is real, what is an eagle doing on the wall of a mountain on the Moon) from where they continued to rule the world, i.e. they were the first and most advanced of the techno-magic elite to which the mil-ind complexes all belong larger countries that are a real secular power, the Illuminati, as Vladimir Trezinski used to say, but he did not invent the term.

And the book Forgotten Creators – How German-Speaking Scientists and Engineers Invented the Modern World, And What We Can Learn from Them by Dr. Todd Rider from MIT. A monumental survey of German science and technology 1800-1945, including their atomic bombs. The book has 5313 pages and 1.2Gb so it takes a few minutes to download.

The Nazis also made the first completely pressurized suit, basically a space suit. The picture shows Erwin Ziller, pilot of the Horten Ho 229 jet.

Few photos




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I am trying to find one case in which guy was taken inside a saucer and shown spinning crystal propulsion system and they programmed the crystals. They were spinning slowly and he asked can they speed them up, and ET said no cause if they did 200 years would have elapsed when he steps out of the craft. I am not certain if that was the case from the 60s in which craft landed on sand beach in California, am at the moment looking at Preston Dennett's youtube channel cause i remember he covered that case.

Todd Feinman

Forget the transporter Scotty..Full phaser spread!
I am trying to find one case in which guy was taken inside a saucer and shown spinning crystal propulsion system and they programmed the crystals. They were spinning slowly and he asked can they speed them up, and ET said no cause if they did 200 years would have elapsed when he steps out of the craft. I am not certain if that was the case from the 60s in which craft landed on sand beach in California, am at the moment looking at Preston Dennett's youtube channel cause i remember he covered that case.
This might be the one:


This might be the one:

I appreciate the attempt but no, i had Schrimer's case for many years, and uploaded his testimony to my channel.

Herbert Schirner1.jpg
Herbert Schirner.jpg


I already shared this one but it's worth revisiting.

Location. Volgograd, Russia
Date: August 8 1990 Time: evening

While Valeriy Vasilevich Krasnov was alone at home, watching TV the two aliens he had encountered before materialized in his room, right in front of him. This time, the alien man, communicated with the witness, while the woman studied the apartment, took water from the sink, looked inside the refrigerator, etc. The man said that they were returning to their planet and had come to say goodbye. He switched the TV and the fan off without touching them. He told the witness that his apartment was primitive that it had nothing to make life easier, nothing for comfort and suitable rest. After the examination of the flat, Krasnov then began asking additional questions. They told him that they knew the history of earth well and were constantly monitoring it, possessing huge number of “memory cells” and video material describing the history of the earth. They said that they lived in a binary star system. That their planet “Tats” was beautiful, with a population of 20 billion. It contained rich flora, beautiful lakes, rivers, and seas, with a large number of animals, birds etc, including representatives of the fauna found on Earth. They lived in large completely automatic flats and eat exclusively food from plants. Every year residents of their planet are medically examined. The people that are found ill are transported to their planet’s moon where a huge medical complex is located. Their dead are cremated and they do not have cemeteries. There is strict discipline in their planet and violators are sent to explore and study new planets. Their industrial plants are located underground. They have no religion but believe deeply on the “Council”. They will return to earth again in the year 2094. The aliens bade goodbye and vanished in plain sight.

HC addendum
Source: Gennadiy S Belimov, Anton Anfalov Type: E Comments: According to the contact data from other sources, the real name for the planet “Tats” is “Tio” and it is located near the Sun-like double star of Beta Canum Venaticorum, 27 light years from Earth.


Another case i already shared, in this one 200 years elapses just like in the contactee case i am looking for.

The story of Herla and the Fairy King

In Walter Map's De Nugis Curialium (1190) he tells the tale of King Herla, one of Britain's earliest Kings.

One day a small man rode into King Herla's court and claimed he was a king as well. In fact a king of many other kings. He proposed an exchange of visits and declared "I will attend your wedding and a year later you will attend mine." King Herla did agree and when his wedding was celebrated, the small king arrived with a large company of servants and a lavish entourage. They supplied everything needed for a perfect banquet, golden goblets and dishes and silken tents.

A year later he came back to King Herla and claimed it was his own wedding and Herla followed him to the small king's kingdom. The entrance was through a crevice in a cliff face. At first the way was pitch black but eventually as they moved down into the mountain it was lit by magical light and they entered a large room where the Otherworld's king's wedding took place. They feasted and reveled for three days and King Herla and his men were sent home with all manner of faerie gifts. Horses, hounds, hawks and hunting gear. A particular gift, given to King Herla himself was a small bloodhound and he was given specific instructions to never dismount on any account until the hound does first, of his own accord.

When back to their own realm and in daylight they came upon a shepherd. King Herla asked news of his queen. The man could barely understand the speech of Herla, for he was a Saxon. But at length he replied that there was indeed some story of a queen by that name who had been wife to a King Herla many many years ago, who, he said, "disappeared in the company of a faerie king at this very cliff and was never seen on earth again. It is now two hundred years since the Saxons came and took possession of this kingdom."

Herla, amazed at this news because he believed he had only been gone three days, almost fell from his horse. It was good luck he did not for some of his retinue who forgot the admonishments of the faerie king before, dismounted and as soon as they touched the ground, dissolved into dust.

Map goes on to explain that from then on Herla and his men were found to ceaselessly ride around Hereford at wild speeds, only at night. Locals called them 'the household of Herlethingus' which means "Herla's host." "Troops were engaged in endless wandering, in an endless round, in awestruck silence, and in them many persons were seen alive who were known to have died."

In the author of this tale's own lifetime it is said that Herla and his endless riding finally came to an end in the first year of the reign of Henry II. The last day the host was seen was one day in full daylight, the entire hose traveling like a living company, with carts and packhorses, baggage, hawks and hounds. There were both men and women among them. The local people were alarmed by their strangeness and silence and gathered up to attack them. But before they could muster, the host vanished on the banks of the Wye river.

Interestingly, in telling below little king is said to have red beard, very common for underground dwarfs.



Rick Hunter

I already shared this one but it's worth revisiting.

Location. Volgograd, Russia
Date: August 8 1990 Time: evening

While Valeriy Vasilevich Krasnov was alone at home, watching TV the two aliens he had encountered before materialized in his room, right in front of him. This time, the alien man, communicated with the witness, while the woman studied the apartment, took water from the sink, looked inside the refrigerator, etc. The man said that they were returning to their planet and had come to say goodbye. He switched the TV and the fan off without touching them. He told the witness that his apartment was primitive that it had nothing to make life easier, nothing for comfort and suitable rest. After the examination of the flat, Krasnov then began asking additional questions. They told him that they knew the history of earth well and were constantly monitoring it, possessing huge number of “memory cells” and video material describing the history of the earth. They said that they lived in a binary star system. That their planet “Tats” was beautiful, with a population of 20 billion. It contained rich flora, beautiful lakes, rivers, and seas, with a large number of animals, birds etc, including representatives of the fauna found on Earth. They lived in large completely automatic flats and eat exclusively food from plants. Every year residents of their planet are medically examined. The people that are found ill are transported to their planet’s moon where a huge medical complex is located. Their dead are cremated and they do not have cemeteries. There is strict discipline in their planet and violators are sent to explore and study new planets. Their industrial plants are located underground. They have no religion but believe deeply on the “Council”. They will return to earth again in the year 2094. The aliens bade goodbye and vanished in plain sight.

HC addendum
Source: Gennadiy S Belimov, Anton Anfalov Type: E Comments: According to the contact data from other sources, the real name for the planet “Tats” is “Tio” and it is located near the Sun-like double star of Beta Canum Venaticorum, 27 light years from Earth.

This story dovetails nicely with the "inquisitive" sort of MIB here in the states. They show up and proceed to ask very basic questions about how people live their lives, examine ordinary things such as kitchen appliances closely, and can control electronic devices without touching them. Sometimes they ask for food and water but don't know how to eat and drink.


This story dovetails nicely with the "inquisitive" sort of MIB here in the states. They show up and proceed to ask very basic questions about how people live their lives, examine ordinary things such as kitchen appliances closely, and can control electronic devices without touching them. Sometimes they ask for food and water but don't know how to eat and drink.

Parallels can be drawn, but there are many cases in which ETs are "inquisitive" not just MIB, asking how people live their lives, examine ordinary home appliances, can control electronic devices remotely, ask for food and water but don't know how to eat and drink and don't know how to operate simple devices for example a lighter (Bill Hamilton testimony) etc.

As for MIB I just uploaded Albert Bender & The MIB Mystery - Reptilians in Antarctica few days ago.

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Linda Moulton Howe's video this week had some really interesting info about aliens. She claims she has received the text from a private briefing Ronald Reagan received in March, 1981 regarding aliens who are interacting with humans.

She says there are five major groups: one is friendly, one is hostile and the other three are apparently somewhat ambivalent. The friendliest group is the Ebens. They have openly helped us and shared their technology with us. They use tunnels in space to reach earth. It takes them about 9 months to reach us from their home planet in the Zeta Reticuli system. They are the group who participated in the Serpo Exchange Program. Because their home planet has a desert-like environment, our contact bases were created in the US Southwest to make them more comfortable.

The hostile race (can't remember the name she used for them) is also relatively close to earth. She claims they are shape shifters who cannot be trusted.

Another interesting takeaway from her talk is that there is no proof that the Nordics are friendly. They may imposters simply pretending to be our "space brothers." Alien abductees often claim to see Nordics,which further diminishes their trustworthiness.

How are the EBENs the friendliest? By what measure? Even if we take the Serpo material at face value as fact they still don't measure up, not to mention that they probably lied about themselves and where they are/are from. Why would the human-looking ETs be less trustworthy? The shapeshifters are unable to fake an EBEN appearance.

She's being used, or she is willfully part of the whole scheme in using others.


One of many examples that altho most visitors are peaceful and friendly, there is also cosmic scum allowed to come here - altho the female ET was apparently not a total scum since she spared the witiness from giving forced premature birth in the end, but still they killed her baby, and from her house being burnt.

Location. Leningrad region, Russia Date: 1967
Time: early morning

Zinaida Volovoj (a young pregnant mother) was awakened by the sounds of engines revving early one morning and looked out the window of her small wooden house to see a bright yellow sphere hovering above the window of a house across from her. Suddenly the yellow sphere rushed towards her. She ran to her bed and covered her head and heard the sphere fly over the house. A week later she was again awoken by the sounds of motors, she looked out to see the yellow sphere hovering above the same location. She stepped outside to hear a strong voice say, "Look she has come out, she has escaped, we should leave today we have finished." Again the sphere rushed towards her and she ran into the house. The sphere then hovered above the roof and the witness ran outside again in time to see the sphere rise and vanished in plain sight. A couple of days later Zinaida was awoken by loud booming voices coming from outside her home. She approached the window and again the yellow sphere hovered above the house. This time the sphere is hovering closer to the ground and behind a window like opening she could see two persons. Zinaida steps outside her home. Minutes later three human like figures, 2 men and a woman come down from the sphere. These are described as tall, very handsome, and wearing dark tight-fitting coveralls, the aliens noticed the witness and the woman began speaking to one of the men apparently admonishing him for not "taken control of the witness and lulling her so she could not see us". The witness stood paralyzed staring at the aliens, unable to move. At this point one of the tall men, seemingly the older one approaches her. He speaks to the witness telling her that they have searched for humans for a long time but that we were not necessary for their survival since we lagged behind them in development. They simply study the humans and their "primitive" ways. He asks the witness about the source of two recent explosions in the area (mining operations) and at this point the woman intervenes and tells the man that the witness is far to young and does not know. She then turns to the witness and asks her if she knows, the witness is to stunned to speak. The group then confers amongst each other debating what to do with the witness. Incredibly one of the men suggested that they burn down her wooden house (!). But the woman thankfully rejected this suggestion. And mentioned that they had to go visit other locations and were short of time. At this point the younger of the men spoke and told the others that he had "influenced" the witness brain so she would be ill, using a hand movement the older man catapulted the witness back into her home and onto her bed. Her head was covered with a pillow and a blanket and she had difficulty breathing. She could hear the sphere directly above the house apparently spinning. She heard the woman say, "Lets search the cellar" and felt strong beams of energy directed towards her head and stomach apparently from the hovering sphere. By now the aliens had realized that the witness was pregnant and one of the men said, "let us make her give birth already" She felt increasing pressure on her stomach. But at this point the woman spoke, "Leave her alone she has suffered enough, we have to leave." The witness indeed gave birth prematurely soon after the incident and the baby died as a result of a brain hemorrhage. Before leaving the strangers spoke among themselves again, saying that it looked like the witness was feigning her death, which they found amusing. At this point all three aliens vanished and the sphere also disappeared. Soon after this incident the woman and her husband moved from the location to the Poltava region. She rarely spoke of the matter since very few people believed her.

HC addendum Source: Leningrad Commission for Abnormal Phenomena Type: E & F?
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