Greetings Nix
Greetings Anmak
While I'm willing to concede that the environments of many of our Solar system's bodies are not as entirely as harsh as they may be presented, it's not difficult but impossible to fake entirely habitable environments to seem like desolate wastelands or hellholes, especially for solar bodies close to the Earth like the Moon, Mars and Venus (but also those further out), and especially in this day and age, when complete amateurs can buy not only telescopes, but rent even higher tech telescopes from science institutions, help with data processing of various satellites and science banks and servers that deal with space and astronomy etc.
Your opinion is a popular one and thankfully 100% false. I understand such beliefs especially due to the fact most amateur astronomers can't see these things considering almost 400,000km distance and two atmospheres Moon looks totally washed out and grey and details are hardly discernible, but thankfully (for those with eyes to see), there is more than enough to completely dispel such illusions. Firstly Moon is not grey but INTENSELY brown as NASA's own footage shows.
Secondly, clouds have been observed on the Moon for centuries, it is all on my blog
Darwin crater cities Rheita crater city REPORT THAT UR DESTROYED SECRET US BASE ON MOONDate:1979 January 24, 00:00 (Wednesday) NASA employee leaves photos square shaped building on the Moon during …
It is not only possible but they have been faking entirely habitable environments to seem like desolate wastelands or hellholes for 60+ years.
Out of Earth bound astronomers only rare see Moon beyond the veils of dead grey lifeless illusion. One of them is JL Walson. Here is one of his videos clearly showing a city on the near side.
In addition to thousands of observations of clouds on the Moon - all reproduced on my blog above and already shared on this thread, there is this.
"As Apollo 8 orbited 70 miles above the lunar surface, with Earth in the background, it took images of the ground below. At one point in the NOVA program, a small, black object, tall and cylindrical, appears to be jutting from the moon. Just as it looks like the camera is about to pass by, the strange object seems to release a jet-like cloud. It can be described as appearing like a smokestack ejecting a puff of smoke. The “cloud” drifts to the right and then dissipates. Though the black object appears small on the screen, it would have to be hundreds or thousands of feet tall if it were indeed seen from such a high altitude."
L.E.M.U.R. Paranormal Investigations
If there was no atmosphere, the cloud would disperse instantly.
And this
And few out of countless quotes about observed clouds from
“Small whitish cloud”
“Nebulous appearance”
“Looked like a cloudy spot”
“Looked like a cloudy spot”
“Black moving haze or cloud”
“Cloud less intense”
“Conspicious bright spot. Also on 7th, absent on 8th. Cloud-like effect where light had been on 8th.”
“Faint, but unmistakable white cloud not seen before.”
“Gas cloud over it & its companion; everywhere else was fine detail”
“Fog in W. part of crater. Faint shimmer like thin white cloud”
“Traces of cloudiness on E. slope at 2115h.”
“G. Ward (a lunar observer for 15 years) observed an area just south west of Mersenius C to be blurred and in a greenish cloud. […] The observer checked other areas but did not see any similar effects. They also rotated and changed eyepieces, but this made no difference to the TLP.”
“2 faint clouds in the E. part of crater.”
“Fog in W. part of crater. Faint shimmer like thin white cloud”
“Odd, misty look as if vapor were in or about them.”
“Interior of crater had a cloudy apperance.”
“Light cloud or mist at edge.”
“Dense clouds of vapor apparently rising from its bottom & pouring over its SW wall towar Herod. He says no activity till day after sunrise & ceases a few days before sunset.”
“Variations in vapor column. Crater D covered.”
“Filled with pale luminous haze tho all surrounding features were sharp & normal. Walls also hazy.”
“Cloud rising from Fis marked.”
“Sudden appearance of white spot like a cloud. Moved across the crater.”
“Areas E. of Picard appeared featureless. Cloud-like patches.”
“Oval dark area near center, disappeared in 15m.”
“Enveloped in obscuring, cloud-like mist.”
“Obliterated by a hovering cloud. […] Wilkins saw burst of light and dust cloud.”
“Concealed by a dusky cloud. Appeared to be steam or smoke. No change in 1h. Following week no trace.”
“Gas cloud over it and it’s companions. Everywhere else was fine detail.”
“White gas obscuration. Moved at 20mph decreased in extent. Phenomena repeated.”
“Gas cloud. Motion.”
“Green color, yellow-reddish (over Demonax ? chrom. aberr.?). Diffused cloud seen outside disk over Leibnitz mts. in Cleostratus area.”
“Peculiar haziness in NE (ast. ?) corner of crater. Greenish-yellow tint similar to M. Crisium at FM. Central crater was clearly vis. N. wall showed no detail at all.”
“A kind of vapor cloud seen coming from S. pole, vis. intermittently.”
“Dark cloud covering Conon.”
“Very dark blue dark cloud moving W-E.”
“Think white cloud, intensely variable, faint bright shimmer on Plato.”
“Maroon color covering the ridge of Herod. Cloud disappeared after 10min.”
“Saw a bright, luminous, blue, misty cloud on the NE rim. Obscur. for 1st hr hen gave way to pink & features becam vis. Cloud was tear-drop shape. No movement to glow. Pink cloud glowed too. Very tenuous by 0130h. (Nakamura says there were no seismic events within several hrs. of this time). Another per- on saw it without being advised as to where it was.”
Etc infinitely.
Like i said most astronomers can't see Moon as it really is, not even slightly, even with larger telescopes. Moon is indeed densely populated, it has air, water, flora and fauna.
Citizen scientists have not only raised up in numbers (and ranks in academia too) but in the coming decades they will be crucial in detecting things missed by other scientists. This has been the case for many discoveries in the field of astronomy as well as planetary science. If things were as you said they are, many of the amateur observers would flood the science platforms with these findings. Anyone on this forum can check to verify this as being the case, you don't have to actually work in academia.
Most citizens do not understand anything just like most of so called 'scientists'. They have not raised up in numbers, they are 100% (one hundred percent) blind and deaf like they have always been. And that is why shadow forces can pass this on the left as reality while reality is the one on the right.
BTW what you see is 180km wide Lake Tsiolkovsky on the far side.
All space agencies, government and private - like for example ISPACE whose lander supposedly crashed (or rather it was shot down) from Japan below are joined in the hoax, it is truly the biggest lie in history of mankind. It is sad that i have to point out obvious things but notice that Earth is rich in color and contrast while Moon surface is 100% colorless, dull, contrastless and overexposed, everything and anything 100% airbruhshed.
And compare it with NASA's own Apollo frame (not edited in any shape or form). And you can see Earth is washed out by the Sun and Moon is brown, and full of contrast. BTW all the bright white areas are cities/bases, thousands of them.
Things are exactly as i claim, but no, most astronomers do not see or understand anything. Anyone on this forum can use their own intelligence and study the given materials and they will know things are exactly as i say.
I do agree on the notion of the secret space program. Another "concession" if you will. I do think we have unacknowledged bases on the Moon and Mars (probably elsewhere too, if it's also true that we have back-engineered alien tech that we now regularly use). If there are bases out there, they are probably mostly, if not entirely, situated underground. Not just because of the lack of conditions, but also to keep the clandestine element alive and afloat.
I have spoken in width and depth on the topic, they had bases on the Moon since late 50s as Helga Morrow whose father was a Paperclip scientist says
It was not much longer that they colonized Mars, this footage, supposedly released as April 1 joke is probably much more than a joke, and it is no accident that given date of landing is 22.5.1962. numerically (digit sum) 9.
and other planets, i have no doubt they have colonized other solar systems probably as early as mid-late 70s when their birds went superluminal (ARV Fluxliner etc). Speaking of which i will share one case i was never able to find again which shows that military has exchanged personel with ETs. As i shared it in Albert Rosales' fb group:
"Here is one case for which i sadly don't have any info to look it up. It was a circa 1h long interview on some channel on youtube 7-8 years ago with this contactee woman who by all my standards was genuine and i can spot a fake 'contactee' a km away with my eyes closed. Her name was staring with L and she had a blonde or light brown hair, but i can't remember more. So, some time ago she was with her husband on a small yacht cruising the ocean and suddenly this half black half white disc came out of the water. I am not sure what happened to him but only she went on board. They were humans like us but did not age nor die. They took her to their home planet which was completely covered with water, if there was land there was very very little of it. They went into a glass city on the bottom of the ocean. There she saw 3 Americans in their 20s who were taken sometime during WW2 , like 50 years before and yet did not age a day, they were able to observe their wives they left behind, now old women, but no contact was allowed. All they consumed was a glass of certain liquid a day, like thick water. She asked 'em why they stayed with the ETs and they replied "if you were given a chance not to age and die and all your questions you can ever think of answered, wouldn't you?".
She was also led to a normal looking office where she was introduced to a representative of US government, it was like a general, military rank. That is pretty much all i remember, i was looking for that case for a long time, never found it again."
There was no need to back-engineer alien tech (altho that did happen), it is all 100% Nazi tech just like American A-bombs were 100% Nazi A-bombs, using Nazi components, Nazi Uranium, everything. More on the blog
Death rays
Also bases are NOT mostly underground and there is no need to keep them underground to keep them clandestine either (as most naively assume), objects 10km diameter can hardly be discerned from Earth, let alone 10 meters.
I have by myself found these bases, clearly houses, on the far side in that part with slightly better resolution where the infamous red x appeared to everyone who explored it in 2013., all in one night i found all this. First one only is not the far side but some kind of base/observatory on a very very tall crater edge on the near side. All others are from noted far side area. Clearly, they are all above ground.
So no, they do not hide at all, conditions are similar to Earth. Truth is much different than you think.